Idorsia contract

Looking at the facts of having 400 now vs 48X reps that launched tells a story but not that terrible. 6 months into launch and basically 4:5 are still here.
Nevertheless, Syneos bit off way more than they are capable of handling. It’s been embarrassing at best.
2023 will be very interesting. More of the same mentality. Work more and sell more so maybe you’ll keep your job.
They definitely got a great deal out of us $ wise.
I’m looking forward to “Jelly of the month club raises” come January. I’m sure they’ll be some excuse.

My manager informed our team by March Idorisa will transition Syneos reps to Idorsia reps. This is going to be great!

SHAME ON YOU IDORSIA AND SHAME ON YOU SYNEOS. THIS IS THE VERY WORST CONTRACT. Our pay, at the high end of 90,000 is a complete joke. This was supposed to be a “specialty” position. It’s an absolute embarrassment to say who we work for. I hope we can all find better opportunities in the new year because this one is the bottom of the barrel.

SHAME ON YOU IDORSIA AND SHAME ON YOU SYNEOS. THIS IS THE VERY WORST CONTRACT. Our pay, at the high end of 90,000 is a complete joke. This was supposed to be a “specialty” position. It’s an absolute embarrassment to say who we work for. I hope we can all find better opportunities in the new year because this one is the bottom of the barrel.

No “contract attorney” here, but generally speaking unless there are multiple exit clauses, a contract is binding.
If this is a 3/4 year contract—whatever. But to suggest anyone come over from Syneos to Idorsia, while it would be ideal, there’s the reason why it won’t happen.
Because it makes sense. Because maybe Idorsia would pay better. Because reps would answer to one company.
At this point , you might want to assume that the opposite will happen to anything we would want. Bet on it.

No “contract attorney” here, but generally speaking unless there are multiple exit clauses, a contract is binding.
If this is a 3/4 year contract—whatever. But to suggest anyone come over from Syneos to Idorsia, while it would be ideal, there’s the reason why it won’t happen.
Because it makes sense. Because maybe Idorsia would pay better. Because reps would answer to one company.
At this point , you might want to assume that the opposite will happen to anything we would want. Bet on it.

Agree, My manager says that Idorsia has the right number of reps after collapsing some territories, that being brought on as Idorsia reps will now be sooner than later (Q2).

Managers are blowing smoke up your ass just to keep you hanging on a little longer ..we were told we are being looked at and things better change or else..more micromanaging, more spreadsheets,more business plans....programs just to be canned. Wake up people ..Syneos made a fortune on this shot show and will never give up the gravy train.

SHAME ON YOU IDORSIA AND SHAME ON YOU SYNEOS. THIS IS THE VERY WORST CONTRACT. Our pay, at the high end of 90,000 is a complete joke. This was supposed to be a “specialty” position. It’s an absolute embarrassment to say who we work for. I hope we can all find better opportunities in the new year because this one is the bottom of the barrel.
Are you stil here, go get another job! Go find that golden opportunities. Don’t look at Novartis etc, they are cleaning up as well.

Worst experience of my career because of all the lies! Manager called in mid August to tell me I was receiving the email to improve #'s in 30 days, asked why I was receiving it because I was above the 0-5 scripts. He said company arbitrarily went back to the date of 7/22 for reps #'s. No real details in email on what was needed, when I pressed manager, he admitted that Joanna was presented with plan to reduce sales force by 30% but she wouldn't go higher than 20%. 45+ days after the 30 days was up, worked with manager and asked what was next because I had heard nothing! Manager said he had spoken with Phil and was told I should be ok because I had done everything needed-#'s were up, was doing 4-5 lunches a week and getting providers to programs. I asked my manger for additional geography be added to my territory so I would have more viable targets, since I had a 80% no see territory and additional geography/targets had been added to other reps in district who hadn't received the email. Then had to go to Regional meetings and everyone was expected to participate and be excited. Spoke with others at the meeting who had received email-moral was low! (found out later that company knew at Regional meetings, those who had received first email would be gone) Kept asking manager about additional geography-he'd just say-I'll follow up with that. Then get call from manager that I was getting the next step email from HR. After reading the email, which had no details in it, I emailed HR and my manager asking for additional information. Heard nothing back. Week later, emailed my manager again. Nothing until the next week when manager called to tell me I was going to be asked to resign or be terminated. Asked if I could be downsized because that was what it truly was. Manager said he would present that to Phil. Manager told me he found out there was never a plan for anyone who received the first email to get off the plan and everyone who received it was going to be terminated all along. Said only would be saved if had double digit growth, which he said was impossible and no one had ever achieved it. So the passed 3 months of HELL, working my butt off to save myself, was a joke to Syneos and Idorsia. After I had received my first email, my manager abandoned me, left me hanging, even made jokes to the district during this time about being fired. More weeks go by after hearing I was going to be terminated, then email from manager I had to be on call next day with him and Phil. Manger just read letter, then turned it over to Phil and when he did, I hung up. NEVER been treated so horribly, with such disrespect. There is no leadership and all lies. Am looking into Class Action Lawsuit. Have been told in discovery for a lawsuit, Syneos would have to reveal all their lies in the way they treated us. I hope no one else every has to to through this and be treated like this!

I have never worked so hard and gotten so few prescriptions along with being treated so poorly waiting when I would be next on the list to be cut in such a humiliating degrading unprofessional disrespectful manner . They just used us to get the company name out make some money until the other salesforce launches the hypertension drug. Best of luck for better opportunities in the New Year for us all!