Idorsia contract

ridiculous to compare reps only by their # of scripts without any consideration to market share, etc.. ..It's like comparing 40 yard dash times without thinking about who is running up a hill, down a hill, running in tall grass, or running on a smooth track surface. Just ridiculous. Some of the people they've let go are fantastic reps. ..And some of those left behind, are just mediocre. I've never seen such a thoughtless approach to running a business.

So, when you mean “let go”, like they asked you to resign? Or, are they just firing people left and right so that you essentially have to in a future interview, basically I was fired.
This garbage human waste excrement cesspool of a company should make scores of people just turn in their notice “just because” it’s eventually going to happen to a lot of us. It’s a shame we feel as though we need to be proactive in turning in a resignation before we get an invite for a teams meeting with our manager and HR. I swear if that happened there’s no need to even be on the call. Immediately resign so it’s “no I quit”, they didn’t fire me.

I was let go yesterday. On the group zoom call it was asked if this was a layoff and the HR person said "You can word however you want" but we are paid for a few more weeks, which is a plus for a contract company.

I think I speak for everyone when I say no one ever wants to work for Syneos again! Terrible, unorganized contract company. The meetings are exhausting and uninspiring. The expenses are Terrible.Take me back to a normal company who pays on dirt, and treats their employees well.
It’s a sweat shop for pharmaceuticals… it’s a shame Syneos used to be a good company. This is the most poorly run contract I’ve ever seen. Good luck to everyone out there. There are much better jobs than this one ….

Idorsia launches a new sleep aid. Gets a contract company to hire around 480 reps.(plus managers around 50)

The TV commercial run reps make contact with early adapter(drs who write new meds). The company does not like the results so lay people off.

Someone posted you got no samples if thats true mistake number one. Samples drive business.

No job before Xmas that sucks. Move on. Maybe the company will get a new contract.

They seem to be letting go people every few weeks… worst contract ever. This company didn’t even last a year.

Could not agree more. Worst experience in my professional career. I left a great company to come here based on lies. I feel so incredibly bad for other people who left perfectly good opportunities for this disgusting place.

We all were incredibly mislead. My Manger actually apologized to me for it. I wouldn't be surprised if they had a few lawsuits coming there way.
Haha…Yes judge other reps were performing much better than me but please tell me Syneos was to blame for my underperformance and not my poor lazy ass driving around to nowhere and whining every night on CaféPharma…ROFL

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Quviviq to be launched soon in other EU countries
Quviviq outlicenced to Simcere in China
Quviviq approval received today for Switzerland
Quviviq Phase 3 successfull in Japan, filing next year
Quviviq under review in Canada…

World class product, soon available all over the world….

Quviviq available in USA
Quviviq available in Germany and Italy
Quviviq to be launched soon in other EU countries
Quviviq outlicensed to Simcere in China
Quviviq approval received today for Switzerland
Quviviq Phase 3 successfull in Japan, filing next year
Quviviq under review in Canada…

World class product, soon available all over the world….

Quviviq available in USA
Quviviq available in Germany and Italy
Quviviq to be launched soon in other EU countries
Quviviq outlicensed to Simcere in China
Quviviq approval received today for Switzerland
Quviviq Phase 3 successfull in Japan, filing next year
Quviviq under review in Canada…

World class product, soon available all over the world….

Hey Superman, What other products have sold to call Q world class product and declare it best in sleep med in all classes. Nearly a 100 posts deep throating Q?

Haha…Yes judge other reps were performing much better than me but please tell me Syneos was to blame for my underperformance and not my poor lazy ass driving around to nowhere and whining every night on CaféPharma…ROFL

The problem is they judged the reps only by the number of scripts without any consideration to the commercial coverage, market size, or DORA segment size of their territory. It’s like comparing 40 yard dash times without adjustments for who was running up a hill, down a hill, or in wet sand. Everybody was given the same objective. I’ve never seen this before. Do they really think they have sorted out the good reps from the bad ones with such an approach?