Idorsia contract

contracts are for reps who cant get any other manufacturer to hire them. There is no advantage to working for any contract company.
That is not true. I can get many to hire me. I am currently employed and I just accepted another offer yesterday while waiting for Syneos. It is their loss now. Contracts are for many reasons, can be the geography, a change in pace, an opportunity to work with the main company, or just an option and more interview practice and that is always helpful. It is never a waste of time to interview, keeps you sharp.

Yes, #280 you have NOTHING else right now, so you will take a contract job. You will not stay if something else comes along.....

Syneos should want to attract and keep people even on contract positions. Maybe, I don't understand running a good business.

The recruiters think they're better than most! and could care less about the people. It's almost comical.

No one can tell you anything about the medication or have a plan "yet" (the DMs I've talked to). Have you ever launched a drug? It's tough! You better have a solid plan months before launch.

DM told me not to worry about plans~30/60/90, because we really don't know what the plan was.

Neurology/Psych/ you know who most people talk to when the can't sleep- PCPs and women- OBGs. What about Sleep Specialist?

I just think they have NO clue! Maybe Idorsia should have hired a co- promote like AZ, Pfizer, GSK to get this done.

I felt the same way about DMs. I'm not sure I would enjoy working with Idorsia. I only have six years in Pharma but they do not seem professional or together. From what I heard, the Area Manager asked one question to those they met. Why do you want to work for Idorsia? Really? After 4 interviews, we haven't answered that yet? I wasn't picked but I'm thinking that's ok. Good Luck to those that were!

I thought the interview process was efficient and well designed. My first was at 8am with the hiring manager and another local manager. It lasted about an hour and was very laid back. I waited about 15 minutes and got a call to come back and interview with the Idorsia manager. That lasted about 15 minutes. After being told I would hear something within 5 days, I headed home by 10am.

Not sure what everyone is bitching about. I thought it was great!

The jobs were offered on site. They told you that so if the #1 pick turned it down. Its ok, I understand lying or being lied to (for no reason) is not normal. Good luck there young buck.

Offer not made on sight, but received one business day later.

No info on company car. But assuming it'll be kinda like the rest...mid size sedan or small suv. No biggie.

Anyone able to negotiate base? Seems like there's very little difference what offering experienced vs not much experience.
Pretty low for a "specialty" role.
Shld be a good opportunity for the short term.

Offer not made on sight, but received one business day later.

No info on company car. But assuming it'll be kinda like the rest...mid size sedan or small suv. No biggie.

Anyone able to negotiate base? Seems like there's very little difference what offering experienced vs not much experience.
Pretty low for a "specialty" role.
Shld be a good opportunity for the short term.

Waiting for an offer. But I know people who got mid 90s. I also know some who got low 80s. All have experience so not sure what they are basing it on. It seems each manager has a max they can spend on their team and they are giving a high amount to some and low amount to others.

Waiting for an offer. But I know people who got mid 90s. I also know some who got low 80s. All have experience so not sure what they are basing it on. It seems each manager has a max they can spend on their team and they are giving a high amount to some and low amount to others.
If this is true information, it makes me feel relieved that I took another offer while waiting to hear back. It was a good move.

That is not true. I can get many to hire me. I am currently employed and I just accepted another offer yesterday while waiting for Syneos. It is their loss now. Contracts are for many reasons, can be the geography, a change in pace, an opportunity to work with the main company, or just an option and more interview practice and that is always helpful. It is never a waste of time to interview, keeps you sharp.
Clown, you're a rep. You don't need to be sharp to order lunch and follow a detail aid.

No, I think everyone basically received the same amount, or close to it! With that being said, I am not losing any sleep over a few thousands bucks.. For all who were extended an offer, good luck and I plan to make a decent amount in the bonus.

How do you get 'busted' for something like that? What does this even mean? Can you elaborate? Was the massage parlor illegal? Prostitution? Was it during work hours? What we do on our own time is nobody's business. Who busted him? Was he arrested? Is he considered dangerous? What exactly is the story? Is any of this even true, or is someone just out to get him who is angry about something? Lastly, if this is true and he was fired for something illegal or immoral, how do you even find a job after that? How do you explain that? It seems to be difficult enough these days to get a decent gig even with a spotless record and reputation, right?