How is everyone's job search going ?

30 INTERVIEWS and no one HIRED! Yet another friend telling me she can not find good talent. My thinking is, if you interviewed 30 people and did not hire someone, maybe it's time to start looking in the mirror. The problem is many recruiters and hiring managers are searching for the perfect candidate. NEWSFLASH! - There is no "perfect" candidate. Give ex-Sage employees a chance!!

Please stop using words like "Please give us a chance." We are professionals and not desperate. You're certainly not helping your Sage counterparts. So you didn't get that particular job. Obviously, the hiring manager didn't like the 30 candidates and is in no rush to fill it just to fill it. the pharmaceutical industry is dysfunctional. Everyone knows this. So that particular job wasn't meant for you and you probably would have hated it there. You will find something else.
BS is full of bs! She lied to her entire region about Sage’s “bright future”.
Hey BS: Where's your "rah rah Sage" drivel? You lied to us and now we need your help in securing jobs. However, BS, you have been dismissing our phone calls and texts! Real leaders work 24/7 to support their employees (ex)! Where are the jobs?!?
Hey BS: Where's your "rah rah Sage" drivel? You lied to us and now we need your help in securing jobs. However, BS, you have been dismissing our phone calls and texts! Real leaders work 24/7 to support their employees (ex)! Where are the jobs?!?

We are lucky we got any severance at all and that is the truth. It's sad but that is the truth. Sage is no different from any biotech or pharmaceutical company out there. You are an "at will" employee and no company gives a shit about you and can fire you for no reason if they want. There is no loyalty whatsoever. All the shit Sage wanted everyone to buy-into like this incredible different culture, company swag, team-building, patient-first, etc. are all just words and nothing more. The next time you join a company, pay close attention to what they say to you. "our culture is amazing" "this is the best team I have ever assembled in my entire career" "this experience by far is the most I have ever been excited about" "No one does it better than us" "We are so fortunate to be a part of this rare opportunity"
We are lucky we got any severance at all and that is the truth. It's sad but that is the truth. Sage is no different from any biotech or pharmaceutical company out there. You are an "at will" employee and no company gives a shit about you and can fire you for no reason if they want. There is no loyalty whatsoever. All the shit Sage wanted everyone to buy-into like this incredible different culture, company swag, team-building, patient-first, etc. are all just words and nothing more. The next time you join a company, pay close attention to what they say to you. "our culture is amazing" "this is the best team I have ever assembled in my entire career" "this experience by far is the most I have ever been excited about" "No one does it better than us" "We are so fortunate to be a part of this rare opportunity"
Agree that we should not fall for the company s**t! However, sales directors knew early 1Q 2020 that the sales force was "toast". Instead of encouraging folks to actively seek new employment, they continued to recite the company's bright future to us and kissed the corporate boss man's arse. Sales management exhibited zero integrity and honesty to the people working for them! Big deal about the severance but family bills are not a one time event!! We were lied to and betrayed by our management! I hope that the sales force can mobilize and file a lawsuit against the corrupt management!
Agree that we should not fall for the company s**t! However, sales directors knew early 1Q 2020 that the sales force was "toast". Instead of encouraging folks to actively seek new employment, they continued to recite the company's bright future to us and kissed the corporate boss man's arse. Sales management exhibited zero integrity and honesty to the people working for them! Big deal about the severance but family bills are not a one time event!! We were lied to and betrayed by our management! I hope that the sales force can mobilize and file a lawsuit against the corrupt management!
Galvanize the troops, and good luck.
Agree that we should not fall for the company s**t! However, sales directors knew early 1Q 2020 that the sales force was "toast". Instead of encouraging folks to actively seek new employment, they continued to recite the company's bright future to us and kissed the corporate boss man's arse. Sales management exhibited zero integrity and honesty to the people working for them! Big deal about the severance but family bills are not a one time event!! We were lied to and betrayed by our management! I hope that the sales force can mobilize and file a lawsuit against the corrupt management!
Agree that we should not fall for the company s**t! However, sales directors knew early 1Q 2020 that the sales force was "toast". Instead of encouraging folks to actively seek new employment, they continued to recite the company's bright future to us and kissed the corporate boss man's arse. Sales management exhibited zero integrity and honesty to the people working for them! Big deal about the severance but family bills are not a one time event!! We were lied to and betrayed by our management! I hope that the sales force can mobilize and file a lawsuit against the corrupt management!

you are out of your mind. You took the risk when you joined Sage. And now you want to blame Sage for your current situation? Amazing. Good luck with your lawsuit. Your time would be better spent moving ahead with your life and perhaps taking advantage of the medical benefits to see a Psych to help with your delusions.
you are out of your mind. You took the risk when you joined Sage. And now you want to blame Sage for your current situation? Amazing. Good luck with your lawsuit. Your time would be better spent moving ahead with your life and perhaps taking advantage of the medical benefits to see a Psych to help with your delusions.

That last message was simply an antagonizer trying to get everyone's goat. As we learn more information over the past few months, several truths have been revealed. Sales leadership were involved in discussions and about reducing salesforce seriously for the last 5 months prior to the layoff. Initially, it was only going to be the low ranking 30%. So, yes, sales leadership knew something was eventually going to happen. However, in the end, the sales directors and VP of sales were surprised and derailed themselves never thinking they would lose their jobs as well. As the pieces of the puzzle all come together now, it is upsetting that many RBD's, Sales Directors, and the VP of sales had prior knowledge something was going to happen. At the same time were convincing specific employees to stay and strongly discouraged certain employees not to look at other opportunities. This was the saddest thing to hear as this happened to many. If these people really cared about their employees and their families, they should have been more transparent. At the very least, they should not have discouraged employees at looking at other opportunities. A previous poster, wrote it best. Don't trust anyone and realize that these companies don't care about you and you are replaceable. They will tell you whatever you need or want to hear as long as it serves them.
That last message was simply an antagonizer trying to get everyone's goat. As we learn more information over the past few months, several truths have been revealed. Sales leadership were involved in discussions and about reducing salesforce seriously for the last 5 months prior to the layoff. Initially, it was only going to be the low ranking 30%. So, yes, sales leadership knew something was eventually going to happen. However, in the end, the sales directors and VP of sales were surprised and derailed themselves never thinking they would lose their jobs as well. As the pieces of the puzzle all come together now, it is upsetting that many RBD's, Sales Directors, and the VP of sales had prior knowledge something was going to happen. At the same time were convincing specific employees to stay and strongly discouraged certain employees not to look at other opportunities. This was the saddest thing to hear as this happened to many. If these people really cared about their employees and their families, they should have been more transparent. At the very least, they should not have discouraged employees at looking at other opportunities. A previous poster, wrote it best. Don't trust anyone and realize that these companies don't care about you and you are replaceable. They will tell you whatever you need or want to hear as long as it serves them.
Best post on the DECEPTION of the sales force by sales & corporate management!! The lies about future job stability were criminal at best! I will never forgive my sales director for her bald face lies! Stick it where the sun don't shine!
Best post on the DECEPTION of the sales force by sales & corporate management!! The lies about future job stability were criminal at best! I will never forgive my sales director for her bald face lies! Stick it where the sun don't shine!

Yes shame on the Sales Directors. Stories that have been surfacing now is that sales leadership had a meeting and they had a targeted list of the top reps that were definitely keeping. They were then tasked to call and follow-up with each one and discourage them from potentially looking at any other outside opportunities and give them the "Sage Great Opportunity Here" line. Less than 2 months later, Covid made sure that everyone was gone and not just 30%.
Where are the jobs?!? No one is actively hiring right now. HR recruiters say maybe the Fall or Winter but I want a job now! Give Sage folks a chance now! It seems like we are damaged goods in the industry. Big Pharma don't want us and biotech are all pinching pennies to get through the recession. Sage royally screwed us.
Where are the jobs?!? No one is actively hiring right now. HR recruiters say maybe the Fall or Winter but I want a job now! Give Sage folks a chance now! It seems like we are damaged goods in the industry. Big Pharma don't want us and biotech are all pinching pennies to get through the recession. Sage royally screwed us.
It stinks on my end! Lots of hiring freezes and few openings in general in my geography. Very depressing and miserable!

How is it going for everyone else fellow Sagians?[/Q

is anyone calling Sage to turn off their severance payments when they get a new job? I know it said that in the papers we signed but I’m sure they know that nobody is actually gunna do that, right? nobody I know has done it so far and I know there are a lot of people who already got jobs at Biogen, Amgen, BMS, AbbVie and started a while back so what’s the deal. Can they do anything if you don’t call? I don’t want anyone knocking on my door in a few months making me pay it back if I don’t call, but don’t want to miss out on the money if nobody else is calling. Start date is June 15th and I know of at least 2 other Sage people starting the same day as me and they aren’t calling.

fake news! A TBS on my team got a job and I know she called them. So it’s not everyone doing this. I’m not surprised if this is happening based on the moral code of the people at Sage, especially the managers. As for your situation, I say you gotta do what you’re comfortable with but I would call. Then again, I haven’t found anything yet so who knows how I would feel. Congrats on finding something! Any other openings or care to share where you’re going?
fake news! A TBS on my team got a job and I know she called them. So it’s not everyone doing this. I’m not surprised if this is happening based on the moral code of the people at Sage, especially the managers. As for your situation, I say you gotta do what you’re comfortable with but I would call. Then again, I haven’t found anything yet so who knows how I would feel. Congrats on finding something! Any other openings or care to share where you’re going?
fake news! A TBS on my team got a job and I know she called them. So it’s not everyone doing this. I’m not surprised if this is happening based on the moral code of the people at Sage, especially the managers. As for your situation, I say you gotta do what you’re comfortable with but I would call. Then again, I haven’t found anything yet so who knows how I would feel. Congrats on finding something! Any other openings or care to share where you’re going?

Gilead is hiring! Jazz is hiring! ABBvie is hiring! Biogen is hiring!