How 'bout that new law suit ladies

Or better yet, just promise via maude adverse event report that you’re currently “looking into it” and will dutifully self-report the self-generated outcome of your self-assessment. Then instead do nothing, except keep selling the thing the complaint was about.
this maude adverse event reporting “tool” (for lack of a better word) is nothing more than an honor system of self-evaluation-enabled non-compliance and non-accountability. Thanks fda on behalf of masijo and shady companies everywhere.

Bear witness to masijo’s storytelling prowess as he spins fantastical tales of saving boatloads of lives and irraticating unnecessary harm in healthcare by way of getting others to embrace his ideals, and his medical products that are for sale at a good price, this week only. And by praising him for helping you help him, and you, but mostly him, not you. See masijo consistently undermine and disregard state, federal regs in place to keep we the people safe, and corporate greed in check.

Masi’s patient safety foundation President is the only one known to receive multiple warnings from the FDA and Dept of Health for violating basic public safety standards and patient health statutes. Not the least concerning of which was his company’s willful and repeated failure to investigate scores of documented complaints and malfunctions involving its medical products.

“I have not met a hospital yet that was doing all the processes that would reduce dramatically the likelihood of patient harm or preventable deaths.”
-Masimo CEO Joe Kiani

Masi’s patient safety foundation President is the only one known to receive multiple warnings from the FDA and Dept of Health for violating basic public safety standards and patient health statutes. Not the least concerning of which was his company’s willful and repeated failure to investigate scores of documented complaints and malfunctions involving its medical products.

“I have not met a hospital yet that was doing all the processes that would reduce dramatically the likelihood of patient harm or preventable deaths.”
-Masimo CEO Joe Kiani
Now that’s a great cup a joe The one we know. What a Ho ho ho he is that creepy guy joe.

Lmao! Yeah the ‘ol finger temp bias! Definitely the source of all evil. How clever of them to rush to recall the “piece of crap” on their own, before FDA showed up on their doorstep with a Warning Letter, grand jury subpoena, State Notices of Violation and other deserving prizes.

Watch for Netflix documentary Bad Hemoglobin, featuring Masimo’s disgraced joke chianti and the events that forced the Class 2 FDA recall of the company’s sphb technology
Before you accept any job offers in Irvine that sound too good to be true, be sure to demand a ride-along first. Better yet...see “The inventor: Out for blood in Silicon Valley.” It’s as close to a real Masi-style ride-along as it gets, and you don’t even have to leave the house to experience it.

Massi is redefining the boundaries of Silicon Valley's own Fake it ‘til you make it' approach to "success."
So weird to see a CEO of company so established, financially sound as Masimo still faking his way through the system, like a desperate start-up with nothing left to lose. (except maybe other peoples health and respect!)

Watch for Netflix documentary Bad Hemoglobin, featuring Masimo’s disgraced joke chianti and the events that forced the Class 2 FDA recall of the company’s sphb technology
Word to the defiant: If you got a bad widget and due process comes-a-knockin, just recall that sucker real quick like. You'll be glad you did. Just ask jo.
10/29/10: US vs. Masimo; #2:2010cv08169 filed in US District Court

12/23/10: Masimo initiates FDA Class 2 Recall of its SpHb technology