Half of Marcom was let go a few weeks ago. GE was let go too. Inside Sales is just a call center now with Que's and such, no different than Time Warner. No commission anymore, pay is based on phone metrics. Outside Sales is a struggle because all of distribution is going against Idexx. Reps are tasked in setting 5 appts each day, 25 a week. Managers expect you to do your notes on the road, but thats not realistic, considering you have to be on the go all the time, so you get home and take an extra hour or two to do the notes and other admin work.

Yeah, brilliant move pissing off Distrubutors AND customers ! Loyal customers telling me once they use up the stockpile they bought thru MWI and Schein last year it's see ya later Idexx. They're definitely pissed about the thought of paying 100 bucks more for snap kit and having to deal with another vendor.

This may true, but wow, what a hate filled a$$hole you are. What kind of person post stuff like this? Why would you want to bring pain to someone (even if they have done bad things)? I hope the bad feelings you have brought to this man gives you the pleasure that you disered. I pity the sad person that you are.

What kind of are person are YOU? Perhaps the poster is tired of cheaters not facing the ridicule they deserve. If he cheated his family, he wouldn't think twice about screwing over his employees and customers.

Idexx has some of the highest turnover in the industry! They treat their reps like garbage and all you have to do is look around to see how long each rep lasts for. They only want to sell equipment and then tell you not to help the customer again and to only go back when you want to sell them something else. The old owners of Idexx would freak if they saw what had become of their company. The managers are morons and know next to nothing. It's too bad cause the products are good. I am a distributor rep and I am now training my 5th Idexx rep in 7 years. WHy are they all quitting?? Don't work for them- you will be miserable!!

Thanks for the post....these companies need to be exposed....perhaps they will change their ways after everyone quits on the same day. That would be an incredible move and easy to pull off....well, I am sure you could convince half to do it, as long as everyone had another job lined up.

When TJ D was there, he said outside rep turnover was 17%. Its more now with all the changes. Distribution has turned against Idexx. Nothing personal, just business. Idexx saves about 40-50 m on paper per year by going direct. Idexx is hoping its new inside sales center compensates to fill the gap in "relationship inventory management." Most of the call center empolyees hate their job though, so I bet their turnover rate is higher than for outside reps. A lot of seasoned inside reps have left alreadty, leaving Idexx with nothing more than noobs.

Aw, a cute little shout out to one of our very own!
Ran the Boston Marathon 3 years in a row! No mention of a supporting cast of wife and kids though, curious.

I can't help but notice the irony of all this running......while running away from a wife and kids.

Did you ever see the way he runs around the office. He looks like he is ready to snap or he
Moves so fast so he doesn't have to talk to real people.

Thanks for the post....these companies need to be exposed....perhaps they will change their ways after everyone quits on the same day. That would be an incredible move and easy to pull off....well, I am sure you could convince half to do it, as long as everyone had another job lined up.

You sound like a bitter distribution rep who lost 1K a month in comp and now spewing venom. Any luck selling hack baxis, or that other POS? No worries, flea and tick season is here so you will have something else to talk about, in addition to your specials on Kureig pods. IDEXX couldn't be better thank you very much!

You sound like a bitter distribution rep who lost 1K a month in comp and now spewing venom. Any luck selling hack baxis, or that other POS? No worries, flea and tick season is here so you will have something else to talk about, in addition to your specials on Kureig pods. IDEXX couldn't be better thank you very much! guys don't seem to realize that clinics WILL be moving away from your overpriced felv/fiv kits, analyzers, service contracts etc once they wake up and smell the coffee coming out of those Keurigs :) or read your invoices