How do you Sybron reps feel about Niznick?

One word: Delusional

One question: Where's the science to back up "highest quality." I have a honda purchased back in 2001 with 175k miles that runs better than the new honda's. That is how delusional your jibberish sounds. No wonder they treat you with kindness, ur the comic relief of their day.

Here is how you know ID products are of the "highest quality". No dentist, lab or competitor has claimed otherwise and you can be sure if a quality problem could be documented, the competitors would be running around with pictures telling dentists about it

All this wild, cock eyed corporate bullshit, but the poster, most likely Niznick or his Mini Me ass hole buddy Kennedy, forgot to mention one very important fact. Everyone who works at ID has to deal with a complete dickhead CEO. At the end of the day, everyone knows Niznick is an asshole, and everyone-everyone who works there is doing so because they have to, not because they want to. I have never seen someone in any industry so hated, and so nasty and disgusting as Niznick.

You sound like a former ID imployee who either got fired or quit because you knew your incompetence or lack of effort put you in Niznick's cross hairs. Why else would you make it so personal? Move on. Find a company where upper management is loved and respected. Judging from other blogs on this list, that doesn't exist.

Here is how you know ID products are of the "highest quality". No dentist, lab or competitor has claimed otherwise and you can be sure if a quality problem could be documented, the competitors would be running around with pictures telling dentists about it

Hey Niznick, don't be believe all your own press, as you read this blog, there is a lawyer working on getting a class action lawsuit against one of your implants, it is going to take awhile but it is going to happen!

Here is how you know ID products are of the "highest quality". No dentist, lab or competitor has claimed otherwise and you can be sure if a quality problem could be documented, the competitors would be running around with pictures telling dentists about it

Here's reality for you--I can barely find anyone I know that has done an ID case, and you're not important enough to bother with. You have no data, no guarantee, no market share, and no specialists. You can't claim anything, much less "high quality". It gets an "incomplete" instead of a grade at this point.

Only one SIS rep has left since the merger for another industry and one ID rep left to work for Southern just before the axe fell. ID added 4 new reps and an East Coast Director of Sales in the meantime so ID is expanding and has openings for 20 more salespeople this year. Our US sales are up 40% this month over March 2010 - can any other company say that? Sales growth means increased commissions and as the SIS customers convert to ID products, sales can only increase further. People are making money and enjoying the warm welcome they get at dental offices and labs because of our products and prices. No other company sells compatible products for all these companies: Nobel, Straumann, Zimmer, BH and MIS. Attachments International, a division of ID, now has abutments for 3i and Astra so Implant Direct Sybron Int'l has it all with many new products in production including a bone-level Straumann Compatible implant and a NobelActive compatible Prosthetic line. With all that in a salesperson's bag, and the lowest prices in the industry with the highest quality, salespeople have great opportunities with the fastest growing implant company in the industry. For every rep who leaves because they miss the good life at SIS, or move to to medical or hospital sales, there are two standing in line to move from Thomen, Camlog, BH, 3i and Nobel or from other sales jobs in the dental industry.

Rumor has it that more reps have left then is beeing admitted. Also I doubt anyone is waiting in line to get a job at ID with all of the blogs about their terriable comp plan and unprofessionalism.

Here's reality for you--I can barely find anyone I know that has done an ID case, and you're not important enough to bother with. You have no data, no guarantee, no market share, and no specialists. You can't claim anything, much less "high quality". It gets an "incomplete" instead of a grade at this point.

We have data showing higher success in side by side studies with Nobel... check the website.
We were rated the highest selling company in the "value market" by BofA
Any Nobel or Zimmer rep knows we have penty of surgical specialists because we took them away from them
We have the highest quality in the industry... tighter tollerances = less rotational instabiliity between mating parts. We have published pictures on our website showing burrs inside a NobelActive plus lack of seal on their packaging...
Face reality - the $350 implant can no longer be justified which is why Nobel and Zimmer are discounting up to 50%

You have us confused with Nobel that already has one class action lawsuit pending for NobelDirect and is selling non-sterile implants with high failure rates.

I can see it now; national TV ads that say: "If you have had an Implant Direct dental implant placed in your mouth and it has failed, caused bone loss, or is causing you pain, you may qualify to be reimbursed for your pain and suffering. Just call our lawyers at 1 800 ......... to see if you qualify"

I can see it now; national TV ads that say: "If you have had an Implant Direct dental implant placed in your mouth and it has failed, caused bone loss, or is causing you pain, you may qualify to be reimbursed for your pain and suffering. Just call our lawyers at 1 800 ......... to see if you qualify"

Here is the only thing you "can see now" about class Action Lawsuits

I can see it now; national TV ads that say: "If you have had an Implant Direct dental implant placed in your mouth and it has failed, caused bone loss, or is causing you pain, you may qualify to be reimbursed for your pain and suffering. Just call our lawyers at 1 800 ......... to see if you qualify"

EXACTLY. Just like the mesothelioma ads! Then when the lawyers all get down to settling it, one of them pulls out a huge pile of Cafpharma posts by Niznick, spewing all his research-less, anecdotal information. That would be be some illustration of what he is all about.

We have data showing higher success in side by side studies with Nobel... check the website.
We were rated the highest selling company in the "value market" by BofA
Any Nobel or Zimmer rep knows we have penty of surgical specialists because we took them away from them
We have the highest quality in the industry... tighter tollerances = less rotational instabiliity between mating parts. We have published pictures on our website showing burrs inside a NobelActive plus lack of seal on their packaging...
Face reality - the $350 implant can no longer be justified which is why Nobel and Zimmer are discounting up to 50%

The concept of facing reality and Niznick/ID reps rarely if ever coincide with the same sentence. Keep chanting these claims to yourself as you rock yourself to sleep at night. Checking your website impresses me not at all--in fact it's a deterrent to any surgeon taking their career or patients seriously.

EXACTLY. Just like the mesothelioma ads! Then when the lawyers all get down to settling it, one of them pulls out a huge pile of Cafpharma posts by Niznick, spewing all his research-less, anecdotal information. That would be be some illustration of what he is all about.

When those national ads start comming out, I can see the dental surgeons dumping ID products as fast as they can so not to be associated with ID. Oh what a glorious day that will be!

Rumor has it MD who was let go by Straumann shall replace Niznick at Sybron. He has ruffled to many feathers. Possibilities of lawsuits coming Niznick's way. Imagine him telling someone your too old to be selling implants!!

Rumor has it MD who was let go by Straumann shall replace Niznick at Sybron. He has ruffled to many feathers. Possibilities of lawsuits coming Niznick's way. Imagine him telling someone your too old to be selling implants!!

Similar information has been heard during the European dental show last week. Could it be true that Danaher/Sybron could be looking for a change? Rumor has it that Niznick is tying to get his 25% paid out. Any word or truth in the matter?

It only goes to prove what everybody has been saying, this thing with Niznick will last three months before Danaher has had enough with him. He's has a problem with people-all people. Next will be the lawsuits which will bog the company down. What a mess.