How 'bout that new law suit ladies

This started years ago, the day that Michael O’Riley chose Apple over Joe. In the field we heard all about it. The Joker even banned everyone from using iPhones until he was finally convinced to use them again. As a true “Socialist” the Joker picks and chooses the tenets of Socialism that work for him. Economic and social equality concerns everyone but himself at the same time he expects zero competition while his paid for corrupt cronies in the government work hard to secure his interests...for a price.

This started years ago, the day that Michael O’Riley chose Apple over Joe. In the field we heard all about it. The Joker even banned everyone from using iPhones until he was finally convinced to use them again. As a true “Socialist” the Joker picks and chooses the tenets of Socialism that work for him. Economic and social equality concerns everyone but himself at the same time he expects zero competition while his paid for corrupt cronies in the government work hard to secure his interests...for a price.
I remember that quack Oh'really. He & lamego bolted when the feds started dropping by with interrogation Q's re: the Hb lie. Lame-go left and started True Wearables Inc. and then got sued by Joe-ssiah 10 seconds later.....for infringing his comedic patents. In summary, Lame-go is already fighting Masimo on two fronts...Apple and True Wearables.
Masimo Corporation et al v. True Wearables, Inc. et al

Joe's hoping he can use the suit to strong arm Apple into buying MASI out so he can ride off into the sunset/politics.

But Apple, if you're listening, please take a close look at large rainbow sales in the middle East during your due diligence. Can't see why a small country would need more rainbow product in 2 quarters than MASI could sell in 3 years in the states. Something stinks and the whistle blowers are coming hard for this one.

Joe's hoping he can use the suit to strong arm Apple into buying MASI out so he can ride off into the sunset/politics.

But Apple, if you're listening, please take a close look at large rainbow sales in the middle East during your due diligence. Can't see why a small country would need more rainbow product in 2 quarters than MASI could sell in 3 years in the states. Something stinks and the whistle blowers are coming hard for this one.
When it’s stinkier than’s Masimo stinky. Joe brings new meaning to “cook book” and “Fake it til you make it.”

I remember that quack Oh'really. He & lamego bolted when the feds started dropping by with interrogation Q's re: the Hb lie. Lame-go left and started True Wearables Inc. and then got sued by Joe-ssiah 10 seconds later.....for infringing his comedic patents. In summary, Lame-go is already fighting Masimo on two fronts...Apple and True Wearables.
Masimo Corporation et al v. True Wearables, Inc. et al
Fear the CEO whose feistiest adversaries aren’t his competition, but rather an angry collection of former friends, employees, shareholders and pissed off business partners.

Friends? Let’s see, who are his “friends”? Clinton, Obama, Biden, Feinstein...oh wait, he paid all of those people to be his “friends” while deficating on all those that made him the money to spend.

It’s like this. When there’s a co-signed, legally binding contract in place with t’s & c’s and exhibits, then it’s a partnership. aint no friendship. Hence joe’s sad state of perpetual friendlessness.

Joe's hoping he can use the suit to strong arm Apple into buying MASI out so he can ride off into the sunset/politics.

But Apple, if you're listening, please take a close look at large rainbow sales in the middle East during your due diligence. Can't see why a small country would need more rainbow product in 2 quarters than MASI could sell in 3 years in the states. Something stinks and the whistle blowers are coming hard for this one.
In the unlikely event any of Joker's intellectual property was ever inappropriately begotten by Apple, odds are it was planted there, not stolen...if you catch my drift. Just ask Joe.

In the unlikely event any of Joker's intellectual property was ever inappropriately begotten by Apple, odds are it was planted there, not stolen...if you catch my drift. Just ask Joe.
or just ask his make believe defector in crime brother Oh'really.
Homeboy got an untold mouthful and I aint talkin about another dozen doughnuts, bless his disproportionately small heart.

Old Joe-n-Reilly had a farm, M.A.S.I.Mo. And on that farm they brewed some fraud, M.A.S.I. Mo...
And a fraud fraud here, and a fraud fraud there,
Here a fraud, there a fraud, everywhere fraud fraud.

Shame his money can’t buy what he really needs most:
1. forgiveness from those he’s cheated, lied to and stolen from, in pursuit of financial gain
2. swivel neck and/or rearview vision
3. shockproof teeth

Looks like the little silver spoon MA finally stabbed JC enough in the back to move him out of his position and to a conciliation position over OEM. But that’s about right because the Joker needs back stabbers working for him and MA is the ultimate knife wielding two-faced used car salesman. I know this good and well after working for MA for 3 years. No integrity what so ever.

Looks like the little silver spoon MA finally stabbed JC enough in the back to move him out of his position and to a conciliation position over OEM. But that’s about right because the Joker needs back stabbers working for him and MA is the ultimate knife wielding two-faced used car salesman. I know this good and well after working for MA for 3 years. No integrity what so ever.
3 consecutive yrs in the joe dungeon? How do u do it? You’re either my hero or just another battered fool. I been here 5 mos and have been interviewing now for 3. Would love to stay and help you sort out the MA debacle with our fists but think I’ll get the hell out of here instead. Good bye from the other side.

Masimo is a gateway company. Studies show that among its former employees, 90% of those who reported directly to Joe for more than 2 yrs leave healthcare and join street gangs. While the others pursue freak porn.

Shame his money can’t buy what he really needs most:
1. forgiveness from those he’s cheated, lied to and stolen from, in pursuit of financial gain
2. swivel neck and/or rearview vision
3. shockproof teeth
Had joker any sense of the penned up rage he instilled in my soul during those....let’s say, lost years serving joey duty, I think he wouldn’t stray so alone from his home, without reliable skin protection plan, tooth n’limb loss or similar covg.

Given Pinocchi-joe’s track record for selling the unsolvable, masiblow should acquire theranos and shown the masi way. They could relaunch the edison with better manufactured data this time and more lawyers to secure an abundance of FDA support.