How 'bout that new law suit ladies

Given Pinocchi-joe’s track record for selling the unsolvable, masiblow should acquire theranos and shown the masi way. They could relaunch the edison with better manufactured data this time and more lawyers to secure an abundance of FDA support.
The Masi way is so EZ-go-sleazy! All you need is a can-do attitude, $1mm in cash or gold ingots and a judge who’s willing to meet at 7-11.
Here’s all you got to do. Tell said judge the FDA must loosen it’s standards to accommodate your wonky product. And slip him the cash or ingots in a large plastic cup, as though you’re just a couple of dudes sharing a big gulp. Then get on your bikes and flee the area.

The Masi way is so EZ-go-sleazy! All you need is a can-do attitude, $1mm in cash or gold ingots and a judge who’s willing to meet at 7-11.
Here’s all you got to do. Tell said judge the FDA must loosen it’s standards to accommodate your wonky product. And slip him the cash or ingots in a large plastic cup, as though you’re just a couple of dudes sharing a big gulp. Then get on your bikes and flee the area.
Haha!! Voilà! Badblood brothers for life! Masimo style!

The Masi way is so EZ-go-sleazy! All you need is a can-do attitude, $1mm in cash or gold ingots and a judge who’s willing to meet at 7-11.
Here’s all you got to do. Tell said judge the FDA must loosen it’s standards to accommodate your wonky product. And slip him the cash or ingots in a large plastic cup, as though you’re just a couple of dudes sharing a big gulp. Then get on your bikes and flee the area.
Pedal fast! You wouldn’t want to be late to your Patient Safety awards banquet at the Ritz.

Godspeed Apple! Stand up to this trolling gnat!

Apple To Challenge Masimo Patents, Review Board Says
March 2, 2021, 12:58 PM
Here’s the skinny we know so far.
While on assignment in Cupertino, CA to promote their me-too, iWatch-hopeful pulse-ox gadgets, a couple of unpopular Masi execs swiftly defected to Apple. Joe took the news in stride at first. Until that is, Apple added insult to injury by announcing their decision to go with a competing me-too pulse ox technology instead of Joe’s.

This double serving of rejection pie from America’s most admired company no less, was more than Joe Majesty’s ego could handle. Rejection and defeat aren’t tolerated at Masimo, instead repurposed as golden opportunities to cry victim. And so His legal dream team was scrambled once again to spin their new tale. The same ‘ol new tale that’s become His sort of poor-me battlecry. The tale of intellectual property gone missing, trade secrets shared over cocktales in the dark, and the poor little victimized millionaire who immigrated here to America with but the silk designer shirt on his back, and now saves billions and billions of bouncing babies**
It is joe’s own tale of a patent infringement conspiracy that just won’t leave him alone.

**Claimed by Joe; substantiated by no one; ridiculed by everyone but Joe.

As I watch the Elizabeth Holmes/Theranos comedy of horrors unfold in federal court I’m reminded of the criminal activities I witnessed during my abbreviated stay at Masimo. Sadly, the criminal activities and behaviors, which included but are not limited to, fraud, malice, & oppression, were essentially identical in nature to those alleged to have occurred at Theranos, under Elizabeth Holmes’ direction.

Here’s the skinny we know so far.
While on assignment in Cupertino, CA to promote their me-too, iWatch-hopeful pulse-ox gadgets, a couple of unpopular Masi execs swiftly defected to Apple. Joe took the news in stride at first. Until that is, Apple added insult to injury by announcing their decision to go with a competing me-too pulse ox technology instead of Joe’s.

This double serving of rejection pie from America’s most admired company no less, was more than Joe Majesty’s ego could handle. Rejection and defeat aren’t tolerated at Masimo, instead repurposed as golden opportunities to cry victim. And so His legal dream team was scrambled once again to spin their new tale. The same ‘ol new tale that’s become His sort of poor-me battlecry. The tale of intellectual property gone missing, trade secrets shared over cocktales in the dark, and the poor little victimized millionaire who immigrated here to America with but the silk designer shirt on his back, and now saves billions and billions of bouncing babies**
It is joe’s own tale of a patent infringement conspiracy that just won’t leave him alone.

**Claimed by Joe; substantiated by no one; ridiculed by everyone but Joe.

Not even the media can spin a convincing tale for Him this time. Miserable employees working for douchebags in shitty companies are free to quit and move on, at will, and go wherever they wish. That’s how this works.

Not even the media can spin a convincing tale for Him this time. Miserable employees working for douchebags in shitty companies are free to quit and move on, at will, and go wherever they wish. That’s how this works.
Keeping a tight budget these days, Apple will be represented by a small team of paralegal interns. Although attending community college by day, they’ll be working diligently on this case most weekends for the most part, and some evenings as necessary.

“Don’t believe the comprehensive research study” …says three top executives from Masimo, whose medical products came under fire by said research study. Determine for yourself whether the expressed opinions of CEO Joe Kiani and his two executives offer in response, sufficiently challenge the research findings, or whether to dismiss it as biased, scientifically-unfounded gibberish.

HME News Staff
January 18, 2022