Idorsia contract

Laid off is different than being fired.
If you are laid off because your territory is being dissolved then though you do not get severance pay, you can apply to other contracts within Syneos. If you are outright fired because you were caught doing something stupid, for example, then you cannot look for other roles within Syneos.

I think I speak for everyone when I say no one ever wants to work for Syneos again! Terrible, unorganized contract company. The meetings are exhausting and uninspiring. The expenses are Terrible.Take me back to a normal company who pays on dirt, and treats their employees well.

please don’t tell me another layoff…like combining territories

A 4 year contract yet they put people on PIP plans 2 months into selling and started layoffs before 1 year. Who does that? Scripts take time especially with an unorgaozrd company where the medication wasnt even in the EMR system the first 3 months.
I feel cheated and lied to. I also feel so bad for people who left other opportunities for this terrible experience. They promised samples which we dont have and promised we would be paid on dirt with we are not. Shame on this company.

“4” year contract? Could someone please explain why anyone in pharma, for any length of time, with any large or small pharma (previously)…run on sentences , I know….
Want to be here with ONE product to sell, when for the most part insomnia is just not something on the forefront of Doctors minds???
Moreover, is there anyone , anyone on this thread who has been on multiple contracts with Syneos….WHY WHY May I ask did you punish yourself for so long?!

I don't think it is Syneos. I have been on a few contracts before Idorsia and all of them were great! Not perfect, but nothing like this mess. I think it's more the client's fault. Idorsia is a start up who doesn't know what they are doing and didn't have prior experience doing it like an established company does.

I don't think it is Syneos. I have been on a few contracts before Idorsia and all of them were great! Not perfect, but nothing like this mess. I think it's more the client's fault. Idorsia is a start up who doesn't know what they are doing and didn't have prior experience doing it like an established company does.

How about Actelion they sold to Janssen? I agree it is not syneos but rather a plan idorsia had from day 1.

A 4 year contract yet they put people on PIP plans 2 months into selling and started layoffs before 1 year. Who does that? Scripts take time especially with an unorgaozrd company where the medication wasnt even in the EMR system the first 3 months.
I feel cheated and lied to. I also feel so bad for people who left other opportunities for this terrible experience. They promised samples which we dont have and promised we would be paid on dirt with we are not. Shame on this company.

A 4 year contract yet they put people on PIP plans 2 months into selling and started layoffs before 1 year. Who does that? Scripts take time especially with an unorgaozrd company where the medication wasnt even in the EMR system the first 3 months.
I feel cheated and lied to. I also feel so bad for people who left other opportunities for this terrible experience. They promised samples which we dont have and promised we would be paid on dirt with we are not. Shame on this company.

Yes I was one let go today from SF region. As much as it sucks i am actually relieved now. This place has been the most toxic environment I have ever been in. I took this job because of a downsizing at a company I had been with for 12 years. I was optimistic and had high hopes for Idorsia but it became clear after 2 week here that it was a complete shit show. I would never work for syneos again. They are just as bad as Idorsia. Get out when you can people. This train wreck is coming to an end sooner than later.

“4” year contract? Could someone please explain why anyone in pharma, for any length of time, with any large or small pharma (previously)…run on sentences , I know….
Want to be here with ONE product to sell, when for the most part insomnia is just not something on the forefront of Doctors minds???
Moreover, is there anyone , anyone on this thread who has been on multiple contracts with Syneos….WHY WHY May I ask did you punish yourself for so long?!

Yes I was one let go today from SF region. As much as it sucks i am actually relieved now. This place has been the most toxic environment I have ever been in. I took this job because of a downsizing at a company I had been with for 12 years. I was optimistic and had high hopes for Idorsia but it became clear after 2 week here that it was a complete shit show. I would never work for syneos again. They are just as bad as Idorsia. Get out when you can people. This train wreck is coming to an end sooner than later.

Yes I was one let go today from SF region. As much as it sucks i am actually relieved now. This place has been the most toxic environment I have ever been in. I took this job because of a downsizing at a company I had been with for 12 years. I was optimistic and had high hopes for Idorsia but it became clear after 2 week here that it was a complete shit show. I would never work for syneos again. They are just as bad as Idorsia. Get out when you can people. This train wreck is coming to an end sooner than later.
So, when you mean “let go”, like they asked you to resign? Or, are they just firing people left and right so that you essentially have to in a future interview, basically I was fired.
This garbage human waste excrement cesspool of a company should make scores of people just turn in their notice “just because” it’s eventually going to happen to a lot of us. It’s a shame we feel as though we need to be proactive in turning in a resignation before we get an invite for a teams meeting with our manager and HR. I swear if that happened there’s no need to even be on the call. Immediately resign so it’s “no I quit”, they didn’t fire me.