Sorry I've been busy using up vacation time, polishing the resume and figuring out how to pay the bills either the icky paycheck I'm still getting. Dud get a new pair of obits for Christmas. Should come in handy for wading thru things at the next meeting.

pay checks suck!! Stop hating us and our customers.
We only hate you because you're run by a bunch of arrogant, greedy bastards who sling money at customers and mud at everyone else in the industry. We feel bad for your customers. They're being robbed but don't know it. Buck a test back. Woo hoo. Don't worry you'll never see it though.

I walked out on my wife and kids to seek fortune and fame.

Now I'm rich but only famous for being a world class jerk.

Every night I go to sleep and every morning I wake up...alone. Always alone.

Well, at least I have money.

Happy Father's Day to me. I guess.

I am at an investment group and doing research into the employee culture at IDEXX. I would like to find out not only how IDEXX treats its employees and sales reps (which doesn't seem to be great) but also how employees treat one another.
Also if anyone has any other insights into this company's culture that they think are particularly interesting or pertinent that would be greatly appreciated!


Idexx had a good sales force (inside and outside reps who partnered with distribution reps from other companies like MWI, and Patterson. Idexx went Direct. On paper it saves 40-50 million a year. It also cut the distributors out, turning Patterson, Schein, MWI and other company inside and outside sales forces against Idexx. The company also lowered the pay and revamped its inside sales so they aren't well motivated to sell. More pressure is put on the outside sales force, since no one else sells the consumables but them. Inside sales are just order takers and former distribution partners are now competitors. The company over all is doing well, but their are losses in consumable sales. For example, Rapid Assay is down 1-2% from a year ago. The company is growing in other areas like Water and Dairy, and specialty lab tests, but going direct hurt the company in other areas, Snap tests, chemistry/cbc consumables.

Well said. Of course one must remember that not only did they cut pay they also raised their prices !! So the millions they saved....they decided wasn't enough....way to go to build employee morale and customer base.

They arrogantly dismiss the idea of the competition, but they are slowly losing the in house diagnostic business. They can afford to lower the prices where needed to stem the flow if that's what they decide to do..

Does d-bag GF still work here?

Of course he does.....

On side note, I love checking into this thread for some great entertainment reading. Since its been kind of slow, I found an other great thread about a company called Parnell. Total hot mess. Check out the one titled something like "for the benefit of anyone looking to work here".

I think GF and the CEO of Parnell could be best douche bag buds together. Oops, I mean BFFs.