Congrats on the Q1 earnings release, lol. Nice try on the fluff smokescreen about the performance, the street isn't buying it.
If you didn't cheat on your wife and leave your kids high and dry, there would be no need to delete these posts now would there?
His girlfriend was a sales rep when it began.....then a Boston area sales manager, now she works at headquarters. She got what she wanted then dumped him.
Look, start drinking or get laid or something, all this zipping around the office like a charged up robot just makes you weird. And it creeps me out.
Yeah, some legacy..........any success or achievement however unlikely, is destined to be tainted. Tainted with 3 children callously left behind, only to wonder where their father went and why he went there without them.
Maybe the money is worth it. Maybe not.
he is the Lance Armstrong of the Vet Industry!