Hybrid sales force

I read this entire thread and found it incredibly amusing.

My take is that it’s a solid opportunity in the wake of Covid-19 to launch a new product.

If you can’t appreciate and embrace the opportunity to launch something, that is unfortunate.

Absolutely no better way to learn and train yourself than taking on a challenging role.
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It’s a job be happy? BahahahaHa drone if you have to sell it, it’s not medicine. Just be honest with yourself this is purely a money play zero regard for the patients.
You clearly know nothing about pharmaceutical sales. Of course there’s older medicines out there that can treat the situation, but there are patients that will insist on the latest and greatest product to treat them. Sorry they went with someone else. Why not try mattress sales?
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You clearly know nothing about pharmaceutical sales. Of course there’s older medicines out there that can treat the situation, but there are patients that will insist on the latest and greatest product to treat them. Sorry they went with someone else. Why not try mattress sales?

hahaha patients want the latest and greatest? That’s true about their iPhones and hand bags not about their medicine FYI we will be coworkers. Unless these guys plan on a dtc campaign no patient will be going to their appointments demanding this.

Have you even read the PI yet? If you don’t know what you’re getting into you are an idiot.

hahaha patients want the latest and greatest? That’s true about their iPhones and hand bags not about their medicine FYI we will be coworkers. Unless these guys plan on a dtc campaign no patient will be going to their appointments demanding this.

Have you even read the PI yet? If you don’t know what you’re getting into you are an idiot.

BOXED warning should be pick diaper to work.

out of 545 patients (what a robust clinical study)

Diarrhea 91 (16.7%)
Nausea 65 (11.9%)
Abdominal pain 62 (11.4%)


BOXED warning should be pick diaper to work.

out of 545 patients (what a robust clinical study)

Diarrhea 91 (16.7%)
Nausea 65 (11.9%)
Abdominal pain 62 (11.4%)


If all you can see is the negative in this, and not the opportunity to be part of both a drug and company launch, then I hope you aren’t a fellow rep.

Let’s say it does only last 15 months, launch experience is great, and people understand the current Pharma environment.

Be positive, or find a different industry.
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If all you can see is the negative in this, and not the opportunity to be part of both a drug and company launch, then I hope you aren’t a fellow rep.

Let’s say it does only last 15 months, launch experience is great, and people understand the current Pharma environment.

Be positive, or find a different industry.

This will be a flop, no one will want it bc it’s too expensive, that simple. You’ll see...

Thanks negative Nancy, we get your point. Call me crazy but I am excited to launch a new treatment. It’s what you make of it. I’m a half full glass type.

no, you are just showing your lack of experience...
it’s not pessimism, these are facts!

don’t believe everything a recruiter or hiring manager tells you-they can be wrong and dishonest just like you!

how many years experience do you have? Seriously.

the good pharma jobs are hard to come by and extremely competitive (that’s why you couldn’t get one). Rare disease, oncology and biologics is where the money is.
This is not a good job and by the time you figure it out it will be too late.
Waste enough time with these shitty contracts that go nowhere and you’ll always be a shitty contract rep.
The reason management was so wacko about the interview process is bc they know this is a tough sale. Brand new-Life dependent drugs cost $400+ for a 30 day supply, that’s where they are copying the pricing strategy from.

yeast infections aren’t that important and 1 day therapy for $400 won’t fly, the thought leaders have already spoken and condemned brexafemme.
That’s why big pharma wouldn't touch this molecule-bc the juice isn’t worth the squeeze.
Wake up, don’t be so naive.

Thanks negative Nancy, we get your point. Call me crazy but I am excited to launch a new treatment. It’s what you make of it. I’m a half full glass type.

I look forward to working with the team Amplity built! Ignore those that have nothing positive to say. There are reasons these individuals are on this thread. They likely applied and were not offered the position or they have an ax to grind with the organization (i.e., disgruntled). They're also sadly unemployed and unable to find good work. Attitude and positive energy are everything. That said, I'm looking forward to July 19! Be a team player and together we'll achieve success. Cheers to the successful launch of Brexafemme!

I read this entire thread and found it incredibly amusing.

My take is that it’s a solid opportunity in the wake of Covid-19 to launch a new product.

If you can’t appreciate and embrace the opportunity to launch something, that is unfortunate.

Absolutely no better way to learn and train yourself than taking on a challenging role.

Well stated.

no, you are just showing your lack of experience...
it’s not pessimism, these are facts!

don’t believe everything a recruiter or hiring manager tells you-they can be wrong and dishonest just like you!

how many years experience do you have? Seriously.

the good pharma jobs are hard to come by and extremely competitive (that’s why you couldn’t get one). Rare disease, oncology and biologics is where the money is.
This is not a good job and by the time you figure it out it will be too late.
Waste enough time with these shitty contracts that go nowhere and you’ll always be a shitty contract rep.
The reason management was so wacko about the interview process is bc they know this is a tough sale. Brand new-Life dependent drugs cost $400+ for a 30 day supply, that’s where they are copying the pricing strategy from.

yeast infections aren’t that important and 1 day therapy for $400 won’t fly, the thought leaders have already spoken and condemned brexafemme.
That’s why big pharma wouldn't touch this molecule-bc the juice isn’t worth the squeeze.
Wake up, don’t be so naive.
Thanks Bitter Betty! We’ll be just fine without you! Buh-bye!!

Drug launches are a gamble even if it seems like a good one. I just came off a drug launch with another company that we were all hopeful for as well. But we could tell right away that it just wasn't going to last, even though it was a cool product. A year later, we were gone. It had a lot of the same problems that I am seeing with this one. So, I think candidates have a right to be concerned if they got hired. I don't think anyone is bitter. I think the writing is on the wall that this may not last more than a year. But it would still be great experience regardless. Just my two cents.

Drug launches are a gamble even if it seems like a good one. I just came off a drug launch with another company that we were all hopeful for as well. But we could tell right away that it just wasn't going to last, even though it was a cool product. A year later, we were gone. It had a lot of the same problems that I am seeing with this one. So, I think candidates have a right to be concerned if they got hired. I don't think anyone is bitter. I think the writing is on the wall that this may not last more than a year. But it would still be great experience regardless. Just my two cents.

Right, If it lasts a year, it lasts a year.

No big deal, and great opportunity.

Hiring managers worth their salt will understand launching a company and a drug isn’t a walk in the park.

Use this opportunity to grow, use it to challenge yourself, and hell if it takes off, use it to take the next step in your career.


Let’s do our best with this.

getting in on the ground floor is a great place to be if we make this drug successful.

I’m excited to start.

There are no bad products, just bad sales reps. They can’t all be Lipitor or Nexium. Sometimes you need to be a SALES rep, not a sample dropping caterer.

There are no bad products, just bad sales reps. They can’t all be Lipitor or Nexium. Sometimes you need to be a SALES rep, not a sample dropping caterer.

Right, no such thing as a bad product it never the fault of the people who set the price of the product, the ones who negotiate the formulary contracts or the marketing people who never actually do anything, it’s always your fault non gender binary sales”person”.

When I get a yeast infection I can
1) go right away to Walmart/CVS and buy Monistat for $10 and start treatment immediately. BTW, I have never even needed/chosen to go to my doctor to get treatment for a yeast infection, except maybe my first one when I was a teen.
2) call my doctor and try to get an appointment as soon as possible ("soon", haha- and don't forget the cost of the appt). The Dr will offer me diflucan for $7 or I can consider this new expensive product that will require a prior auth or copay card hassle.

Consider in a well published journal article "Single-dose oral fluconazole versus single-dose topical miconazole for the treatmetn of acute vulvovaginal candidosis" by AM Van Heusden:

Clinical cure or improvement (investigators' assessment) was obtained in 100% (short-term) and 95% (long term) of the fluconazole group and in 94% and 90%, respectively, of the miconazole group. Mycological cure was achieved in 98% (short-term) and 73% (long-term) of the fluconazole group and in 96% and 82% respectively in the miconazole group.

Most patients do well with traditional treatments. For a product that most likely will be third line, how many patients does that leave with a need to be treated? Some, but NOT many= HARD sell.