Horrible company to work for...

So what does it mean to be made in America with Applied?

Are the assemblers named Julia and Michael or are they Miguel and Juanita?

i’ll tell you as a former Stryker rep.....Some of Stryker’s sawblades & surgical products are actually made in China, but ASSEMBLED in Ireland. Read the exact wording on the back of the packages. This is how they can legally get through that loophole & sell a product made in China to government accounts because once upon a time, vendors couldn’t sell non-American made products to US Government accounts (not sure if that’s still the case)

So what does it mean to be made in America with Applied?

Are the assemblers named Julia and Michael or are they Miguel and Juanita?

American Made is a complete meme. Not to get distracted by politics, because we go to /pol/ if we want that. But this board should be about Applied. However I'll say this last thing.

Most of the assemblers are of Southeast Asian stock. They typically have higher IQ's and higher functioning than Miguel or Juanita, but not as high as Japanese, Korean or Han Chinese. They work just as hard as Miguel or Juanita but the quality of their output is much higher. Notice in shipping it's mainly Miguel and Juanita working there. Both are blue collar working jobs, but one requires a higher problem solving output. If you don't believe what I'm saying just go look around if we are ever allowed back at RSM. Your badge will get you in any door and your can just say you are "so excited about vertical integration" they'll let you in anyplace. Notice how it's pretty much two ethnic neighborhoods in those two jobs.

Finally, and this is probably going to ruffle the feathers of the pearl clutchers here, but it's 100% accurate. Made in America is a complete meme. The poster who said Made in America vs. Assembled in America gets it. The soil here on the shores of the United States doesn't contain magic dirt. Anyone who thinks Immigrants will magically become Real Americans, real life nephews of their Uncle Sam, reborn on the Fourth of July by virtue of geographical relocation, thereby instantly negating of all of their racial, ethnic, religious, political, and cultural traditions is sadly dead wrong. Made in America conjures up images of the automotive plants in Detroit, the steel mills in Pittsburgh, the textile factories in Ohio from the 1950's. However those jobs were filled by Americans, hence the products and the connotation was that they were American Made(quality). The soil under the plants in RSM isn't magic and these products aren't American.

I can tell you everyone in our district is sick of this shithole place and the clown “management”. This place will go down with them at the helm. We’re not going down with this sinking ship.

And you think you can a better job, do remind yourself, you have Applied on the resume.

Collect the Check, smile and relax. If you really wanted to actually work, u would’ve left within 6months

And you think you can a better job, do remind yourself, you have Applied on the resume.

Collect the Check, smile and relax. If you really wanted to actually work, u would’ve left within 6months

Haha slow down hoss. You’re posting on this board. So you’re either stuck in this dumpster fire with the rest of us or you’ve moved on to greener pastures- in which case tell us where you went- bc you have applied on your resume too. Please tell us what you do now. But, if in fact you’re a fireman send the team in!

Everytime I get off one of those company zoom calls I feel worse about the company. I mean scott cooper and the child from the nw is the best the company can trot out to talk to the company?!?! But then I feel better because if those idiots can coast through their career here then I guess so can I working 2hr/week max

Everytime I get off one of those company zoom calls I feel worse about the company. I mean scott cooper and the child from the nw is the best the company can trot out to talk to the company?!?! But then I feel better because if those idiots can coast through their career here then I guess so can I working 2hr/week max
Sounds like you’ve figured this gig out.

Anyone else leave Applied only to have your team who you thought were friends shun you like a leper? It really has some cult like qualities. So strange...

This reorg will really show u who the KoolAid guzzlers from the ones who just play the game. Anyone who tells you that this is a good move is beyond hope. The guys who are young but see the bull and play the game will finally realize that it is time to leave. Older guys like myself who have seen this a few times will continue to play the game because we are unfortunately stuck here. Spent too much time here because we got lazy. Nobody wants to hire someone with 7 yrs at Applied as a rep.

The comments about SC and the child made me laugh pretty good.

I’ve been out of Applied for about 5 years now, but in the 5 or so years I was in, I saw a lot of talented people leave because of Carp and his old dirt bag of a boss Dave Mac. Glad to see he, and Applied, hasn’t changed.

This company was much better when DM was here. Don’t compare DM to Brian for one second. Dave only wanted the best for his team and for everyone to succeed. He was by far the hardest working and most talented manager the NE ever had. He was pushed out by the people intimidated by his success I.e. tim and Dennis. Neither of those clowns could come close to the manager and person Dave was. He’s not here anymore because he actually wants to work and make something of his career. This clown bus is driven by losers who want to surround themselves with other losers and friends so they can coast into retirement in 15 yrs. Leaders who actually want to work and succeed LEAVE this sh*thole because of people like Tim and Molly and all the other losers from zone directors and up that have totally run this company into the ground because of their laziness.

You're giving way to much credit to Dave and the prior "leaders" of this company. Applied, at it's peak, made a dent against USSC/Covidien and Ethicon. Not an impact, a dent. Since then, they live on the same stupid mantra of "new generation medical company" blah blah blah. Pushing cheap trocars, a energy platform that no one will use and now coming out of a pandemic, you're still trying to sell clips, bag and wound retractors like you're saving the world. With leaders like Dennis, Donahue, Molly, Chuck and Carpenter, you'll keep circling the drain trying to sell two bit items in a world where hospitals need to save millions. For those of you that can get out, get your experience (for what it's worth) and move on. Some of you are too far down the rabbit hole and will never get out. Applied has killed your career and likely your ambition. But Dave, Dennis, Ted, John, past or present "leaders" can't lead any of you out of this shit and you all know it. Stop giving any of them credit because none deserve it.

You're giving way to much credit to Dave and the prior "leaders" of this company. Applied, at it's peak, made a dent against USSC/Covidien and Ethicon. Not an impact, a dent. Since then, they live on the same stupid mantra of "new generation medical company" blah blah blah. Pushing cheap trocars, a energy platform that no one will use and now coming out of a pandemic, you're still trying to sell clips, bag and wound retractors like you're saving the world. With leaders like Dennis, Donahue, Molly, Chuck and Carpenter, you'll keep circling the drain trying to sell two bit items in a world where hospitals need to save millions. For those of you that can get out, get your experience (for what it's worth) and move on. Some of you are too far down the rabbit hole and will never get out. Applied has killed your career and likely your ambition. But Dave, Dennis, Ted, John, past or present "leaders" can't lead any of you out of this shit and you all know it. Stop giving any of them credit because none deserve it.

Probably the most truthful post on this board...‍♂️