How do you Sybron reps feel about Niznick?

I disagree with the above and felt the "death" notice was distasteful. I don't work for ID but have known Jerry for a number of years. Yes, he has his moments, but behind all the BS is a decent guy. Dentistry probably isn't the best preparation for running a company and a dentist selling to other dentists is hardly an ideal relationship. Niz just needs to move forward with what he has and innovate from his base. Nobel has already copied his internal hex and from what I have heard they are going to a conical connection and getting away from the trilobe design. His 45 degree lead in bevel (while not what today is considered a conical connection) has worked well for many years. Give the guy a break and let his people do their job - enough is enough ! ! !

When he lets us do our jobs, then we will let his people do thier jobs!

I disagree with the above and felt the "death" notice was distasteful. I don't work for ID but have known Jerry for a number of years. Yes, he has his moments, but behind all the BS is a decent guy. Dentistry probably isn't the best preparation for running a company and a dentist selling to other dentists is hardly an ideal relationship. Niz just needs to move forward with what he has and innovate from his base. Nobel has already copied his internal hex and from what I have heard they are going to a conical connection and getting away from the trilobe design. His 45 degree lead in bevel (while not what today is considered a conical connection) has worked well for many years. Give the guy a break and let his people do their job - enough is enough ! ! !

Its pretty apparent you never worked with or for him. Niznick is the equivalent of Muammar Gadaffi in Lybia. He has no mercy or pity on his people and will do whatever is necessary to make himself rich in a dictator-like fashion. No Matter what he tells you or says he is going to do, you cannot and should not trust him, he has lost the respect and trust of his people both from the ID & Sybron - as the President of the company, he is the biggest liability. Its not just the Sybron reps that don't trust him...his beloved ID reps that broke their backs helping him build his business have been dragged through hell. Remember, he only sold 75% of the company, so he has to be 3x as cheap as ever to make up the profits he lost by giving up 75% - thats how he thinks. Since he still owns 25%, he has to milk that 25% by cutting his reps salaries in half. In his most recent stunt, he AGAIN changed the comp plan which HE PROMISED would be in tact for 3 years back to 1 year! How can anyone have confidence in a President that plays so many games with the health of a company and its people? He added insult to injury in his version of what he thinks is actually going to motivate people. Niznick, all we want is stability and you are not equipped to offer this. No wonder the reps want to unionize - they don't trust you!

Its pretty apparent you never worked with or for him. Niznick is the equivalent of Muammar Gadaffi in Lybia. He has no mercy or pity on his people and will do whatever is necessary to make himself rich in a dictator-like fashion. No Matter what he tells you or says he is going to do, you cannot and should not trust him, he has lost the respect and trust of his people both from the ID & Sybron - as the President of the company, he is the biggest liability. Its not just the Sybron reps that don't trust him...his beloved ID reps that broke their backs helping him build his business have been dragged through hell. Remember, he only sold 75% of the company, so he has to be 3x as cheap as ever to make up the profits he lost by giving up 75% - thats how he thinks. Since he still owns 25%, he has to milk that 25% by cutting his reps salaries in half. In his most recent stunt, he AGAIN changed the comp plan which HE PROMISED would be in tact for 3 years back to 1 year! How can anyone have confidence in a President that plays so many games with the health of a company and its people? He added insult to injury in his version of what he thinks is actually going to motivate people. Niznick, all we want is stability and you are not equipped to offer this. No wonder the reps want to unionize - they don't trust you!

I talked to someone I know at ID and he claims not a single salary has been cut, and a number of them have been increased. The recent change was to make the comp plan more lucrative. If you work there is sounds to me like you should look elsewhere because you aren't doing yourself or anyone at ID any favors by staying.

I talked to someone I know at ID and he claims not a single salary has been cut, and a number of them have been increased. The recent change was to make the comp plan more lucrative. If you work there is sounds to me like you should look elsewhere because you aren't doing yourself or anyone at ID any favors by staying.

Niznick, for all you're supposed skills in the marketplace, you are woefully inept at hiding your identity. At the very least, TRY to fool us into believing it's not you behind these obvious posts. No one who simply "talked to someone at ID" would finish with the above statement. There's too much emotion behind it; even for just a mere employee on the side of ID.

A piece of advice (not that you'll take it, because you believe far too much of your own press): Act like a true leader who is interested in developing and rewarding talented people. Engaging in these petty schoolyard tiffs should be beneath someone of your stature in the dental heirarchy. Real CEO's don't behave in this fashion. Your outward disdain for everyone who isn't you continues to be your biggest problem. Lead people--don't use them, and maybe your detractors will come to respect you for once. It's not too late.

Niznick, for all you're supposed skills in the marketplace, you are woefully inept at hiding your identity. At the very least, TRY to fool us into believing it's not you behind these obvious posts. No one who simply "talked to someone at ID" would finish with the above statement. There's too much emotion behind it; even for just a mere employee on the side of ID.

A piece of advice (not that you'll take it, because you believe far too much of your own press): Act like a true leader who is interested in developing and rewarding talented people. Engaging in these petty schoolyard tiffs should be beneath someone of your stature in the dental heirarchy. Real CEO's don't behave in this fashion. Your outward disdain for everyone who isn't you continues to be your biggest problem. Lead people--don't use them, and maybe your detractors will come to respect you for once. It's not too late.

It is too late! We have seen Niznick's true side; he is and always will be a man with no compassion, no caring for his fellow human beings, and abosolutly no respect for his employees and fellow dentists. His behavior at dental conventions is legendary; he is known to be abusive and crass towards his competitors and demening towards his sales reps. I wonder how long it will take before Danahr realizes that they have made a 230 million dollar mistake?

It is too late! We have seen Niznick's true side; he is and always will be a man with no compassion, no caring for his fellow human beings, and abosolutly no respect for his employees and fellow dentists. His behavior at dental conventions is legendary; he is known to be abusive and crass towards his competitors and demening towards his sales reps. I wonder how long it will take before Danahr realizes that they have made a 230 million dollar mistake?

First of all, they paid $300 million for the company, not $230. As for man with "no compassion" please tell me which successful owener or executive of any implant company had compassion in the way most reps like to see it.... high commissions and high base salary for a minimum of work. Dr. Niznick is a philanthropist... search his name and you will see that he has given away millions to charities, research and universities. Second, he has many employees who repect and appreciate him for his loyalty and the security his success has provided them. He has a number of fans that are dentists as well, especially those who use his products and realize the clinical and financial advantages he has provided. Can you say that about any of the Nobel Presidents? As Niznick walks about the tradeshows, he says hello to many reps who got their start in the industry working for him. In fact, may of the sales jobs in the implant industry would not even exist if Niznick did not have the knowledge and fortitude to take on the establishment and make implants something that are now affordable and easy enough to use to allow GPs to get into the game. Finally, do you really think someone who has made half a billion over his career in the implant industry gives a damm what some discruntled former employee or nervous sales competitor thinks? Give it up already and focus on selling your own implants.

Actually Niznick does seem to care what lowly sales reps and others are saying about him. Its clear that the previous post was from Niznick. As "important" and awe inspiring Niznick thinks he is, he still posts on Cafepharma, a website for lowly, worthless unimportant sales reps. Not only that, but the posts he makes from IP address, is on Danaher owned resources. It is never intelligent for a a publicly owned company to have no control over the information that is disseminated, and this is exactly what is happening here with Niznick posting on a forum like this. Would stockholders what information that could be detrimental to their investment showing on a website like CF? Would they want a CEO spewing his opinion on a public board? I doubt it. Niznick could intentionally or unintentionally disclose information that could cause some issues with the shareholders and management of Danaher. As smart as he claims to be, he does not have the ability to keep his mouth shut, and this ultimately will be what causes his demise.

First of all, they paid $300 million for the company, not $230. As for man with "no compassion" please tell me which successful owener or executive of any implant company had compassion in the way most reps like to see it.... high commissions and high base salary for a minimum of work. Dr. Niznick is a philanthropist... search his name and you will see that he has given away millions to charities, research and universities. Second, he has many employees who repect and appreciate him for his loyalty and the security his success has provided them. He has a number of fans that are dentists as well, especially those who use his products and realize the clinical and financial advantages he has provided. Can you say that about any of the Nobel Presidents? As Niznick walks about the tradeshows, he says hello to many reps who got their start in the industry working for him. In fact, may of the sales jobs in the implant industry would not even exist if Niznick did not have the knowledge and fortitude to take on the establishment and make implants something that are now affordable and easy enough to use to allow GPs to get into the game. Finally, do you really think someone who has made half a billion over his career in the implant industry gives a damm what some discruntled former employee or nervous sales competitor thinks? Give it up already and focus on selling your own implants.

This reply is from Niznick's ass-kisser; Michael Kennedy Jr. or Niznick himself. Interesting to note that no one else came on this board to defend Niznick, that is because he has pissed-off any friends he may have had with his attitude of self superiority.

Niznick, for all you're supposed skills in the marketplace, you are woefully inept at hiding your identity. At the very least, TRY to fool us into believing it's not you behind these obvious posts. No one who simply "talked to someone at ID" would finish with the above statement. There's too much emotion behind it; even for just a mere employee on the side of ID.

Sorry, this wasn't Niznick or anyone from ID. But wasting time on your BS is admittedly a little weak on my part.

Richard D. Cottrell, DDS
Lake Forest, IL

Niznick, for all you're supposed skills in the marketplace, you are woefully inept at hiding your identity. At the very least, TRY to fool us into believing it's not you behind these obvious posts. No one who simply "talked to someone at ID" would finish with the above statement. There's too much emotion behind it; even for just a mere employee on the side of ID.

Sorry, this wasn't Niznick or anyone from ID. But wasting time on your BS is admittedly a little weak on my part.

Richard D. Cottrell, DDS
Lake Forest, IL

On behalf the dedicated reps at Implant Direct, let me thank you for coming out of the closet and speaking the truth. Good luck with your new Sloped implant that Astra just launched.

On behalf the dedicated reps at Implant Direct, let me thank you for coming out of the closet and speaking the truth. Good luck with your new Sloped implant that Astra just launched.

Thank you - Jerry was one of the first to congradulate me at the Profile launch during the corporate forum at the AO. Any number of us have learn many things from him over the years.

just started again, actually. Now he changed the comp plan again eliminating the Sybron customers from our target. A good move actually but it's such a small part of the business that in some areas - like mine - it means nothing! 3 people in the field gone already and more to come!

just started again, actually. Now he changed the comp plan again eliminating the Sybron customers from our target. A good move actually but it's such a small part of the business that in some areas - like mine - it means nothing! 3 people in the field gone already and more to come!

Only one SIS rep has left since the merger for another industry and one ID rep left to work for Southern just before the axe fell. ID added 4 new reps and an East Coast Director of Sales in the meantime so ID is expanding and has openings for 20 more salespeople this year. Our US sales are up 40% this month over March 2010 - can any other company say that? Sales growth means increased commissions and as the SIS customers convert to ID products, sales can only increase further. People are making money and enjoying the warm welcome they get at dental offices and labs because of our products and prices. No other company sells compatible products for all these companies: Nobel, Straumann, Zimmer, BH and MIS. Attachments International, a division of ID, now has abutments for 3i and Astra so Implant Direct Sybron Int'l has it all with many new products in production including a bone-level Straumann Compatible implant and a NobelActive compatible Prosthetic line. With all that in a salesperson's bag, and the lowest prices in the industry with the highest quality, salespeople have great opportunities with the fastest growing implant company in the industry. For every rep who leaves because they miss the good life at SIS, or move to to medical or hospital sales, there are two standing in line to move from Thomen, Camlog, BH, 3i and Nobel or from other sales jobs in the dental industry.

Only one SIS rep has left since the merger for another industry and one ID rep left to work for Southern just before the axe fell. ID added 4 new reps and an East Coast Director of Sales in the meantime so ID is expanding and has openings for 20 more salespeople this year. Our US sales are up 40% this month over March 2010 - can any other company say that? Sales growth means increased commissions and as the SIS customers convert to ID products, sales can only increase further. People are making money and enjoying the warm welcome they get at dental offices and labs because of our products and prices. No other company sells compatible products for all these companies: Nobel, Straumann, Zimmer, BH and MIS. Attachments International, a division of ID, now has abutments for 3i and Astra so Implant Direct Sybron Int'l has it all with many new products in production including a bone-level Straumann Compatible implant and a NobelActive compatible Prosthetic line. With all that in a salesperson's bag, and the lowest prices in the industry with the highest quality, salespeople have great opportunities with the fastest growing implant company in the industry. For every rep who leaves because they miss the good life at SIS, or move to to medical or hospital sales, there are two standing in line to move from Thomen, Camlog, BH, 3i and Nobel or from other sales jobs in the dental industry.

One word: Delusional

One question: Where's the science to back up "highest quality." I have a honda purchased back in 2001 with 175k miles that runs better than the new honda's. That is how delusional your jibberish sounds. No wonder they treat you with kindness, ur the comic relief of their day.

Only one SIS rep has left since the merger for another industry and one ID rep left to work for Southern just before the axe fell. ID added 4 new reps and an East Coast Director of Sales in the meantime so ID is expanding and has openings for 20 more salespeople this year. Our US sales are up 40% this month over March 2010 - can any other company say that? Sales growth means increased commissions and as the SIS customers convert to ID products, sales can only increase further. People are making money and enjoying the warm welcome they get at dental offices and labs because of our products and prices. No other company sells compatible products for all these companies: Nobel, Straumann, Zimmer, BH and MIS. Attachments International, a division of ID, now has abutments for 3i and Astra so Implant Direct Sybron Int'l has it all with many new products in production including a bone-level Straumann Compatible implant and a NobelActive compatible Prosthetic line. With all that in a salesperson's bag, and the lowest prices in the industry with the highest quality, salespeople have great opportunities with the fastest growing implant company in the industry. For every rep who leaves because they miss the good life at SIS, or move to to medical or hospital sales, there are two standing in line to move from Thomen, Camlog, BH, 3i and Nobel or from other sales jobs in the dental industry.

Two words: delusional AND misguided. There are so many incorrect observations here that I can't even address this nonsense. I guess it's what you tell yourself in the mirror each morning for the brief time you will work there. P.S. Love that part about the "warm welcome". Classic.

Only one SIS rep has left since the merger for another industry and one ID rep left to work for Southern just before the axe fell. ID added 4 new reps and an East Coast Director of Sales in the meantime so ID is expanding and has openings for 20 more salespeople this year. Our US sales are up 40% this month over March 2010 - can any other company say that? Sales growth means increased commissions and as the SIS customers convert to ID products, sales can only increase further. People are making money and enjoying the warm welcome they get at dental offices and labs because of our products and prices. No other company sells compatible products for all these companies: Nobel, Straumann, Zimmer, BH and MIS. Attachments International, a division of ID, now has abutments for 3i and Astra so Implant Direct Sybron Int'l has it all with many new products in production including a bone-level Straumann Compatible implant and a NobelActive compatible Prosthetic line. With all that in a salesperson's bag, and the lowest prices in the industry with the highest quality, salespeople have great opportunities with the fastest growing implant company in the industry. For every rep who leaves because they miss the good life at SIS, or move to to medical or hospital sales, there are two standing in line to move from Thomen, Camlog, BH, 3i and Nobel or from other sales jobs in the dental industry.

All this wild, cock eyed corporate bullshit, but the poster, most likely Niznick or his Mini Me ass hole buddy Kennedy, forgot to mention one very important fact. Everyone who works at ID has to deal with a complete dickhead CEO. At the end of the day, everyone knows Niznick is an asshole, and everyone-everyone who works there is doing so because they have to, not because they want to. I have never seen someone in any industry so hated, and so nasty and disgusting as Niznick.