Hospital Reps

Yep Seattle (Portland).....Ryan Clift....worlds worst manager!! Just a giant windbag who's primary focus is kissing ass and getting his reps to do his work. We can't stand him in manager's meetings....just repeats what everyone else says and makes everyone miserable! What a joke of a manager!!!!

In reply to post #17....
Three of the hospital reps in my division alone went back to territory is a very real situation and I'm certain more will soon follow.

forest has a hospital division, are you kidding me? the worst pharma company in the biz has a hospital rep? i knew the specialty "Rep" joke was the laugh of the century at Forest as their are no specialty reps at forest, but now the hospital rep talk is hilarious!!!! The armpit of the industry, hey forest how about hiring another 23 yr. old enterprise rent a car guy to "run" a district? ahahhahaha, brrahahhahahhah............................the worst of the worst has a hospital division. Let me guess the base pay is in the 40's with a target "bonus" in the 90's??? sound about right.

You know what? You wouldn't be laughing if you knew what the base pay is. It is more than you will ever make in a lifetime. Now get to work and see if you can make your $50k salary.
It's an awesome division with lots of further opportunity in the pipeline.

You know what? You wouldn't be laughing if you knew what the base pay is. It is more than you will ever make in a lifetime. Now get to work and see if you can make your $50k salary.
It's an awesome division with lots of further opportunity in the pipeline.

I'm a hosp rep in NE, take naps in car outside in hospital parking lot, smoke cigs and drink coffee

yeah typical day for NE hospital rep coffee and bagel in car-fictional call notes-small nap -rush at noon -park at hilton garden after chinese buffett lunch- and hit the john with a usa today-go home!

In reply to post #17....
Three of the hospital reps in my division alone went back to territory is a very real situation and I'm certain more will soon follow.

The vacancies and those complaining on here are the loser, soak up the company for a huge base salary long term care reps that couldn't sell penicillan to gonhorea patients. These guys are old and really suck at selling. They get on here to complain and talk about how they "were great" and "how hard it is" because in LTC they didn;t have to do squat. Don't be fooled by the openings, LTC reps were forced on hospital division and now they are being cleaned out and should be.

Reply #30 is accurate... All of the LTC reps that I know resigned...they definitely didn't want to work that hard and acted like ingrates when they were handed hospital spots. Forest could've laid them all off, but they gave them a new opportunity. Too bad they didn't appreciate it!

Reply #30 is accurate... All of the LTC reps that I know resigned...they definitely didn't want to work that hard and acted like ingrates when they were handed hospital spots. Forest could've laid them all off, but they gave them a new opportunity. Too bad they didn't appreciate it!

#30 is not correct - nor are you. You are right that the job is not right for everyone, but you are painting with an inappropriately broad brush.

Many former Hospital Reps have resigned, too. The bottom line is the former hosptial reps were little more than glorified retail reps working in out-patient hospital-based clinics. Those that had dispproportiante share hospitals with busy outpatient clinics did well. That "success" had little to do with real hospital sales.

A former Senior Care Rep leads at least one of the Regions in DOTs since launch. Several others are also doing well. That said, I would estimate about 50% of them have resigned. Some were disgruntled by the move, but others were fine with it....actually embraced it.

There were three "surprises" I heard from former LTC reps, though, that were bothersome to them:
1) Going from a Senior Managment team with realistic expectations (Bley) to one with unrealistic expectations (sell emperically to everyone on day one);
2) Going to a Senior Management team with very limited knowledge of an extremely complex and competitive marketplace; and
3) The borderline arrogant attitude of about 33% of the old hospital reps who thought they actually knew real hospital sales, only to be sadly surprised when this product kicked their ass and they couldn't handle of the stress of working the INSIDE of a hospital.

So stop hating the LTC reps....someday you might do as well as some of us are doing with Teflaro. We are willing share the roadmaps to our successes.....a trait that was sadly lacking from this "team" in the past.

Best Wishes,
A former LTC rep who enjoys kicking former Hospital Reps' butts

Amen to that! You are absolutely correct on the LTC Reps! To the idiots that are posting crap and blaming the LTC reps that apparently don't know how to're just not informed and apparently have no level of maturity to check the facts. But go ahead and spread this BS because once the LTC reps are all gone......the only finger you can point at is you. It doesn't appear the former Institutional Reps are tearing it up either.....hmmmmm....we only hit 50% of our goal Q1 and with roughly 15 LTC Reps still in the Hospital Division..........what they hell are the rest of you doing.

Go back and read my #30 post again. I didn't say all of the LYCOS reps were bad I said those were the vacancies and they were the ones posting crap. For those ltc reps that made the transition great but most were really bad. U r the exception.

Go back and read my #30 post again. I didn't say all of the LYCOS reps were bad I said those were the vacancies and they were the ones posting crap. For those ltc reps that made the transition great but most were really bad. U r the exception.

I just re-read post 30. Which part failed to insult the LTC reps?

The part where you said we were all old?
The part where you said we couldn't sell pen to gonhorea patients?
The part where you said we were being appropriatedly weeded out?
The part where you said we were lazy and not used to working hard?
The part where you said all the vacancies are caused by us resigning (so untrue)?
The part where you accuse us off bragging about how great we were (Forest LTC was ranked #1 of all pharma LTC sales forces for many many years, btw)?

Actually, there are more insults in there (6) than lines in the message (5).

BTW - I am beginning to beleive this is coming from a DM who probably had no institutional managememt experience (prior Forest Hosp DM experience doesn't count as real institutional experience) and who is totally intimidated by the incredible wealth of knowledge and experience some of the former LTC reps have. Since most of the hospital DM's have no ability to delegate and feel the need to micromanage everything while attempting to prove their value, having an experienced person who pushes back with real world experience and knowledge must be very frustrating - and intimidating!

I just re-read post 30. Which part failed to insult the LTC reps?

The part where you said we were all old?
The part where you said we couldn't sell pen to gonhorea patients?
The part where you said we were being appropriatedly weeded out?
The part where you said we were lazy and not used to working hard?
The part where you said all the vacancies are caused by us resigning (so untrue)?
The part where you accuse us off bragging about how great we were (Forest LTC was ranked #1 of all pharma LTC sales forces for many many years, btw)?

Actually, there are more insults in there (6) than lines in the message (5).

BTW - I am beginning to beleive this is coming from a DM who probably had no institutional managememt experience (prior Forest Hosp DM experience doesn't count as real institutional experience) and who is totally intimidated by the incredible wealth of knowledge and experience some of the former LTC reps have. Since most of the hospital DM's have no ability to delegate and feel the need to micromanage everything while attempting to prove their value, having an experienced person who pushes back with real world experience and knowledge must be very frustrating - and intimidating!

If these other hospital reps that are left behind are so great, why isn't the product selling better?????