How 'bout that new IC Plan

Which section within the company OK’d a FAX copay card? It wasn’t sales. Which section came up with two programs that sound almost identical (get Wegovy and get to know Wegovy) but are different? Which part of the company OK’d blue boxes and white boxes that, again, look almost identical? Which part of the company outsourced all of these ideas because they don’t have a creative bone in their body? Which part of the company was it that didn’t ask for a single ounce of feedback from field sales, choosing instead to TELL about a dozen reps what they were GOING to do and not changing a bit?

Marketing is useless. Brand is useless. Home office is useless.They think a couple of overnight MBA classes make them Steve Jobs.

And yet, Wegovy may still be successful because y’all have a damn good sales force putting out all YOUR fires and solving for all YOUR ineptitude, and while y’all kick back on a beach somewhere, we’re out there working during “company shutdown.”

So, with all due respect, GFYS.

Nailed it!!!

Dear all Novo employees,

You work for a greedy, socialist company that try’s to hide behind their windmills, rainbow flags and patient-centric charade. The only patients that they “care about” are the sick ones with money that they can prey on. The only employees they care about are the robots that continue to drink their triple bottom line cool aid. Run away from this place and don’t look back.

Best wishes,


Dear all Novo employees,

You work for a greedy, socialist company that try’s to hide behind their windmills, rainbow flags and patient-centric charade. The only patients that they “care about” are the sick ones with money that they can prey on. The only employees they care about are the robots that continue to drink their triple bottom line cool aid. Run away from this place and don’t look back.

Best wishes,


What a stupid post. Believe it or not, you can do good and make money at the same time. Our medicines save people’s lives. We don’t prey on anyone.

What a stupid post. Believe it or not, you can do good and make money at the same time. Our medicines save people’s lives. We don’t prey on anyone.
Good retort robot Fill up that Yeti thermos with some more of that Apis bull cool aid and drink up. Novo is one of the top price gaugers in Pharma today. What’s funny is they treat their employees like shit while they stuff money into their castle in Copenhagen. Go sell an overpriced, repurposed product to make a meaningful difference in a patients life

Good retort robot Fill up that Yeti thermos with some more of that Apis bull cool aid and drink up. Novo is one of the top price gaugers in Pharma today. What’s funny is they treat their employees like shit while they stuff money into their castle in Copenhagen. Go sell an overpriced, repurposed product to make a meaningful difference in a patients life
Wow, that’s angry! I hate to agree with you but they have treated employees worse over the last few years. Definitely not the same place to work unfortunately. Still not a bad gig but so many good people have left or are leaving.

Dear all Novo employees,

You work for a greedy, socialist company that try’s to hide behind their windmills, rainbow flags and patient-centric charade. The only patients that they “care about” are the sick ones with money that they can prey on. The only employees they care about are the robots that continue to drink their triple bottom line cool aid. Run away from this place and don’t look back.

Best wishes,


I'm sorry but you lost me at "try's".

Do you even know your business?

This thread is an example of why everyone on the organization hates salespeople. All you ever want is to be paid more for producing less. There’s never been a goal that a sales rep didn’t cry that it was too high. When the company underperforms versus the forecast, then you underperform too. Period. Just shut the fuck up and go sell something if you want to make more bonus.
Goals are meaningless in this Pharma “sales charade”. What we do is a far cry from a true sales profession. We sit in meetings and golf clap after a rep performs a joke of a role play sales call. That’s been the novo way. Just keep cashing your check until they lay you off eventually.

I hope every single rep was honest in the IC survey that came out. I doubt it will change anything, but at least they will realize we are pissed. Goals will be out Tuesday and although they roll out a shiny new IC payout, it doesn't mean shit if the goals are beyond realistic. I don't expect NNI to hand me money, but don't give out goals that can never be achieved. The payout only matters if you can make goal.