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Will We Take A Tangible Diversity Action Plan?

I hated my time at Novo. A place full of racists. Now I am in a position where I am able to influence patients and providers not to use Novo products or switch from them. Everyday I am able to convince a patient or a provider is a great day.

Great! Hate will get you far and will be very fulfilling, I am sure. Best of luck in your new role.

Great! Hate will get you far and will be very fulfilling, I am sure. Best of luck in your new role.

It got 70m votes and people to believe election was “stolen” and have his people stalk politician homes. Also, made a pill popping AM radio host #1 in the country for years screaming secede and “take back cities” for cultural dominance but Oakland is “too far gone”.

All the statistics and overwhelming evidence must be wrong then. I’m sure the fatherlessness, crime, and victimization as well as passed on dislike of other cultures must not exist because it’s not in your community

My community is your community. I might be your district mate and attend the same events you do. We’re 1 America.

It got 70m votes and people to believe election was “stolen” and have his people stalk politician homes. Also, made a pill popping AM radio host #1 in the country for years screaming secede and “take back cities” for cultural dominance but Oakland is “too far gone”.

Sure. Go with that! You sound like a happy person.

It got 70m votes and people to believe election was “stolen” and have his people stalk politician homes. Also, made a pill popping AM radio host #1 in the country for years screaming secede and “take back cities” for cultural dominance but Oakland is “too far gone”.

Someday, you’re going to have to quit painting people who vote for someone besides the candidate of your choice as bad people. That’s what breeds hate - people who aren’t racist, bigots, homophobes, etc don’t like to be called one simply because they don’t agree with you. It’s hate that leads you to label them as such, not hate that gets them pissed off when you do.

And, be careful of who you’re pointing fingers at. It wasn’t conservatives rioting, murdering, and destroying prior to the election. How quickly you forget....

Someday, you’re going to have to quit painting people who vote for someone besides the candidate of your choice as bad people. That’s what breeds hate - people who aren’t racist, bigots, homophobes, etc don’t like to be called one simply because they don’t agree with you. It’s hate that leads you to label them as such, not hate that gets them pissed off when you do.

And, be careful of who you’re pointing fingers at. It wasn’t conservatives rioting, murdering, and destroying prior to the election. How quickly you forget....

Who was and what made them?

Organizations are made up of people and if you think people don’t have biases when they are hiring for positions, please take a look at your damn white privileged life. I was let go for a plain and simple reason that my boss favored my white counterpart, he did everything in his power to make sure that happened. I have no proof, and so have no case, can only hope karma catches up to all of these folks. But somehow the oppressor class always flourishes.

Novo has gotten away with this for years now. Not only is race an issue but also gender and age. There are many circumstances where females are fired while males who have similar performance issues are retained. Look at the number of females RBDs who have been fired. No one asks why? Google Hooker vs. Novo Nordisk. It’s a good read!

Novo has gotten away with this for years now. Not only is race an issue but also gender and age. There are many circumstances where females are fired while males who have similar performance issues are retained. Look at the number of females RBDs who have been fired. No one asks why? Google Hooker vs. Novo Nordisk. It’s a good read!

Novo is a poorly run company in the US. Use to be a place to be but now its a place to avoid.

Why are white males given the benefit of the doubt and assumed to be top performers and talented?
That’s complete BS. I've seen many a 50-something white guy get blown outta here (high performers). Everyone gets screwed, but now the special groups are ranting so the white guy is screwed even more.
Gawd forbid you’re 55, white, and male here.

That’s complete BS. I've seen many a 50-something white guy get blown outta here (high performers). Everyone gets screwed, but now the special groups are ranting so the white guy is screwed even more.
Gawd forbid you’re 55, white, and male here.

If you’re a 55 year old white male and can’t find a similar position or promotion elsewhere, you’re simply a horrible candidate. 99% sure you’ll interview with another Middle Age To Older White male.

If you’re a 55 year old white male and can’t find a similar position or promotion elsewhere, you’re simply a horrible candidate. 99% sure you’ll interview with another Middle Age To Older White male.

I think the only time that the age and race of the hiring manager matters is when an unqualified candidate is looking for an excuse as to why they weren’t hired. It’s an easier answer for them to blame something outside of their control than own up to the fact that they just weren’t as good as the other candidates.

If you’re a 55 year old white male and can’t find a similar position or promotion elsewhere, you’re simply a horrible candidate. 99% sure you’ll interview with another Middle Age To Older White male.
No way.
You’ll be interviewing against a female or female of color 8-10 years junior who they want to ‘push up’ into a role.
My best friend is a Sr. Exec with a large company and just completed a 1/2 day diversity hiring training. The implied message from his employer: hire the female / PoC ... if it’s remotely close to being close.

No way.
You’ll be interviewing against a female or female of color 8-10 years junior who they want to ‘push up’ into a role.
My best friend is a Sr. Exec with a large company and just completed a 1/2 day diversity hiring training. The implied message from his employer: hire the female / PoC ... if it’s remotely close to being close.

You’re a terrible candidate. That’s why. Everyone at that hiring table looks and thinks like you.

You’re a terrible candidate. That’s why. Everyone at that hiring table looks and thinks like you.

You seem to hold a lot of hate in your heart for people that you don’t even know. You make massive assumptions about them and their motives based almost solely on their race. Just so you know, that’s called racism, and your comments make you a racist. I’m not sure why you hate a fictitious group of people just because they don’t look like you.

You seem to hold a lot of hate in your heart for people that you don’t even know. You make massive assumptions about them and their motives based almost solely on their race. Just so you know, that’s called racism, and your comments make you a racist. I’m not sure why you hate a fictitious group of people just because they don’t look like you.

Let us receive Black Santa Claus gifts and a Black Jesus saying Merry Christmas...watch how fast the “I don’t see color” crowd is outraged.

Let us receive Black Santa Claus gifts and a Black Jesus saying Merry Christmas...watch how fast the “I don’t see color” crowd is outraged.

You’ve already made it clear that you see color and make assumptions of someone’s character because of it.

Regarding Santa and Jesus, I’m pretty sure the general consensus is that St Nicholas and Jesus Christ both had light skin. Regardless, people already put up depictions of them being black, and I’m not aware of any violent conflicts as a result. So, despite you inferring that people would be up in arms, I’m not sure that is true. Now, if I put up a pic of a white Rosa Parks and a white MLK, let’s see how that goes....

To poster from before: that’s NOT racism...maybe hate or bigotry or ignorance...but NOT racism. Black people CANT be racist...we can be everything else but NOT racist. Don’t get it twisted or confused.

Racism is when one group of people, oppresses another group of people to the point where it renders them powerless...etc etc. black people don’t have any power...period....especially heterosexual black men...unless it’s on the field of play or on the tube...and even then it’s questionable