Does HR at AZ handle or hide problems?

That would be true if we actually sold anything. PSSs haven't been actually selling since the 90s. All we do is deliver free lunch to the office cows and haunt waiting rooms waiting for sample signatures. So if PSSs don't sell then we don't need DSM to train and coach PSSs who will never use those skills. And if DSMs have no impact on customers then we don't need RSDs who are even more useless to customers. 0 + 0 + 0 is still 0.

Still disagree. Take a ride along with one of these folks who doesn't get it and see how you fare. They'll be expecting you to follow the marketing visaid to the letter along with challenges and hammer closes no matter your relationship, body language, or statements a physician makes. From their limited perspective and experience it should simply work.

Still disagree. Take a ride along with one of these folks who doesn't get it and see how you fare. They'll be expecting you to follow the marketing visaid to the letter along with challenges and hammer closes no matter your relationship, body language, or statements a physician makes. From their limited perspective and experience it should simply work.
There is a simple solution. When they challenge you to do what you know will only cost us business, challenge them to show you how. After all, if they know it will work then they should be able to show you how it is done. If they can't or won't, either way, you will have proven your point. They cannot criticize you for not trying something they are unwilling to try themselves. At meetings, ask one of them to demonstrate a call for you. Challenge them in front of their boss if you can. I know my DM and RD would both piss their pants. Hell, they can't even present slides with talking points without wilting into a puddle of nerves.

There is a simple solution. When they challenge you to do what you know will only cost us business, challenge them to show you how. After all, if they know it will work then they should be able to show you how it is done. If they can't or won't, either way, you will have proven your point. They cannot criticize you for not trying something they are unwilling to try themselves. At meetings, ask one of them to demonstrate a call for you. Challenge them in front of their boss if you can. I know my DM and RD would both piss their pants. Hell, they can't even present slides with talking points without wilting into a puddle of nerves.

Whether or not you prove a point and are viewed as a threat, it is very easy to fire someone in retaliation, although the reasons would never be reflected as such. Magnify the faults of a superior in this environment and you're likely asking for trouble. This is a place where managers protect managers.

Whether or not you prove a point and are viewed as a threat, it is very easy to fire someone in retaliation, although the reasons would never be reflected as such. Magnify the faults of a superior in this environment and you're likely asking for trouble. This is a place where managers protect managers.

If someone is trying to coach and evaluate me on a skill that they know nothing about then what good are they? Exposing them in front of their peers is lots of fun too. I know a lot of these managers and they love nothing more than seeing one of their peers challenged or embarrassed. They are more ruthless toward each other than any low life PSS.

If someone is trying to coach and evaluate me on a skill that they know nothing about then what good are they? Exposing them in front of their peers is lots of fun too. I know a lot of these managers and they love nothing more than seeing one of their peers challenged or embarrassed. They are more ruthless toward each other than any low life PSS.

But what about team work? Aren't they always telling us that we are a team and that teammates watch each others backs? We hear that while watching our bosses model the exact opposite behavior. I have worked for four pharma companies in my 20+ year sales career and I have never seen a corporate culture as bad as this. People are actually rewarded and even promoted here strictly because they spread false and destructive rumors about their peers and human resources is complicit in all of this.

But what about team work? Aren't they always telling us that we are a team and that teammates watch each others backs? We hear that while watching our bosses model the exact opposite behavior. I have worked for four pharma companies in my 20+ year sales career and I have never seen a corporate culture as bad as this. People are actually rewarded and even promoted here strictly because they spread false and destructive rumors about their peers and human resources is complicit in all of this.

This company is the epic survival of the fittest environment of its own making. To survive at AZ you must look out only for yourself. It is stab or be stabbed. So you must create damaging rumors about your peers who compete with you for your job and future jobs.
Lie, deceive, cheat, politic and ass kissing are critical activities. Actually working or being good at your job is optional.

This company is the epic survival of the fittest environment of its own making. To survive at AZ you must look out only for yourself. It is stab or be stabbed. So you must create damaging rumors about your peers who compete with you for your job and future jobs.
Lie, deceive, cheat, politic and ass kissing are critical activities. Actually working or being good at your job is optional.

The "perception" of doing a good job is what is important. Make your manager and district look good with best practices and participate in meetings so you will shine with your manager and CBD vs other regions.

In a stack rank culture standing out from your peers is the name of the game. You manager is playing the same game.

The "perception" of doing a good job is what is important. Make your manager and district look good with best practices and participate in meetings so you will shine with your manager and CBD vs other regions.

In a stack rank culture standing out from your peers is the name of the game. You manager is playing the same game.

The above poster got it right. Perception is key. There are those in this company who have the "halo" effect around them. They can do no wrong. Also, there are those who are "goats" managers talk about them and most are being managed out. They blamed for everything. The vast majority of PSS's are in the middle. The "under the radar" folks. You can give many examples of who they are. Now these three catagories exist in every job.

At one time...and I've been around a very very long time, people who spoke at meetings in a positive way and offered solutions to problems were welcomed and thought highly of. Over time this has changed. AZ is a perfect example of "the emperor has no clothes" school of management. If the "boss" who may have limited pharma experience in the US says lets do this. No one in the room will fight them. Oh what a great idea and other bullshit comments will ring through the room. There are many reasons why this company is dying. This is one of them. There are many more. Well who are you? A Halo, a goat or a person under the radar? Play the game. Give them what they want. Don't make waves and look for another job. Good luck.

The above poster got it right. Perception is key. There are those in this company who have the "halo" effect around them. They can do no wrong. Also, there are those who are "goats" managers talk about them and most are being managed out. They blamed for everything. The vast majority of PSS's are in the middle. The "under the radar" folks. You can give many examples of who they are. Now these three catagories exist in every job.

At one time...and I've been around a very very long time, people who spoke at meetings in a positive way and offered solutions to problems were welcomed and thought highly of. Over time this has changed. AZ is a perfect example of "the emperor has no clothes" school of management. If the "boss" who may have limited pharma experience in the US says lets do this. No one in the room will fight them. Oh what a great idea and other bullshit comments will ring through the room. There are many reasons why this company is dying. This is one of them. There are many more. Well who are you? A Halo, a goat or a person under the radar? Play the game. Give them what they want. Don't make waves and look for another job. Good luck.

The operative words here are LOOK FOR ANOTHER JOB. Our emperor will be the only one left to turn out the light in the restroom which will also be serving as his office.

You're not with AZ any longer, but you still come to this message board.

Hey, I do this too. Whenever I'm feeling down for any reason, I read some of these posts and remember how much better my life has gotten since I was able to leave this hellhole with a fat severance just when I had successfully interviewed for a job elsewhere. It's very uplifting! Sounds like you're a tad jealous that someone has managed to get out, so you're trying to make this person seem like a weirdo because they're curious every once in a while about what is happening at good old AZ, which is only human nature. I'm sure you'll do the same thing. Don't hate--nobody knows your pain better than we who have suffered similarly at the hands of the evil creeps and destructive culture at AZ.