Does HR at AZ handle or hide problems?

I only have seen a suit against a DM work once and that was when all the female employees of a real dirt bag DM had been sexually harassed and we all filed a complaint. This was not AZ, but the guy was fired. That being said, HR is NOT your friend and will always side with the company and the manager. Anyone that makes a squeak is usually aced out of their job. It is not just AZ but any big company - or any company with 100 or more employees. Rule by bullying seems to be the motto at most places in the U.S. today. They can get away with it b/c our unemployment is so damn high. There are ten people waiting to take YOUR job for less money and all the bosses know it. So, who cares if they treat you like shit and you leave? No one.

It is also why our product quality now sucks. People have no loyalty and most people dislike their jobs. I bet productivity is at an all time low while work hours are at an all time high.

Fifteen years ago I had a pharma boss who would get in the car and smile and pull out a bunch of paperwork all about motivation and being happy at work. . . that SHE had down for US! One day on a long ride she gave me a personality quiz. The next day she sent me the results and said she wanted to focus on my strengths. She did. Every ride she would find something good to say about me and my day and those strengths. I do not think I ever heard her knock me down even when I had a really bad day. She had fifteen reps and we ALL loved her. We would have walked through fire for her. If she said work harder to hit numbers, we did. Her love of us was equally felt and the care that she took to develop each of us as people. These kinds of managers are gone now. It is rule by fear and intimidation - which works like shit, BTW.

People rise not to what you tell them to (as in bullying), but to how you feel about them. My boss cannot stand me. Every ride is terrible because of it. He is always waiting for me to screw one thing up so that he can criticize that and write me up. In the two years I have had him, I do not think he has complimented me once on a ride day. Would I walk through fire for this guy? Nope. Do I care about my job thanks to how I'm treated? Nope. Would I leave AZ in a heartbeat for another similar job? Yep. That is the culture. If these mangers do not PIP someone out, they are not considered worthy by the uppers of a promotion or raise. THIS is why the product launches ALL fail - it is not the products - it is how the people feel about working here and how their bosses FEEL about them. People who are treated like ignorant failures, will live up to it.

Thank you for your thoughtful post and for validating how I feel and I am sure, many veteran sales reps feel.

It doesn't matter how you feel. AZ is sailing for Niagara Falls. AZ is a foreign owned company. The USA doesn't give a shit -- even O'Bama -- about AZ.

The company will no longer exist as it does in a year.

I really don't think the US will survive another year, but it's got a hell of a better chance than AZ does.

Interesting thread. Lots of people managed out. Happens in all industries. In most cases your boss doesn't like you you're out. Sorry most states you are an employee at will. People that agonize over this and have breakdowns well sorry nothing personal get on with your life.

Now here is the truth. HR exists in AZ and other companies not to make sure things are fair and mediate disputes between people. They exist for one reason only. That is to minimize the companies exposure to risk. You're a white male under 40 and something happens the companies risk is low they will find something to get rid of you if it is true or not.

I know of a case where a manager commented during a managers meeting about the age of someone. HR was in the room. I watched the HR person. They put their head down and made believe they didn't hear a thing. Nothing ever happened. So if you have a problem with your boss you can fix it, you can leave or you can ignore it and they will fix it for you. Sorry but that is the real world.

Interesting thread. Lots of people managed out. Happens in all industries. In most cases your boss doesn't like you you're out. Sorry most states you are an employee at will. People that agonize over this and have breakdowns well sorry nothing personal get on with your life.

Now here is the truth. HR exists in AZ and other companies not to make sure things are fair and mediate disputes between people. They exist for one reason only. That is to minimize the companies exposure to risk. You're a white male under 40 and something happens the companies risk is low they will find something to get rid of you if it is true or not.

I know of a case where a manager commented during a managers meeting about the age of someone. HR was in the room. I watched the HR person. They put their head down and made believe they didn't hear a thing. Nothing ever happened. So if you have a problem with your boss you can fix it, you can leave or you can
ignore it and they will fix it for you. Sorry but that is the real world.

If you want to know how low this company can sink, look no further than the fact that they have some funky loser from H.R. who monitors and removes threads that challenge the company diversity stance. Our H.R. department is the least diverse department in our company with mostly minority females or gays. When was the last time you met a staight, white, male over 50 from H.R. ? Never because they don't exist.

If you want to know how low this company can sink, look no further than the fact that they have some funky loser from H.R. who monitors and removes threads that challenge the company diversity stance. Our H.R. department is the least diverse department in our company with mostly minority females or gays. When was the last time you met a staight, white, male over 50 from H.R. ? Never because they don't exist.

This is so true. I always get a laugh out of their diversity training programs because their idea of diversity is obviously based on gender or race. The one thing that we don't allow is diversity of ideas or thought. Some of the whitest people I have met are our African American managers.

HR is an extension of AZ management and works with managers to the detriment of subordinates unless something is glaringly out of whack. Nuff said.

I used to work as an Administrative Assistant in Human Resources several years ago and was eventually and happily transferred out. I can attest to the fact that several of the department personnel and the director at that time went on witch hunts and vendettas against those they did not like. This included conspiring to entrap people in investigative interviews, listening unannounced during phone questioning. They would put the phone on mute and coach the interviewer to change the questions if they weren't getting the answers they wanted.
This was done with glee and they would literally celebrate when they, quote, "Nailed the Guy."
I kept thinking, doesn't anyone think this is wrong besides me? They were not seeking the truth. They had determined the outcome they wanted and they simply filled in the evidence to fit their conclusion. I thought, how many lawsuits would result if someone like me spilled the beans on what was really going on.
In a few cases I knew the person they were attacking and they were good and decent people.

AZ has become a terrible place to work. Just look at this board to see how absolutely evil it has become. There is no justice, compassion or fairness, only greed and fear. Reading these threads makes me sick, the comments are like children on a playground taunting each other. Dante's Inferno on earth. Vile.

This is so true. I always get a laugh out of their diversity training programs because their idea of diversity is obviously based on gender or race. The one thing that we don't allow is diversity of ideas or thought. Some of the whitest people I have met are our African American managers.

You lost me at "some of the whitest people..."

Makes absolutely no sense.

As a sales rep, I brought a harassment case against my DM and had provide documented proof to the Area Business Center. I had my ducks in a row (with help from a DM who previously worked in the home office in Wilmington). The Business Center that I reported the incidence to desperately tried to trip me up and on the surface seemed to have any care in the world in trying to find out the truth. I ended up reporting the Area Business Center to Wilmington had harassment charges brought up on them too -- again under the advisement of a previous DM who worked in Wilmington. To make a long story short....I won my case and my DM was disciplined. What happened to me? I was realigned to different territories every other quarter and to different businesses until I quit. AZ seemed to determined to make my life hell until I decided to leave. AZ is a hell hole.

At least you tried and didn't give up. Good luck to you.

You lost me at "some of the whitest people..."

Makes absolutely no sense.

Let me clear it up for you moron. To be successful and promoted up the ranks at AZ you have to fit their mold. Your skin color may be different but you had better dress like the man, talk like the man, think like the man, and act like the man. There is no such thing as diversity in this company just get in lock step and don't challenge, question, or think for yourself.

I used to work as an Administrative Assistant in Human Resources several years ago and was eventually and happily transferred out. I can attest to the fact that several of the department personnel and the director at that time went on witch hunts and vendettas against those they did not like. This included conspiring to entrap people in investigative interviews, listening unannounced during phone questioning. They would put the phone on mute and coach the interviewer to change the questions if they weren't getting the answers they wanted.
This was done with glee and they would literally celebrate when they, quote, "Nailed the Guy."
I kept thinking, doesn't anyone think this is wrong besides me? They were not seeking the truth. They had determined the outcome they wanted and they simply filled in the evidence to fit their conclusion. I thought, how many lawsuits would result if someone like me spilled the beans on what was really going on.
In a few cases I knew the person they were attacking and they were good and decent people.

A lot of people knew what was going on and nobody stepped up to stop it. H.R. would acually go to a director or even a v.p. and prompt an investigation by making up claims against someone they didn't like. They would say things like, "we got it on from a reliable source that .......... is .......... Would you like us to check it out. Then they would go to sources close to their target who they already knew would stab them. These types of witch hunts were done many times.

A lot of people knew what was going on and nobody stepped up to stop it. H.R. would acually go to a director or even a v.p. and prompt an investigation by making up claims against someone they didn't like. They would say things like, "we got it on from a reliable source that .......... is .......... Would you like us to check it out. Then they would go to sources close to their target who they already knew would stab them. These types of witch hunts were done many times.

The director who was responsible for most of this is long gone. I hear all of the things about backstabbers and the culture that came from Astra but this happened under the leadership of a legacy Zeneca person. I am not saying it doesn't still happen but most of the department has turned over since then.

The director who was responsible for most of this is long gone. I hear all of the things about backstabbers and the culture that came from Astra but this happened under the leadership of a legacy Zeneca person. I am not saying it doesn't still happen but most of the department has turned over since then.

Astra didn't have a human resources department so this bottle blond fat ass got the job by default. They eventually found out she was dumber than a box car full of door knobs. The last I heard they had given her some bunker job where nobody had to talk to her. Good riddance.

Astra didn't have a human resources department so this bottle blond fat ass got the job by default. They eventually found out she was dumber than a box car full of door knobs. The last I heard they had given her some bunker job where nobody had to talk to her. Good riddance.

Wow dude you are going way back in time. You are correct though. She was so stupid that we used to ask her questions in meetings just to watch her choke on her own nerves.

AZ HR makes problems. They don't address retaliation or protect employees. If you raise an issue, they will target you and compliance won't help you either. It is a shell game and HR is only there to prevent lawsuits. They have a meaningless existence and have basically sold their souls. The employee relations department is ruthless and biased. Don't even go there. Just let them collect their checks and think they are doing something worthwhile with their lives.

Astra didn't have a human resources department so this bottle blond fat ass got the job by default. They eventually found out she was dumber than a box car full of door knobs. The last I heard they had given her some bunker job where nobody had to talk to her. Good riddance.

This has to be referring to M.L. oh yes, I remember her well. Now that was a real train wreck.

This has to be referring to M.L. oh yes, I remember her well. Now that was a real train wreck.
I used to work in H.R. and remember her as someone you could not trust. She was a master at only one thing, sucking up. Nobody could figure out how she ended up running our group for a short while. I heard that she finally got what she deserved.