Idorsia contract

It seems like every Friday they are letting people go ( 2 managers included)and we were told there is definitely a corporate meeting on Dec 5 for “realignment”whatever that means no one knows but we will be finding out soon. It’s like the Hunger Games ,... May the Odds be in your favor “ everyone

I was let go Fri a total surprise.! Was told my territory was deemed not viable and can get another gig w Syneos if one comes up..5% were told the same....How long will this go on for those left my guess is it's an ongoing thing .I'm relieved but good luck to all

I was let go Fri a total surprise.! Was told my territory was deemed not viable and can get another gig w Syneos if one comes up..5% were told the same....How long will this go on for those left my guess is it's an ongoing thing .I'm relieved but good luck to all

That is all the down sizing that is going to happen. We are now ready to be the #1 DORA in the market! People we are about to make history!

speaks to us like we’re children, horrible sales manager I have ever experienced

Are all those fired soccermoms still on this board bashing? Shouldn’t they be shopping @ Target and Wallmart and watch Dahmer on Netflix…