How 'bout that new IC Plan

I don’t want to the the person who says I’m so glad novo cut me and gave me a severance and forced me to find a job, but man am I so happy that happened. Keep looking, force yourself to interview and start looking I promise it’s better out there. Novo sucks, as you have already illustrated from previous posts. Your right.

Do you think Marketing answers faxes and runs websites? Damn, man. You need to start learning something about your company. Also, look up the word “strategy” - I promise it has nothing to do with faxes and websites. If that’s all you’ve got, then your beef isn’t with Marketing.
You are obviously in the marketing department and your opinion cannot be valued because you are biased.

You are obviously in the marketing department and your opinion cannot be valued because you are biased.

It’s not an opinion. If you’re pissed that faxes don’t get answered and/or a website crashes, then it’s not Marketing that you’re pissed at. That’s a fact, so it’s true regardless of who might be saying it.

Which section within the company OK’d a FAX copay card? It wasn’t sales. Which section came up with two programs that sound almost identical (get Wegovy and get to know Wegovy) but are different? Which part of the company OK’d blue boxes and white boxes that, again, look almost identical? Which part of the company outsourced all of these ideas because they don’t have a creative bone in their body? Which part of the company was it that didn’t ask for a single ounce of feedback from field sales, choosing instead to TELL about a dozen reps what they were GOING to do and not changing a bit?

Marketing is useless. Brand is useless. Home office is useless.They think a couple of overnight MBA classes make them Steve Jobs.

And yet, Wegovy may still be successful because y’all have a damn good sales force putting out all YOUR fires and solving for all YOUR ineptitude, and while y’all kick back on a beach somewhere, we’re out there working during “company shutdown.”

So, with all due respect, GFYS.

Well said! You just won the post of the day! Marketing sat at their "home offices" in silos and created a strategy with little input from the Obesity side of the business. All management above the DM level with knowledge of the business was reassigned and the marketing team with obesity market knowledge was eliminated. This is what you get! A s-show!!
Isn’t this what most of Novo does….get little input from the ones actually in the field! Hence why we are always chasing our tail.

Which section within the company OK’d a FAX copay card? It wasn’t sales. Which section came up with two programs that sound almost identical (get Wegovy and get to know Wegovy) but are different? Which part of the company OK’d blue boxes and white boxes that, again, look almost identical? Which part of the company outsourced all of these ideas because they don’t have a creative bone in their body? Which part of the company was it that didn’t ask for a single ounce of feedback from field sales, choosing instead to TELL about a dozen reps what they were GOING to do and not changing a bit?

Marketing is useless. Brand is useless. Home office is useless.They think a couple of overnight MBA classes make them Steve Jobs.

And yet, Wegovy may still be successful because y’all have a damn good sales force putting out all YOUR fires and solving for all YOUR ineptitude, and while y’all kick back on a beach somewhere, we’re out there working during “company shutdown.”

So, with all due respect, GFYS.
Ok! New winner! You nailed it! All ABSOLUTE TRUTH!!!

When has Novo EVER launched a product successfully? NEVER. I don't care what sort of BS marketing comes up with, it never goes as they think it should or as planned. I always try to remember this when we launch something and try to figure out a way to stay ahead of the inevitable debacle created by marketing and the brand team, yet of course, there is only so much I can do. Where is the accountability on marketing? If sales does't perform, you don't make IC and you get put on a plan. What happens to marketing and their half baked ideas? They just blame it on sales and go about their day? Was there accountability within the sample department and this VERY COSTLY thermometer fiasco? Did anyone lose their job over that shit show? It just seems all these other departments are incompetent yet sales has no input yet they are left holding the bag. Not necessarily complaining, it's just the way it is.

Which section within the company OK’d a FAX copay card? It wasn’t sales. Which section came up with two programs that sound almost identical (get Wegovy and get to know Wegovy) but are different? Which part of the company OK’d blue boxes and white boxes that, again, look almost identical? Which part of the company outsourced all of these ideas because they don’t have a creative bone in their body? Which part of the company was it that didn’t ask for a single ounce of feedback from field sales, choosing instead to TELL about a dozen reps what they were GOING to do and not changing a bit?

Marketing is useless. Brand is useless. Home office is useless.They think a couple of overnight MBA classes make them Steve Jobs.

And yet, Wegovy may still be successful because y’all have a damn good sales force putting out all YOUR fires and solving for all YOUR ineptitude, and while y’all kick back on a beach somewhere, we’re out there working during “company shutdown.”

So, with all due respect, GFYS.

What!!?? A salesperson taking credit for everything!!?? What a shocker. Thanks for a predictable, self-righteous rant that I could see coming from a mile away. I always enjoy seeing a salesperson be a predictable egomaniac.

When has Novo EVER launched a product successfully? NEVER. I don't care what sort of BS marketing comes up with, it never goes as they think it should or as planned. I always try to remember this when we launch something and try to figure out a way to stay ahead of the inevitable debacle created by marketing and the brand team, yet of course, there is only so much I can do. Where is the accountability on marketing? If sales does't perform, you don't make IC and you get put on a plan. What happens to marketing and their half baked ideas? They just blame it on sales and go about their day? Was there accountability within the sample department and this VERY COSTLY thermometer fiasco? Did anyone lose their job over that shit show? It just seems all these other departments are incompetent yet sales has no input yet they are left holding the bag. Not necessarily complaining, it's just the way it is.

How many times do I have to explain that the marketing dept is where the "smart people" are and that sales "the stupid people" are only around to carry out their orders in a mindless fashion? Can't believe this doesn't sink in. Mktg avoids the field like the plague because otherwise they are confronted with their ideas NOT working and they aren't going to let that happen. dahhhhhhhhh

How many times do I have to explain that the marketing dept is where the "smart people" are and that sales "the stupid people" are only around to carry out their orders in a mindless fashion? Can't believe this doesn't sink in. Mktg avoids the field like the plague because otherwise they are confronted with their ideas NOT working and they aren't going to let that happen. dahhhhhhhhh

I think you’re the only one one saying “smart” and “dumb”. No one else makes this claim - do you have some sort of inferiority complex or something? The difference between Sales and Marketing is their function in the company - Marketing creates strategy and Sales executes it. Hell, I’m in Sales and even I know that. Someone not listening to you when you try to tell them how to do their job isn’t “not taking feedback” from the field. Just focus on being better at YOUR job and actually using the resources provided to you before pretending like you’re competent enough to tell someone else what their job is. Get over yourself and your ego and recognize that this is a partnership not an adversarial relationship. But, as long as you act like a dick, don’t expect anyone to ever listen.

Here is my question. Why did we reinvent the wheel when it comes to the Wegovy launch?
Surely there were some redeemable qualities in the bridge program from the Rybelsus launch. Why not improve on the shortcomings seen with that launch and apply "what we learned" to launch Wegovy? Why would we create a "hub" to fax all the savings card requests through? First, faxing is circa 2000. Second, anytime you involve more steps and people into a process, the more you introduce the potential for problems. And lastly, remember the principle "keep it simple, stupid! What are we doing?

I think you’re the only one one saying “smart” and “dumb”. No one else makes this claim - do you have some sort of inferiority complex or something? The difference between Sales and Marketing is their function in the company - Marketing creates strategy and Sales executes it. Hell, I’m in Sales and even I know that. Someone not listening to you when you try to tell them how to do their job isn’t “not taking feedback” from the field. Just focus on being better at YOUR job and actually using the resources provided to you before pretending like you’re competent enough to tell someone else what their job is. Get over yourself and your ego and recognize that this is a partnership not an adversarial relationship. But, as long as you act like a dick, don’t expect anyone to ever listen.

Man, you must not work in marketing or sales because there is no partnership and there never has been one at this place. Behind closed doors marketing is certain that they are the brains and sales is just the execution arm. Fact.