His old friend is now sleeping with his wife.............No wonder his oddness has ratcheted up a notch. How embarrassing.
I guess that's what you get for screwing around on your family.

As we celebrate Father's Day, let's reflect as dad's all the ways and directions life pulls us and what comes of that.

Children are children but once. Our jobs will come and our jobs will go. Our money earned will be spent or lost and earned again. Our hobbies will wane and new interests come. But our children will be children just that once and in a blink they will no longer be children.

Don't skip the ball games, ignore the school plays or no-show the concerts; for there is no earning more, no re-do's and no going back. Failure as a father is the ultimate fail. This failure can never be corrected, you can never earn more memories like you can earn more money. Failure as a father stains you forever. Those moments can never be reclaimed and a failure here will define you for the rest of your life.

As we celebrate Father's Day, let's reflect as dad's all the ways and directions life pulls us and what comes of that.

Children are children but once. Our jobs will come and our jobs will go. Our money earned will be spent or lost and earned again. Our hobbies will wane and new interests come. But our children will be children just that once and in a blink they will no longer be children.

Don't skip the ball games, ignore the school plays or no-show the concerts; for there is no earning more, no re-do's and no going back. Failure as a father is the ultimate fail. This failure can never be corrected, you can never earn more memories like you can earn more money. Failure as a father stains you forever. Those moments can never be reclaimed and a failure here will define you for the rest of your life.

Well said. And so true. Screw the corporate bullshit and go give your kid(s) a hug or a phone call. You can't get back missed opportunities like that and there's no better commission. Ever. Period.

As we celebrate Father's Day, let's reflect as dad's all the ways and directions life pulls us and what comes of that.

Children are children but once. Our jobs will come and our jobs will go. Our money earned will be spent or lost and earned again. Our hobbies will wane and new interests come. But our children will be children just that once and in a blink they will no longer be children.

Don't skip the ball games, ignore the school plays or no-show the concerts; for there is no earning more, no re-do's and no going back. Failure as a father is the ultimate fail. This failure can never be corrected, you can never earn more memories like you can earn more money. Failure as a father stains you forever. Those moments can never be reclaimed and a failure here will define you for the rest of your life.

Well said. There are no do overs. You have one chance to raise your children. It is sad when you get divorced and someone else raises your children.

Idexx interviews: ridiculous!

The interview process was a joke! The recruiter lied and so did the hiring manager. The regional manager was the only one who was transparent. I came in "second" after 8 weeks of interviewing. The sales simulation was PATHETIC and I should have declined to move on then and save myself the time. The other reps I met seemed lazy and joked about how they are off by 2 pm everyday. I really wanted to break into this industry and am now interviewing with the competition but it does not sound much better!

Re: Idexx interviews: ridiculous!

The interview process was a joke! The recruiter lied and so did the hiring manager. The regional manager was the only one who was transparent. I came in "second" after 8 weeks of interviewing. The sales simulation was PATHETIC and I should have declined to move on then and save myself the time. The other reps I met seemed lazy and joked about how they are off by 2 pm everyday. I really wanted to break into this industry and am now interviewing with the competition but it does not sound much better!

How unfortunate. The recruiters have been outright lied to by or had stories changed on them after the fact by management so often that they've been reduced to human garbage disposals. Garbage in, garbage out. Must be a blast for them knowing they're mouthpieces spewing out the koolaid that's been poured down their throats.

The RM never should've told you what rank you came in. Either your hired or you're not.maybe that's their idea of "motivation". Have you called them back right away to grovel and promise ?

Any rep that would brag about an every day 2 pm quitting time is either full of shit, a total moron or a test to see what you'd say :)

But don't worry, no matter where you interview, the employees will be demoralized and pathetic shells of what they cold be if they or their conditions were better. The market is disgusting.

This used to be a nice company to work for. It's horrendous how bad things have gotten over the past 3 years.
Our former manager was demoted , and we now have an interim manager who is also the transportation supervisor. ( in charge of the couriers ) He knows NOTHING about any laboratory tests. He barely steps foot back in the lab. ( which is a good thing, he has no business being back there ) He is a complete bully, and curses, and badmouths employees.
I cannot believe they left this man in charge until they find a new manager. Good grief.
We need help in Florida, desperately.

This used to be a nice company to work for. It's horrendous how bad things have gotten over the past 3 years.
Our former manager was demoted , and we now have an interim manager who is also the transportation supervisor. ( in charge of the couriers ) He knows NOTHING about any laboratory tests. He barely steps foot back in the lab. ( which is a good thing, he has no business being back there ) He is a complete bully, and curses, and badmouths employees.
I cannot believe they left this man in charge until they find a new manager. Good grief.
We need help in Florida, desperately.

This used to be a nice company to work for. It's horrendous how bad things have gotten over the past 3 years.
Our former manager was demoted , and we now have an interim manager who is also the transportation supervisor. ( in charge of the couriers ) He knows NOTHING about any laboratory tests. He barely steps foot back in the lab. ( which is a good thing, he has no business being back there ) He is a complete bully, and curses, and badmouths employees.
I cannot believe they left this man in charge until they find a new manager. Good grief.
We need help in Florida, desperately.

Idexx used to be a great place to work. Used to be. In my region there are 6 new reps on our team over the last 2 years. 6! Our territories have been realigned 2 or 3 times in the last 18 months. Our Doctors are confused. G.F. should put on his boots and get in the field to see what it is really like. Getting rid of distribution was an awful idea. AWFUL! Everyone knows abaxis and heska are not superior analyzers but they are cheaper and they are tied in with distribution which is worth gold to small business owners. GF ruined the culture here. There are 3 people on my team actively interviewing at other companies waiting for another opportunity. That would mean more turnover. Doctors can't even get used to who their new rep is and then it changes. We are supposed to make beacon notes on activity and across the country I guarantee half the notes are garbage nonsense because that's what GF cares about. The FSR team is treated very poorly and very underpaid for the amount of work they do. They are paid hourly and my FSR chooses to stay in hotel rooms just so that she can get paid the hourly rate of travel because she doesn't make enough money other wise. So she stays in hotel rooms just for giggles. What a waste of Idexx money. Not FSR fault. Comp plan is garbage. VDC comp plan is crap too. Our goals are a complete mystery. At our last conference there was a discussion among a group of reps who believe the goals are BS and there is no rhyme or reason on how goals are determined. If you call comp research they can't even tell you how they get their goal. This person gets a goal of 6% and this person gets a goal of 14%. How is that fair? No explanation. Just "this is your goal, go get it". They have corporate accounts in our territories and there is little we can even do in those accounts but they are part of our goals. WHy am I being goaled on a VCA hospital? Makes no sense. Sounds like a class action law suit for the sales team. I've been at this company 7 years and I have never seen a turn for the worst like this.

Idexx used to be a great place to work. Used to be. In my region there are 6 new reps on our team over the last 2 years. 6! Our territories have been realigned 2 or 3 times in the last 18 months. Our Doctors are confused. G.F. should put on his boots and get in the field to see what it is really like. Getting rid of distribution was an awful idea. AWFUL! Everyone knows abaxis and heska are not superior analyzers but they are cheaper and they are tied in with distribution which is worth gold to small business owners. GF ruined the culture here. There are 3 people on my team actively interviewing at other companies waiting for another opportunity. That would mean more turnover. Doctors can't even get used to who their new rep is and then it changes. We are supposed to make beacon notes on activity and across the country I guarantee half the notes are garbage nonsense because that's what GF cares about. The FSR team is treated very poorly and very underpaid for the amount of work they do. They are paid hourly and my FSR chooses to stay in hotel rooms just so that she can get paid the hourly rate of travel because she doesn't make enough money other wise. So she stays in hotel rooms just for giggles. What a waste of Idexx money. Not FSR fault. Comp plan is garbage. VDC comp plan is crap too. Our goals are a complete mystery. At our last conference there was a discussion among a group of reps who believe the goals are BS and there is no rhyme or reason on how goals are determined. If you call comp research they can't even tell you how they get their goal. This person gets a goal of 6% and this person gets a goal of 14%. How is that fair? No explanation. Just "this is your goal, go get it". They have corporate accounts in our territories and there is little we can even do in those accounts but they are part of our goals. WHy am I being goaled on a VCA hospital? Makes no sense. Sounds like a class action law suit for the sales team. I've been at this company 7 years and I have never seen a turn for the worst like this.
I agree....this has been the worst years since I've been here.