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How to handle bullying?

I'm being bullied by my DSM and colleagues, it's all behind my back where they gossip and say nasty things about me. What should I do?

Get used to it or quit. Or better yet, join in and form your own toady group. It is the AZ way.
Your DSM is expected to do this and will be rewarded if he or she is really skilled at it and promoted if they are better than most. Your peers will do this as a way to survive by joining in with your DSM they become protected toadies.

I'm being bullied by my DSM and colleagues, it's all behind my back where they gossip and say nasty things about me. What should I do?
Don't take the bullshit if it is affecting your job performance or if it makes it hard for you to do your job. GO to HR... Tell them you can not work for this manager... Severance pkg.. Best way to go.. I did it... $$$.. Move on

The biggest bullies are H.R. favorites. Do not under any circumstances go to H.R. for any reason unless you are ready to quit anyway and don't care what happens to you.

The biggest bullies are H.R. favorites. Do not under any circumstances go to H.R. for any reason unless you are ready to quit anyway and don't care what happens to you.
Total BULLSHIT! Everyone cares what happens to them idiot! Nobody should feel like their bullied! There is life after AZ fuckface! Make AZ pay!!

The biggest bullies are H.R. favorites. Do not under any circumstances go to H.R. for any reason unless you are ready to quit anyway and don't care what happens to you.

It has been my experience that going to HR is pointless. They always take the manager's side. It is best to just ignore the way they are acting or find another job where you will be surrounded by more mature people.

It has been my experience that going to HR is pointless. They always take the manager's side. It is best to just ignore the way they are acting or find another job where you will be surrounded by more mature people.

If someone has decided that you need to go then you will go. It is as simple as that and you will not have any recourse except a long drawn out lawsuit which will only black ball you from ever working a real job again.

You obviously do not work here. Bullying is expected by leadership. It is required to get promoted here. Nobody cares about you and your feelings.
you are correct!!... I don't work for AZ anymore, but worked there for 25 years. So I have experience with HR and leadership. Bullying should not be tolerated and I received a very nice package after going to HR when it happened to me. Nobody cares about you and you're feelings dumb fuck! Good luck with getting let go!

If someone has decided that you need to go then you will go. It is as simple as that and you will not have any recourse except a long drawn out lawsuit which will only black ball you from ever working a real job again.
Not true! Who needs a lawsuit? I didn't!.. Great severance package from AZ after going to HR!.. My manager was difficult to work with.... Total Dick! Keep yur emails to show HR. They will pay you lits of money because you will sign a document saying you won't cause a lawsuit.... They do it everyday!

You obviously do not work here. Bullying is expected by leadership. It is required to get promoted here. Nobody cares about you and your feelings.
You are correct! But I have extensive experience with HR and leadership. Worked for AZ 25 years..... After going to HR regarding my dumb ass manager..... Proved how I was treated!!... Great separation package!! Everybody in HR cared about me.. They even fired the Regional dumbfick manager .... Because it happened waaaay to much!

You are correct! But I have extensive experience with HR and leadership. Worked for AZ 25 years..... After going to HR regarding my dumb ass manager..... Proved how I was treated!!... Great separation package!! Everybody in HR cared about me.. They even fired the Regional dumbfick manager .... Because it happened waaaay to much!

Yeah right a "great separation package." You are full of shit because if you did you signed a confidentiality clause. Id'ing yourself with an HR complaint and your years of experience ID's you. You probably got a termination by mutual consent. Three months pay that's it. Who are you kidding.

Yeah right a "great separation package." You are full of shit because if you did you signed a confidentiality clause. Id'ing yourself with an HR complaint and your years of experience ID's you. You probably got a termination by mutual consent. Three months pay that's it. Who are you kidding.
Wrong!... I received full salary for 12 months....plus all bonuses... And retirement benefits.... Because I was 55!! Kept my AZ car!... They were shutting their pants because if I went fir the lawsuit it would've really cost them! Good luck dumb fuck!

And Jerry Stovall is gone

Talk about bullying culture, did you notice that the Hey Fran stream disappeared again with big Larry's name was attached to it. This backstabbing p.o.s. has been slamming Fran on CP and was finally outed. How sick is it that we have leaders in AZ who will us CP to try to save their job at the expense of their peers?

Talk about bullying culture, did you notice that the Hey Fran stream disappeared again with big Larry's name was attached to it. This backstabbing p.o.s. has been slamming Fran on CP and was finally outed. How sick is it that we have leaders in AZ who will us CP to try to save their job at the expense of their peers?

Fran knows about this and has for a long time.

There is no support from Employee Relations. That is the last place you should go unless you want a target on your back. The current director was well-indoctrinated by the former and you shouldn't expect any help from compliance either. Compliance is in the pocket of ER and ER is in the pocket of senior management. They are there only to protect the underbelly of the organization. Not that they always do that in the long run. Polish your resume and get some solid leads on jobs if you are going to complain. AZ has a pervasive culture of employee blame and like many cancers, it is impossible to eradicate.