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AZ: You want the truth? You can't handle the truth.

lets face the facts, AZ is moving people out and writing it off.... they appreciate your service but really don't give a fuck once you are gone

next time all you kool aid drinkin punks want to defend "oh they would never lay off" you should be more the wise.... its amazing that so many people didnt see it coming

the industry is over thanks to the healthcare reform.... just like when Hillary did this in the 90's and the industry tanked, so too is it happening again... 1 more year to go and that shit's coming to the country and then the final chapter of reps will be written

i'd bet money that in time generic companies will begin marketing their products and probably need people. the unfortunate thing is that they won't pay "brand name" salaries and likely tell you it's a take it or leave it job. With 20 million people out of work, you can bet it will be taken.

Welcome to the new world.... its going to suck bigtime for many many many years

Get ready to embrace the SUCK like so many of your fellpw Americans.

You talking about reality? Hmm? Y'all experts? Y'all know about Reality? I'd like to hear about it, potheads. Are you smoking this s#*t so's to escape from reality? Me, I don't need this s#*t. I am reality.

I get it!

Somebody once wrote: 'Hell is the impossibility of reason.' That's what this place feels like. Hell.~ Chris Taylor

I just saw this post sitting on 2,999 views and I wanted to make it an even 3000. Doing this one small and insignificant act was more meaningful than the last 6 years at AZ.

Tomorrow, I intend to tell my top account how I really feel about this outhouse of a company so I can go out with an iota of respect from at least 7 human beings that really matter in this community and truly care about the people in it. God, my DSM screwed them up soooo many times...the damage control was ongoing. It was simply retarded (my apologies to the mentally impaired because they are smarter and wiser than any DSM I've ever had).

Words can't possibly begin to capture the essence of how gutless, predatory and useless we all have been for allowing ourselves to be complete tools. Six years ago I would have nearly done anything for a buck, but now...."From the depths of my own hellish soul and fanned by the wings of Lucifer's dream team, I have discovered the wonderous beauty of humanity.". I will never again pimp my character for money.


PS, May this delusional, train-wreck of a corporate ponzi scheme evaporate into a heaping, bankrupt pile of maggot vomit. It's been real. Fuck astrazeneca and God bless America. We're gonna need it.

I get it!

Somebody once wrote: 'Hell is the impossibility of reason.' That's what this place feels like. Hell.~ Chris Taylor

Someone also wrote, "My Lord is a Plentiful Mountain," and "seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and all good things will be yours."

AZ seeks cash, and is ashamed of it, so it tells everyone it's "Patient Health First." This is an offense to the Spirit of Truth. Don't fuck with the Spirit of Truth.

AZ seeks cash, and is ashamed of it, so it tells everyone it's "Patient Health First." This is an offense to the Spirit of Truth. Don't fuck with the Spirit of Truth.

To the contrary, they aren't ashamed at all to send you into those offices...repeatedly...ad nauseum simply to make another buck. If there was any integrity left, they should be ashamed that those in control acted like our own government and squandered the plentiful spoils from the solid, research-based foundation laid by previous leaders.

More people than ever are seeking healthcare to help them live longer, healthier lives. Furthermore, the available marketplace has a global reach that far surpasses what was available 20 years ago so we can rule out not having enough customers as the problem. The current business model was a risky move that over-leveraged our R&D, just like Freddie Mac & Fannie Mae giving out risky home loans with no sure way of knowing if the clients could actually pay it back. If this was a war and guys like Tilton and Brennan were my Generals, I'd lay down my gun and head for the hills because this battle is lost and the war will soon be walking. AZ is dead; they just keep doing everything but checking for a pulse at this point. By the time these unrefined simpletons finish trashing the place, there won't even be much left to sell. You aren't going to believe the golden parachute they will leave with however.

Ashamed? Nah. Extremely selfish, greedy and short-sighted? Damn right.

I just saw this post sitting on 2,999 views and I wanted to make it an even 3000. Doing this one small and insignificant act was more meaningful than the last 6 years at AZ.

Tomorrow, I intend to tell my top account how I really feel about this outhouse of a company so I can go out with an iota of respect from at least 7 human beings that really matter in this community and truly care about the people in it. God, my DSM screwed them up soooo many times...the damage control was ongoing. It was simply retarded (my apologies to the mentally impaired because they are smarter and wiser than any DSM I've ever had).

Words can't possibly begin to capture the essence of how gutless, predatory and useless we all have been for allowing ourselves to be complete tools. Six years ago I would have nearly done anything for a buck, but now...."From the depths of my own hellish soul and fanned by the wings of Lucifer's dream team, I have discovered the wonderous beauty of humanity.". I will never again pimp my character for money.


PS, May this delusional, train-wreck of a corporate ponzi scheme evaporate into a heaping, bankrupt pile of maggot vomit. It's been real. Fuck astrazeneca and God bless America. We're gonna need it.

Hey Grasshopper. Smoke some weed dude and take a nap. Eat a peach. Watch Caddyshack. Masturbate to a classic 70's porno with a plot and characters. Put on Nick at Nite and watch Mash reruns. Or off yourself.