How is everyone's job search going ?

I'll wait to smack you first, bitch

Holy shit! Who are these dumb people? Clearly you have mental issues as it is obvious you left the last three consecutive messages in a row all posted shortly after one another. Are you the same idiot that posted on LinkedIn that you can't find a job and asking the world and recruiters why you won't be considered for certain roles? Your dumb ass comments hurt everyone and many recruiters commented what a stupid and foolish move that was. Your desperation makes everyone run and not want to hire you.
Holy shit! Who are these dumb people? Clearly you have mental issues as it is obvious you left the last three consecutive messages in a row all posted shortly after one another. Are you the same idiot that posted on LinkedIn that you can't find a job and asking the world and recruiters why you won't be considered for certain roles? Your dumb ass comments hurt everyone and many recruiters commented what a stupid and foolish move that was. Your desperation makes everyone run and not want to hire you.
While you have the right to post pompous and ignoratn comments, I challenge you to name one company that is ACTIVELY hiring pharma reps NOW!!! The industry is in trouble and rep hiring is the last thing on senior management's agenda!! Now take your silly arse back downstairs to mommy's basement.
While you have the right to post pompous and ignoratn comments, I challenge you to name one company that is ACTIVELY hiring pharma reps NOW!!! The industry is in trouble and rep hiring is the last thing on senior management's agenda!! Now take your silly arse back downstairs to mommy's basement.

YES THEY ARE HIRING!!!!! I'm not even the person you just responded to, but you are joking right? There are plenty of companies hiring! Amgen, Biogen, Sanofi, Takeda, Nestle, Jazz, Novartis Cardiology. There are many companies hiring and it is clear to everyone you are the same person that keeps writing these stupid messages. Get over yourself and stop the doom feel sorry for me messaging. So companies are ACTIVELY hiring right now.
YES THEY ARE HIRING!!!!! I'm not even the person you just responded to, but you are joking right? There are plenty of companies hiring! Amgen, Biogen, Sanofi, Takeda, Nestle, Jazz, Novartis Cardiology. There are many companies hiring and it is clear to everyone you are the same person that keeps writing these stupid messages. Get over yourself and stop the doom feel sorry for me messaging. So companies are ACTIVELY hiring right now.
No stupid. You're a pathetic know it all. Amgen is not hiring. Glad that you got canned.
No stupid. You're a pathetic know it all. Amgen is not hiring. Glad that you got canned.

I will then chime in. Yes, Amgen is hiring. My girlfriend just got a job in their bone health division and I know for a fact some of the Sage employees went for it. They also hired for their RA division as well. So can it, you know-it-all. I will definitely agree those companies are hiring and currently interviewing. What is your problem ass? Go online and see for yourself. You sound incredibly bitter.
I will then chime in. Yes, Amgen is hiring. My girlfriend just got a job in their bone health division and I know for a fact some of the Sage employees went for it. They also hired for their RA division as well. So can it, you know-it-all. I will definitely agree those companies are hiring and currently interviewing. What is your problem ass? Go online and see for yourself. You sound incredibly bitter.
Shut up. You dont't know shit. Amgen instituted a company-wide hiring freeze. A job being posted means nothing. Apply and see if they call you within the next two months for an interview. Go fuck yourself.
Shut up. You dont't know shit. Amgen instituted a company-wide hiring freeze. A job being posted means nothing. Apply and see if they call you within the next two months for an interview. Go fuck yourself.

I just got hired by Amgen but learned I’m in the last class training class until filling open positions resume. I interviewed on a Monday and by Thursday was e-signing allowing them to do a background check on me. By the following Wednesday got an offer letter. Went QUICK....and then found out they were under a tight deadline to get offers out because they were about to freeze hiring.

Biogen is hiring for their Alzheimer’s sales force and Novartis is hiring for a hospital rep expansion.

Hope that helps. Good luck to all
Shut up. You dont't know shit. Amgen instituted a company-wide hiring freeze. A job being posted means nothing. Apply and see if they call you within the next two months for an interview. Go fuck yourself.

Wow you couldn't be more wrong. Obvious why you aren't getting any opportunities. You are vulgar you trash potty-mouth. All those companies are hiring. If there is a freeze at Amgen, then it must have just happened in a week or so ago. I also know they are hiring at Sanofi and a Sage Employee is going there. You are a disgusting individual. Staff off this site. There are plenty of jobs out there. I suggest you look within yourself as the problem lies within YOU. You are a filthy pig.
Who is this crazy ass person?! There are plenty of companies hiring. I don't like having to look for another job, but I have found things. I have a second video interview with Gilead this week and a phone interview with Gilead. Companies are hiring.
Who is this crazy ass person?! There are plenty of companies hiring. I don't like having to look for another job, but I have found things. I have a second video interview with Gilead this week and a phone interview with Gilead. Companies are hiring.

Job opportunities very limited in my area. It is hit or miss I guess.
Job opportunities very limited in my area. It is hit or miss I guess.

Some cities may be tougher than others. No denying that. But I agree with the other posts. I don't think it does anyone any good when someone leaves such desperate messages. There are jobs out there. The industry isn't collapsing. I have my final interview with Gilead next week myself.
Wow you couldn't be more wrong. Obvious why you aren't getting any opportunities. You are vulgar you trash potty-mouth. All those companies are hiring. If there is a freeze at Amgen, then it must have just happened in a week or so ago. I also know they are hiring at Sanofi and a Sage Employee is going there. You are a disgusting individual. Staff off this site. There are plenty of jobs out there. I suggest you look within yourself as the problem lies within YOU. You are a filthy pig.
Since you know so much, you should have used your psychic abilities to find a company that was not going to lay you off.
No one is interested in your mediocre opinion. Loser.

It's exactly the opposite. I agree with the other poster. You need to chill out dude. Everyone I know is positive, upbeat, and interviewing. You are nothing but sour grapes and we know you have left all the negative messages on this thread. Grow up and put on your big boy pants on. Have some gratitude and less self-pity as it will show during your interviews.
It's exactly the opposite. I agree with the other poster. You need to chill out dude. Everyone I know is positive, upbeat, and interviewing. You are nothing but sour grapes and we know you have left all the negative messages on this thread. Grow up and put on your big boy pants on. Have some gratitude and less self-pity as it will show during your interviews.
Idiots. You truly believe that someone will take your heedless advice on an anonymous message board. You're pathetic. Too stupid to know that you're being trolled. That explains why you chose a company that laid you off. Your board is full of posts from spiteful, small-minded idiots that backstab their colleagues and more. Oh well, that $600 will come in handy. Haha!
Idiots. You truly believe that someone will take your heedless advice on an anonymous message board. You're pathetic. Too stupid to know that you're being trolled. That explains why you chose a company that laid you off. Your board is full of posts from spiteful, small-minded idiots that backstab their colleagues and more. Oh well, that $600 will come in handy. Haha!

Can someone please tell me how having positive attitude can create job to apply for if non currently exists in your area?:D