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Will We Take A Tangible Diversity Action Plan?

To poster from before: that’s NOT racism...maybe hate or bigotry or ignorance...but NOT racism. Black people CANT be racist...we can be everything else but NOT racist. Don’t get it twisted or confused.

Racism is when one group of people, oppresses another group of people to the point where it renders them powerless...etc etc. black people don’t have any power...period....especially heterosexual black men...unless it’s on the field of play or on the tube...and even then it’s questionable

Just observe the power of these college athletes when they “opt out” to prepare for pro. They know the power they have. Especially in Southern cities that hate their existence but those athletes are responsible for those towns economy. You will see them “flex” their power in all areas. This generation is different and knows BS when they see it.

To poster from before: that’s NOT racism...maybe hate or bigotry or ignorance...but NOT racism. Black people CANT be racist...we can be everything else but NOT racist. Don’t get it twisted or confused.

Racism is when one group of people, oppresses another group of people to the point where it renders them powerless...etc etc. black people don’t have any power...period....especially heterosexual black men...unless it’s on the field of play or on the tube...and even then it’s questionable

Sounds like you’re talking about discrimination, not racism. Discrimination is either giving or withholding something from a group of people based upon a characteristic. That takes power, because you have to have the ability to give or withhold something. And power is situational; it’s not somehow magically granted to a group of people to wield in any situation. Racism is a belief of superiority based upon the color of your skin; discrimination is an action. Regardless, we’re talking about semantics, and you’re welcome to have whatever definition you choose. Can we agree that it’s not a good thing to cast negative characteristics on people due to the color of their skin, regardless of the color of your skin? That was what my original post was about. I think blacks and whites can be racists if they believe negative things about people with a different skin color solely because of the color of their skin. You might call that hate, or bigotry, or ignorance....but, it’s all bad, and it’s done by people of all color.

Let us receive Black Santa Claus gifts and a Black Jesus saying Merry Christmas...watch how fast the “I don’t see color” crowd is outraged.

Jesus was a dark brown man, thats a fact. Santa maybe not but there is no question that Jesus was a dark brown skinned man. think about that when you accept racism and discrimination at this company.

I hated my time at Novo. A place full of racists. Now I am in a position where I am able to influence patients and providers not to use Novo products or switch from them. Everyday I am able to convince a patient or a provider is a great day.

The level of racism increased with the most recent leadership