How is everyone's job search going ?

Can someone please tell me how having positive attitude can create job to apply for if non currently exists in your area?:D

It is better than having a negative one. If you go on having that defeatist attitude, probably nothing will ver break through. You can either choose to be a professional and have a positive outlook or a desperate person that makes bad choices like leaving damaging messages on here that hurt other coworkers in the same situation. I may be out of a job, but I am not desperate. I turned down a job three weeks ago but I have two other companies I am currently interviewing with. Someone that appears desperate won't ever get a job at all. Employers easily see that.

It is better than having a negative one. If you go on having that defeatist attitude, probably nothing will ver break through. You can either choose to be a professional and have a positive outlook or a desperate person that makes bad choices like leaving damaging messages on here that hurt other coworkers in the same situation. I may be out of a job, but I am not desperate. I turned down a job three weeks ago but I have two other companies I am currently interviewing with. Someone that appears desperate won't ever get a job at all. Employers easily see that.
So you turned down the job offering from Jimmy Johns. Wish you luck with your interviews with Pizza Hut and Wendy's. How's that for expressing a positive attitude? You are a turd muffin.

So you turned down the job offering from Jimmy Johns. Wish you luck with your interviews with Pizza Hut and Wendy's. How's that for expressing a positive attitude? You are a turd muffin.

No. You are a shithead. Worse than a tied muffin. Why all the negativity and hate?? WTF man up or woman up or tans up and lose the fucking hate. Everyone who joined Sage did so with good intentions. And they were hired with good intent. Does anyone think that JJ and St leadership wanted it to end this way? Grow the fuck up and be thankful for the experience. It’s amazing how many who work in an industry that pays very well continue to be entitled and bitter. Grow the fuck up!" And if you don’t like it go get a real jov

No. You are a shithead. Worse than a tied muffin. Why all the negativity and hate?? WTF man up or woman up or tans up and lose the fucking hate. Everyone who joined Sage did so with good intentions. And they were hired with good intent. Does anyone think that JJ and St leadership wanted it to end this way? Grow the fuck up and be thankful for the experience. It’s amazing how many who work in an industry that pays very well continue to be entitled and bitter. Grow the fuck up!" And if you don’t like it go get a real jov
You're right. I've got tingles. There's nothing like a minimum-wage philosopher. Who'd you study? John Locke, Kante, or was it Marx? I cannot believe that you deliver coffee for a living! You have, certainly, corrected the abstruse. Thanks for putting us, the naysayers, in our places.

You're right. I've got tingles. There's nothing like a minimum-wage philosopher. Who'd you study? John Locke, Kante, or was it Marx? I cannot believe that you deliver coffee for a living! You have, certainly, corrected the abstruse. Thanks for putting us, the naysayers, in our places.

Happy to help fucktard

So you turned down the job offering from Jimmy Johns. Wish you luck with your interviews with Pizza Hut and Wendy's. How's that for expressing a positive attitude? You are a turd muffin.

No, but if you want to continue having that self-defeatist attitude then go for it. You're only hurting yourself. I am looking at senior pharmaceutical sales and reimbursement positions and in the final interviews for two right now. I choose to stay positive and grateful I have a severance. A great job is just around the corner.
I had a few of my friends not in the industry read this thread and they couldn't believe their eyes the level of immaturity and self pity. They also looked at a few of the LinkedIn posts by certain Sage employees. One is HR that utilizes LinkedIn daily to find talent. She read some of the posts left by some Sage employees. She has been in the HR recruitment industry for thirty years and she stated those people that have left desperate-like messages pleading for recruiters to help, damages their chances of landing a good job. Never come across as desperate.

FACT: Sage did us wrong. REALITY: We are jobless in an economy that is going into deep recession and we have bills to pay! Screw Sage!!

FACT: Sage sucked and we were all lied to from the very beginning, but Thank God we received a severance. REALITY: NO COMPANY truly gives a shit about their employees. NO COMPANY. When a company states "It's all about the patient," that is your first clue they are BS and they are lying. It is all about the $$$. We are all REPLACEABLE and AT WILL employees. They can fire you for any reason. There is no longer such things as culture, family, work/life balance, pension, etc. Sage could have easily given everyone their last paycheck and said goodbye. You can talk to anyone at any company and realize culture does not exist anymore.

So now you can choose to continue to be angry about it (They win) or keep a positive attitude that you will find a job. No matter what company anyone lands at, everyone has to come to the reality that the company doesn't give a shit about you individually. Play the game "Rah Rah go team!" knowing that it is all BS. You are there to do your job and collect your paycheck. We live in an environment where you cannot have confidence or faith in anyone you work with.

FACT: Sage sucked and we were all lied to from the very beginning, but Thank God we received a severance. REALITY: NO COMPANY truly gives a shit about their employees. NO COMPANY. When a company states "It's all about the patient," that is your first clue they are BS and they are lying. It is all about the $$$. We are all REPLACEABLE and AT WILL employees. They can fire you for any reason. There is no longer such things as culture, family, work/life balance, pension, etc. Sage could have easily given everyone their last paycheck and said goodbye. You can talk to anyone at any company and realize culture does not exist anymore.

So now you can choose to continue to be angry about it (They win) or keep a positive attitude that you will find a job. No matter what company anyone lands at, everyone has to come to the reality that the company doesn't give a shit about you individually. Play the game "Rah Rah go team!" knowing that it is all BS. You are there to do your job and collect your paycheck. We live in an environment where you cannot have confidence or faith in anyone you work with.


When you're stressed, it often takes a toll on your sleep schedule. Keeping a consistent routine can help. Get up and go to bed at the same times each day, even on weekends. Know your stress triggers and pay attention when you notice them flaring up.

While it's important to be aware of what's going on in the world, focusing on the bad news won't help your financial strategy or your health. Remember, you're in it for the long term! Good luck my Sagesters. #sagesucked

When you're stressed, it often takes a toll on your sleep schedule. Keeping a consistent routine can help. Get up and go to bed at the same times each day, even on weekends. Know your stress triggers and pay attention when you notice them flaring up.

While it's important to be aware of what's going on in the world, focusing on the bad news won't help your financial strategy or your health. Remember, you're in it for the long term! Good luck my Sagesters. #sagesucked

Wise words! Nice to see a positive message as well. It isn't all doom and gloom out there. Everyone will get another job. There are jobs available out there and there will be more soon.

Wise words! Nice to see a positive message as well. It isn't all doom and gloom out there. Everyone will get another job. There are jobs available out there and there will be more soon.

If you are so positive and concerned about everyone, why don't I send my bills to you and you then pay them?! That will relieve my stress and make me happy!

I am sad to see some of these messages on here. I also think the poster on here is a very, very negative person. I don't need that attitude either while I look for a job! Thankfully I am surrounded by people that have positive energy and know I will get a great job.

30 INTERVIEWS and no one HIRED! Yet another friend telling me she can not find good talent. My thinking is, if you interviewed 30 people and did not hire someone, maybe it's time to start looking in the mirror. The problem is many recruiters and hiring managers are searching for the perfect candidate. NEWSFLASH! - There is no "perfect" candidate. Give ex-Sage employees a chance!!