How 'bout that new law suit ladies

If you like monies and want some more of it then come and get a job here. But you must earn a minimum of an associate degree first from the college or a online portal. After that you can come right in here whenever you want. Oh boy they will make you shuffle around and do stuff in the morning and afternoon. The other parts of the day is up to you. When no one is watching you can do this and that. You can make each day here as fun as possible until you’re fired jack.

Word to the wise and suspect: If one were to commit the egregious crimes for which charges are filed, say hypothetically for wrongful death, negligence and product liability, ‘tis advisable to hire an affirmative defense army—on one’s otherwise vulnerable behalf—to shamelessly deny, duck and dodge said charges, than to risk the wrath of due process in court and the painful justice that might bring.

For a company whose CEO insists it’s the global vaginahub of pure patient safety awesomeness, they sure seem to attract a steady flow of inbound lawsuits involving patient harm and death.

Word to the wise and suspect: If one were to commit the egregious crimes for which charges are filed, say hypothetically for wrongful death, negligence and product liability, ‘tis advisable to hire an affirmative defense army—on one’s otherwise vulnerable behalf—to shamelessly deny, duck and dodge said charges, than to risk the wrath of due process in court and the painful justice that might bring.
Masimo managed to dodge the wrongful death charges in this case (a botched clinical trial resulting in the deaths of 237 infants), thanks to 2-year statute of limitations in the state of Alabama. Now that’s what I call “saved by the bell!” I’d rather have seen Masimo saved by innocence and truth, but oh well... the bell will do!! Yay! Congrats Masimo for deflecting another one!!

Masimo managed to dodge the wrongful death charges in this case (a botched clinical trial resulting in the deaths of 237 infants), thanks to 2-year statute of limitations in the state of Alabama. Now that’s what I call “saved by the bell!” I’d rather have seen Masimo saved by innocence and truth, but oh well... the bell will do!! Yay! Congrats Masimo for deflecting another one!!
we got yer prevailing truth right here.....

we got yer prevailing truth right here.....
Key take away:
“The highest ranking Masimo executives, including its Chairman and CEO, Joe Kiani, knew about the failures of their Pronto and Pronto 7; forced their sales staff to sell the devices “in the face of knowledge that the devices, at least in certain settings, could seriously endanger patients.”
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Key take away:
“The highest ranking Masimo executives, including its Chairman and CEO, Joe Kiani, knew about the failures of their Pronto and Pronto 7; forced their sales staff to sell the devices “in the face of knowledge that the devices, at least in certain settings, could seriously endanger patients.”
This is one of my favorites...
“Masimo executives, some of whom referred to the devices as ‘pieces of crap’ insisted that sales reps continue to sell the devices ‘no matter what, even if they catch on fire.’”

Unlikely recipient of a FDA Warning Letter for CAPA & Complaint Handling violations, Masimo now offers risk management programs, sharing newfound respect for CAPA compliance and Complaint Handling regs in Med Device Industry.
Newfound respect for CAPA & complaint handling regs my arse. Try newfound interest in schmoozing with CAPA regulators and other persons of influence for joker to call in a pinch. It’s how Masi does “risk management.”

It took us three years to address the safety violations noted in the FDA warning letter. That’s 2 1/2 years longer than it should have, when you ponder the risk to patient safety at stake. Who in the world are we to be advising others on regulatory compliance or any standards or competencies we have consistently failed as a company to demonstrate ourselves...such as CAPA, complaint handling, FDA Warning Letter avoidance, or remediation, etc. etc. With our track record in these areas, who would pay any attention to our advice?