How 'bout that new law suit ladies

If incorrect measurements provide incorrect "actionable data" to physicians, then where does patient safety fit into the equation?
Tired of medical companies openly discriminating against test data that’s inaccurate, cherry picked or scrub-a-dub dubbed by pj in a tub? Come to masimo island, where all such “measured data” are considered lab-like and actionable for doctors. Their intuition should guide them just fine.

Tired of medical companies openly discriminating against test data that’s inaccurate, cherry picked or scrub-a-dub dubbed by pj in a tub? Come to masimo island, where all such “measured data” are considered lab-like and actionable for doctors. Their intuition should guide them just fine.
shiraz hurrah: /SH(i)əˈrä hə'rä/ noun;​
when all parties in a given scenario have been exploited, put in harm's way, except the man behind the curtain.​
, esp. man with a curiously large battalion of defense attorneys in tow.​

Outliar Joe advocates swift universal restraints on malpractice lawsuits. What’s that tell us about his verbal commitment to patient safety and patients’ rights. While promoting a self-aligned agenda to the US Senate, chianti introduced himself only as the founder of a patient safety foundation, but failed to disclose any relationship to Masimo or to his various positions held among other medical device companies, or to the apparent conflict of interest at hand, for which he has since faced a swell of sharp criticism and allegations of hypocrisy among his own peers in the healthcare community.

Outliar Joe advocates swift universal restraints on malpractice lawsuits. What’s that tell us about his verbal commitment to patient safety and patients’ rights. While promoting a self-aligned agenda to the US Senate, chianti introduced himself only as the founder of a patient safety foundation, but failed to disclose any relationship to Masimo or to his various positions held among other medical device companies, or to the apparent conflict of interest at hand, for which he has since faced a swell of sharp criticism and allegations of hypocrisy among his own peers in the healthcare community.
"Ask not what you can do for patient safety, but what patient safety can do for your profitability and filthy reputation."
- outliar jo

Special gratitude this year for July 4.
For my country am grateful for our escape & independence from England.
For my family am grateful for our escape and independence from the masimo sewer.

If incorrect measurements provide incorrect "actionable data" to physicians, then where does patient safety fit into the equation?
It has been written in the unholy gospel of joe that any and all test results & research data are inherently actionable, including that which is biased, incorrect, unsupported, improperly obtained, or doctored to achieve predetermined outcomes for the financial gain of unscrupulous douchebags corrupt with greed, misaligned intent.

Give masimo some credit. As disfunctional and rotten-to-the-core as the company may be, they’ve managed to outperform My Pillow in annual revenue this year by a factor of almost two. Hence the bitter rivalry that exists between these two comical, aspiring companies.

Give masimo some credit. As disfunctional and rotten-to-the-core as the company may be, they’ve managed to outperform My Pillow in annual revenue this year by a factor of almost two. Hence the bitter rivalry that exists between these two comical, aspiring companies.
Masimo has a way better corporate jet, marketing saturation, and overall glitz appeal than My Pillow. I’ll give them that. However, My Pillow trumps Masimo all day long in product quality/reliability, corporate citizenship and employee retention. Although widely disregarded as examples of commercial scamming or entertainment run amuck, both companies report consistent growth.

Bear witness to masijo’s storytelling prowess as he spins fantastical tales of saving boatloads of lives and irraticating unnecessary harm in healthcare by way of getting others to embrace his ideals, and his medical products that are for sale at a good price, this week only. And by praising him for helping you help him, and you, but mostly him, not you. See masijo consistently undermine and disregard state, federal regs in place to keep we the people safe, and corporate greed in check.
When Joseph Kiani learned he was being recognized this year by Forbes Magazine, for something he embodies more than any other CEO in America, I doubt this is what he had in mind...

“American Greed: Unusually high compensation, severance obligations, and perks for Masimo CEO Joe Kiani raise questions about the independence of its board and its commitment to the fiduciary duty of maximizing value for shareholders.”
Forbes, Mar 2019

Who even asks for something like that? severance payout of $0.3 billion dollars for when he gets fired by his own Board. Welcome to planet masimo where everything is stranger than fu*k, rehearsed to perfection with joker, and bound to a contract in his favor.
The all new platinum parachute by Masimo. Just strap it on and standby to be fired by your own little bitches ...on your command.

If it wouldn’t be too cheesy and you can keep a secret, then Oh Boy! have we got a deal for you!!

It goes like this.... As a “kickback” of sorts for buying tons of our various slow-moving “B-products” and for promising to attend our annual patient safety summit, and pretending we don’t hate each other anymore as of today, then we’d be willing to forgive some of the money you owe us. Just sign and date the bottom, and return two hard copies asap, attn: Slim Shady Joe. Thank you and God is great.

Never forget how great of friends The Joker and Bill Clinton are and how many trips they took together over the years. Also the ridiculous amount of money that Masimo gave the Clinton Foundation so that Bill would speak at the Patient Safety Meetings. I worked at Masimo for a short time when the Patient Safety Meetings were just getting started and the money spent by Masimo was absolutely unbelievable. Wonder if the the Joker and Bill ever ended up on an island together?

I never understand why more people aren't talking about how Masimo bumped all that Rainbow product on the Middle East when they couldn't give it away domestically. Either there were massive bribes or it is all collecting dust in a warehouse. Either way these aren't real sales and the SEC should be more curious.