Hospital Reps

Don't even get me started on where this all went wrong! Poor execution by management. Two more hospital postings today. Another former LTC rep bites the dust....joining the ranks of LH, DA, and (almost) KT.

Don't even get me started on where this all went wrong! Poor execution by management. Two more hospital postings today. Another former LTC rep bites the dust....joining the ranks of LH, DA, and (almost) KT.

Are the LTC reps struggling? I personally don't see any difference between ltc, internal hospital and outside hires.

It seems they are...these 4 either demoted themselves or resigned, but no one is having it easy (internals, outside hires, etc). KT stated he/they didn't have to work as hard in LTC.

How is heather mooney doing as a hospital dm? she seems to want to climb right up that corporate go girl! keep on playing the game.

she definatley will keep climbing...wants to be a regional like her buddy tom whitwell....he has guided her all the way..brought her over from phizer...
she will be a regional in no time.

This blonde bombshell ain't sitting in her car in the rain. Check out my numbers in MA- and I'm not talkin about 36-24-36.We can succeed,my Dr's just need to see the virtue in Teflaro. ID's up here are just stupid.