Hospital Reps

You are correct - culture is pure madness. Managers that were once well-liked have become unbearable...obviously they too are feeling the pressure. I wish I would have analyzed the territory before coming on board. Unrealistic expectations lead to anxiety-provoking sleepless nights. Being the eternal optimist that I am, I am hoping it turns around.

Forest will never change. You are working for assclowns in a rectum rodeo.

Thoughts on Daliresp so far? Obstacles? What are PUDs saying?

Hmmm.... i would NEVER start this product in a hospital because of the diarreha. Why are you even promoting an outpatient drug in the hospital setting? Why are you wasting your energy?

"well, because our fearless leaders think we hospital reps have a role in selling Daliresp"

You're marketing team must be very stupid.

That's pretty much what all my PUD's are saying to me.... 30% weighting? hahahahaha

Agreed! They think it's an awful drug. Even my well-respected Chiefs of Pulmonology do not want to touch this. Marketing is out of their mind. I thought Forest was on the right path when creating a true hospital sales force with Teflaro, but adding Daliresp was not a good move. Can't wait til they give us Namenda XR so we can once again be known as the hospital sales force relegated to selling outpatient drugs in an inpatient environment.