Saw the HR email with job postings in PA. What's up with that territory? Thinking about posting for it. Thoughts?
Interview coming up...what's the deal with the new DM in PA? Noticed there are 2 hospital spots open. Serious replies please.
Thank you....have read all the previous posts and noticed the common theme of micromanagement and pressure.
From a different thread with the header up to:
Wow. You are spot on. This type of behavior is also pervasive in the hospital division. The culture if terrible and the "off-label" selling while operating under a CIA is incredulous! A high percentage of the DM's lead by fear and offer no leadership. The Western Regional Manager has a team of "yes" DM's and promotes breaking every rule under the sun in the hospital divisions at any cost! You nailed it in this letter and there are LOTS of others whom have left that departed due to everything that was outlined. Forest WAS a good company but has taken a dramatic turn for the worst. Also, head of compliance (JZ) looks the other way and the HR Department just gives people Severance Agreements to "shut them up." Good luck. The economy is tough but if you can find another position with another company that doesn't embrace these kinds of attitudes that ultimately lead to this kind of culture........leave!
You are so right! It is not just the Western Regional Manager who manages by fear and intimidation. The problem is higher up the food chain. You have Gerard and Elaine who are managing a launch of a drug they have absolutely no experience selling in. They may have some good people around them that know what they are doing but they don't listen to them.
So here is the truth to the people upstairs in this division...
1) Who the F cares if Teflaro is on core measures if there is no interest by pharmacy. Tygacil is on the core measure too and how often do you see it on pneumonia guidelines? Yeah Yeah Teflaro is a cephalosporin...its a no brainer EXCEPT for the fact that it is 80 dollars a day and ceftriaxone and vanco are DIRT cheap together! We have NO DATA to show shorter length of stay or even the 4 day data is not statistically different! So unless your hospital is cash rich (or maybe an accounting r*****) you are not going to put TF on a level playing field with ceftriaxone + vanco. We need an MRSA pneumonia study!
2) Yeah Yeah this is not an ID drug! Bullshit you are smoking crack. Every anti-infective including ceftriaxone was an ID drug when it was first launched. If you can't recognize that there is a process with antibiotics and even more so now with stewardship they you are misleading your reps.
3) Forest needs to study other infections like endocarditis, bacteremia, osteomyelitis. Even if it is a collection of published case reports than can back up a physician if he/she uses that would help. We live in a litigious society and docs will not take the risk if there isn't something to back them up.
4) This is hospital sales NOT RETAIL. Calling on 10 docs a day in a hospital is completely ridiculous. Just because you sold the shit out of Lexapro with that model of selling does not mean it works for antibiotics. WORK SMART not stupid like what you are requiring the reps to do. So guess what, instead of telling the truth we all have to just lie to make you happy. Get a clue and start actually listening to the people that know what the hell they are doing.
5) Lastly, I know that none of this will make a damn bit of difference but one thing I do know is that the economy may be bad now but it won't forever. And making this company so sleazy will only drive the good competent people away.
Ha ha. My hospital rep is lazy. Watch what happins when that person starts trying to call on my targets outside the hospital. Will be kicked out, ignored, etc. Then, they will try to fake calls to please their DM...ha ha got you now butt wipe. Here comes a bus, and now I am big enough to throw you in front of it. Gonna do it!
First off...sorry this is a repost...2 years of device exp (1099, neuro, cardiothoracic, new products I put through eval and approval)...certified research assistant...what are the odds of getting a serious look for an open hospital rep position without antibiotic exp as preferred on the job posting? I'm smart enough to realize my earnings are inflated due to absorbing all 175k = 85-90k in pharma when you consider car, gas, insurance, etc. Considering bc I live in a small, maxed out market and actually enjoy the technical side of pharma due to my clinical research exp. Thoughts?