How 'bout that new law suit ladies

Agreed. T’was the mother of all Masi maneuvers of 2012, a shady joe quagmire that won’t soon be forgiven nor forgotten. The unanswered question to this day is... How in the name of RIDICULOUS was it legal or in any way permissible for the company to “donate” a stash of particular medical devices—which were still currently on RECALL by the FDA at that time for being “dangerously inaccurate in certain settings”—to hospitals outside the US (and hence the FDA’s jurisdiction), to be used on women and children?

A timeline to regret...
Feb 22, 2011: FDA announces class 2 recall of Masimo’s SpHb technology. Recall #Z-1387-2011, Recall Event ID #57700:

Sept 25, 2012: Masimo announces massive donation of SpHb devices to Uganda & Liberia via the Clinton Foundation.

Mar 26, 2013: FDA terminates the Class 2 Recall status of Masimo’s SpHb technology.
This flies in the face of patient safety. How dare chianti insist with his cheap words time and time again to anyone still listening to him, that he and his company Masimo are leading the charge for patient safety, & committed to always doing what’s right for patient care. I find the well documented timeline of his actions noted above speak louder than his words.

Ridiculous and illegal are the only consistencies at Masimo. Ever heard of sales leaders renting out storage units and asking their reps to rent trucks to transfer “shipped” devices from a hospital dock to a storage facility so that they could count the sales towards the current quarter’s goals even though the hospital is not ready for the devices? Ask the tinch about it. JC and MA have all kinds of unique ways of skirting around the laws to meet JK’s ridiculous goals. I tried to bring this up as I was being forced to “retire” by JC because I wouldn’t let my employees break the law and the sales leaders didn’t like me pushing back but nothing ever happened.

Ridiculous and illegal are the only consistencies at Masimo. Ever heard of sales leaders renting out storage units and asking their reps to rent trucks to transfer “shipped” devices from a hospital dock to a storage facility so that they could count the sales towards the current quarter’s goals even though the hospital is not ready for the devices? Ask the tinch about it. JC and MA have all kinds of unique ways of skirting around the laws to meet JK’s ridiculous goals. I tried to bring this up as I was being forced to “retire” by JC because I wouldn’t let my employees break the law and the sales leaders didn’t like me pushing back but nothing ever happened.
Maybe JC, MA & Tinch were just trying make each day as fun as possible. For the jo-ssiah, not you. Please try to understand.

Ridiculous and illegal are the only consistencies at Masimo. Ever heard of sales leaders renting out storage units and asking their reps to rent trucks to transfer “shipped” devices from a hospital dock to a storage facility so that they could count the sales towards the current quarter’s goals even though the hospital is not ready for the devices? Ask the tinch about it. JC and MA have all kinds of unique ways of skirting around the laws to meet JK’s ridiculous goals. I tried to bring this up as I was being forced to “retire” by JC because I wouldn’t let my employees break the law and the sales leaders didn’t like me pushing back but nothing ever happened.
Just another routine episode at Masimo! As usual it starts out....with a few recent or ongoing examples of ridiculous, illegal activities involving the joe faithful, and ends.... with another forced resignation and “nothing else ever happened.”

Ridiculous and illegal are the only consistencies at Masimo. Ever heard of sales leaders renting out storage units and asking their reps to rent trucks to transfer “shipped” devices from a hospital dock to a storage facility so that they could count the sales towards the current quarter’s goals even though the hospital is not ready for the devices? Ask the tinch about it. JC and MA have all kinds of unique ways of skirting around the laws to meet JK’s ridiculous goals. I tried to bring this up as I was being forced to “retire” by JC because I wouldn’t let my employees break the law and the sales leaders didn’t like me pushing back but nothing ever happened.
But look at the bright side, the fleet of rented trucks and storage units are foolproof tax write-offs when registered through joe’s comical media darling the Patient Safety Movement Foundation—a poorly yet sufficiently disguised laundromat and air freshener if you will, that enjoys tax-exempt status, as does the masimo foundation for ethics.

Ethics? There is no stinking ethics at Masimo. The top dogs fly around on the company’s $23,000,000 private jet, and stay in the best hotels, while the people that actual do all the work and make Josiah all that money are crammed into Southwest flights and asked to stay at the local Holiday Inn or Best Western. And oh by the way...we are now supposed to bring our lunches with us from home when traveling 15 hours a day from account to account while being told by what we should be ashamed to call sales leaders to chase doctors down at their kids schools and baseball games to get deals signed.

Shareholders have to understand how much money is wasted at Masimo so that the Joker can take his family with him on all of his trips and stay in $9,000 a night hotels, which usually includes having to buy out an entire floor so that the little Jokers can be as loud as they want and not disturb the other guests. Whenever questioned about Josiah’s spending the execs always respond with “well it’s his company”, however it’s interesting that they all forget that Masimo is a publicly traded company. What happens at other companies when CEO’s use the company’s money to furnish their houses, or fly the attorneys families out across the country at a moments notice so they can celebrate winning another lawsuit. While, again, the workers that are actually making all of the money for the company pound away in their sweatshops while being belittled and whipped by engineering leadership. Socialism at its finest. The Joker and his buddies Clinton and Biden, a pillar of morality.

Ethics? There is no stinking ethics at Masimo. The top dogs fly around on the company’s $23,000,000 private jet, and stay in the best hotels, while the people that actual do all the work and make Josiah all that money are crammed into Southwest flights and asked to stay at the local Holiday Inn or Best Western. And oh by the way...we are now supposed to bring our lunches with us from home when traveling 15 hours a day from account to account while being told by what we should be ashamed to call sales leaders to chase doctors down at their kids schools and baseball games to get deals signed.

Shareholders have to understand how much money is wasted at Masimo so that the Joker can take his family with him on all of his trips and stay in $9,000 a night hotels, which usually includes having to buy out an entire floor so that the little Jokers can be as loud as they want and not disturb the other guests. Whenever questioned about Josiah’s spending the execs always respond with “well it’s his company”, however it’s interesting that they all forget that Masimo is a publicly traded company. What happens at other companies when CEO’s use the company’s money to furnish their houses, or fly the attorneys families out across the country at a moments notice so they can celebrate winning another lawsuit. While, again, the workers that are actually making all of the money for the company pound away in their sweatshops while being belittled and whipped by engineering leadership. Socialism at its finest. The Joker and his buddies Clinton and Biden, a pillar of morality.
For insight on Joe’s unauthorized “allocations” of shareholder funds, you’d best refer to Wikileaks:

Learn from the joepro of loophole nirvana: Corporate expenses labeled “charitable donation” are afforded the privilege of certain immunities such as taxes and public/shareholder awareness. Payments of debt labeled in this creative way enjoy virtual anonymity, including but not limited to mistaken philanthropy and good deed. Just ask Joe.

Once upon a Tuesday afternoon, my unwillingness to falsify regulatory compliance documents on behalf of joe’s henchmen and to engage in fraudulent activities on queue, was grounds for my spontaneous involuntary departure from Masimo.

Masimo is like a lame date that lasts a year. When it’s finally over you’re scarred and broke, but happy to have your life back. Accept the wasted year and move on. Don’t dwell as I often do. Seek therapy and support. Cry. Then rebuild, You can do this!

Been watching this Thread for a while now and just wanted to get a little off my chest about my old “boss”...not going to call him a leader. That sniveling silver spoon fairy of a man, the SVP of Sales , MA! Never in my many years if sales have I ever witnessed such disregard for customer safety and such a disregard for the law. The stuff that he and his little girl AVP’s JT and that fake POS in the south, TommyBoy, had us doing out there just to pull in numbers for the other silver spoon waste of O2... jc (doesn’t deserve capital letters because he’s a worthless, scared little fairy boy). FK was the only one that actually cared about his sales team and our CS’s. That’s why the silver spoon club didn’t like him. jc was really threatened by FK and told everyone that would listen how much he didn’t like him. No backbones whatsoever for these little rich boys.

People probably don’t know that the only reason MAnis at Masimo is because his daddy pushed The joker to hire him. Then he came in and they pushed the best RvP in the company out so that MA could take his place. When people like MA and jc care more about their their shoes and tight bulgeless designer jeans than they care about their people. It is really sad.

Been watching this Thread for a while now and just wanted to get a little off my chest about my old “boss”...not going to call him a leader. That sniveling silver spoon fairy of a man, the SVP of Sales , MA! Never in my many years if sales have I ever witnessed such disregard for customer safety and such a disregard for the law. The stuff that he and his little girl AVP’s JT and that fake POS in the south, TommyBoy, had us doing out there just to pull in numbers for the other silver spoon waste of O2... jc (doesn’t deserve capital letters because he’s a worthless, scared little fairy boy). FK was the only one that actually cared about his sales team and our CS’s. That’s why the silver spoon club didn’t like him. jc was really threatened by FK and told everyone that would listen how much he didn’t like him. No backbones whatsoever for these little rich boys.

People probably don’t know that the only reason MAnis at Masimo is because his daddy pushed The joker to hire him. Then he came in and they pushed the best RvP in the company out so that MA could take his place. When people like MA and jc care more about their their shoes and tight bulgeless designer jeans than they care about their people. It is really sad.
Sad indeed, reminding us once again that Masi leadership is limited to yes men who made evident during their interview process a certain willingness, in fact eagerness to bend over for the joe-ssiah, in exchange for a little dough ray me. When the occasional clean soul such as FK is hired in error, he is quickly identified, ostracized, and “severance-packaged” (compound past participle, meaning shitcanned for doing the right things, denouncing fraud, standing up to joe and the silver-spooners, etc.)

Been watching this Thread for a while now and just wanted to get a little off my chest about my old “boss”...not going to call him a leader. That sniveling silver spoon fairy of a man, the SVP of Sales , MA! Never in my many years if sales have I ever witnessed such disregard for customer safety and such a disregard for the law. The stuff that he and his little girl AVP’s JT and that fake POS in the south, TommyBoy, had us doing out there just to pull in numbers for the other silver spoon waste of O2... jc (doesn’t deserve capital letters because he’s a worthless, scared little fairy boy). FK was the only one that actually cared about his sales team and our CS’s. That’s why the silver spoon club didn’t like him. jc was really threatened by FK and told everyone that would listen how much he didn’t like him. No backbones whatsoever for these little rich boys.

People probably don’t know that the only reason MAnis at Masimo is because his daddy pushed The joker to hire him. Then he came in and they pushed the best RvP in the company out so that MA could take his place. When people like MA and jc care more about their their shoes and tight bulgeless designer jeans than they care about their people. It is really sad.
Hence the notable uptick in chianti’s chronic obsession with legal defense and private security detail. Who knew being a posterbaby for hypocrisy and greed would come at such a price.

someone please explain how this happened

A timeline to regret...
Feb 22, 2011: FDA announces class 2 recall of Masimo’s SpHb technology. Recall #Z-1387-2011:

Sept 25, 2012: Masimo announces massive donation of SpHb devices to Uganda & Liberia via the Clinton Foundation.

Mar 26, 2013: FDA terminates the Class 2 Recall status of Masimo’s SpHb technology.

someone please explain how this happened

A timeline to regret...
Feb 22, 2011: FDA announces class 2 recall of Masimo’s SpHb technology. Recall #Z-1387-2011:

Sept 25, 2012: Masimo announces massive donation of SpHb devices to Uganda & Liberia via the Clinton Foundation.

Mar 26, 2013: FDA terminates the Class 2 Recall status of Masimo’s SpHb technology.
A distinction few US medical companies/CEO’s venture to exploit:
  • It is a clear breach of patient safety, and unlawful, to EXPORT FDA-recalled medical devices internationally (i.e. at cost).
  • It’s a clear breach of patient safety, yet not unlawful, to DONATE FDA-recalled medical devices internationally (i.e. at no cost)

A distinction few US medical companies/CEO’s venture to exploit:
  • It is a clear breach of patient safety, and unlawful, to EXPORT FDA-recalled medical devices internationally (i.e. at cost).
  • It’s a clear breach of patient safety, yet not unlawful, to DONATE FDA-recalled medical devices internationally (i.e. at no cost)
That “distinction” (as you put it) is one of two honorary Guiding principles at Mess’n’mo. The other being of course “Say what is best for patient care while doing what is best for Joes taxes, ego & net worth.”

Now get out there and keep selling the unsolved!

That “distinction” (as you put it) is one of two honorary Guiding principles at Mess’n’mo. The other being of course “Say what is best for patient care while doing what is best for Joes taxes, ego & net worth.”

Now get out there and keep selling the unsolved!
And so as karma would have it, the sun shone its brightest upon chianti’s darkest sins.