How is everyone's job search going ?

We are lucky we got any severance at all and that is the truth. It's sad but that is the truth. Sage is no different from any biotech or pharmaceutical company out there. You are an "at will" employee and no company gives a shit about you and can fire you for no reason if they want. There is no loyalty whatsoever. All the shit Sage wanted everyone to buy-into like this incredible different culture, company swag, team-building, patient-first, etc. are all just words and nothing more. The next time you join a company, pay close attention to what they say to you. "our culture is amazing" "this is the best team I have ever assembled in my entire career" "this experience by far is the most I have ever been excited about" "No one does it better than us" "We are so fortunate to be a part of this rare opportunity"

Going out on a limb here to guess that you don’t care for BS? Get over it and move ahead. The personal attacks are unnecessary.
Good Luck to the previous poster with the foul mouth.
  • Amazon says it’s looking to hire 175,000 new workers for its fulfillment centers and delivery network.

Exactly! Why do people have to be such as@holes? I will never get it. The world is filled with terrible people and evil, so why add more to it?
I feel sorry for EVERYONE that was enticed and lied to in order to join this horrible company.
Exactly! Why do people have to be such as@holes? I will never get it. The world is filled with terrible people and evil, so why add more to it?
I feel sorry for EVERYONE that was enticed and lied to in order to join this horrible company.

Sorry there is so much evil in your world. Poor little victims that were enticed and lied to in order to join Sage. And if that's not enough "the world is filled with terrible people and evil". If you are one of the displaced I wish you the best. But I promise you until you take some accountability and stop blaming others you won't be happy or successful.
Sorry there is so much evil in your world. Poor little victims that were enticed and lied to in order to join Sage. And if that's not enough "the world is filled with terrible people and evil". If you are one of the displaced I wish you the best. But I promise you until you take some accountability and stop blaming others you won't be happy or successful.
Whoa, mind blown! GFY, Socrates.
Sorry there is so much evil in your world. Poor little victims that were enticed and lied to in order to join Sage. And if that's not enough "the world is filled with terrible people and evil". If you are one of the displaced I wish you the best. But I promise you until you take some accountability and stop blaming others you won't be happy or successful.

Take some accountability? You're a douchebag. There is no accountability to be made. The company infrastructure was set to fail. Do your homework moron before you start smacking down with the comments. You are absolutely clueless and either A.) Just here to antagonize people or B.) You don't know anything about the company and how poorly run it was. It is obvious you are a dickhead, so why don't you just leave people alone. Yes, we know you have no life, no friends, and no self esteem.
Take some accountability? You're a douchebag. There is no accountability to be made. The company infrastructure was set to fail. Do your homework moron before you start smacking down with the comments. You are absolutely clueless and either A.) Just here to antagonize people or B.) You don't know anything about the company and how poorly run it was. It is obvious you are a dickhead, so why don't you just leave people alone. Yes, we know you have no life, no friends, and no self esteem.

oh now you have brought a tear to my eye. So so sorry for you you poor little manipulated piece of shit that was taken advantage of by big bad Sage. I hope you feel better soon.
oh now you have brought a tear to my eye. So so sorry for you you poor little manipulated piece of shit that was taken advantage of by big bad Sage. I hope you feel better soon.

Yes, go away trash. No one is buying what you're shoveling. You're just a disgruntled ass who was turned down by Sage and that is very clear. You definitely are a loser lol
Top recruiter here. My advice is I only help people that want to help themselves. So ex-Sage, I can help you find a great job but you are going to have to prove yourself. No more crying about what Sage did to you.
Top recruiter here. My advice is I only help people that want to help themselves. So ex-Sage, I can help you find a great job but you are going to have to prove yourself. No more crying about what Sage did to you.

You truly are an idiot! Top recruiter my ass. Recruiter's don't frequent Cafepharma. Recruiters also don't give a shit about anything but filling a position that is open and they will look at anyone qualified. Go away you psycho liar! Lastly, no one is crying to potential employers or recruiters. They simply state the honset facts on here. Something you know nothing about. You have a sickness. Go away.
Agreed. Who is this brainless idiot? "Top recruiter here." I almost peed in my pants I laughed so hard. Somehow the moron is connected to this company or was rejected by this company. The scariest thing of all is that there are actual idiots like that in real life. How they get these jobs is anyones guess. I am always shocked by the sheer lack of intelligence and an extraordinary amount of immaturity.
Astronaut, here. If you all would focus on the here and now, everything would be fine. Stay focused, work hard, and stop complaining. NASA only takes the people that leave positive Cafepharma posts.
Former Surgeon General here. You were all treated like shit with a piss poor work foundation that never allowed you to succeed. The company was destined to fail. You will all get great job opportunities.