HCP Access

Agreed, we are just glorified caterers and sample droppers and that’s on a good day. The rest of the time is driving around, listening to talk radio, and taking care of personal stuff!
Appalled that the reps scam our company. Get rid of them and use FedEx ou USPS to deliver samples! $ savings can be used to develop new drugs. Time for change!

Yeah, because you seem like you work at a useful department. And what do you do exactly? if you think reps are useless then you are the ultimate waste of money since you don’t contribute to any revenue generating purpose so be gone now!

Lol, OK, and even if you do you're arguing on an anonymous internet board with a rep on a Sunday afternoon... what a winner.

Finance hahaha. Once again, it doesn’t generate actual revenue. Crunch numbers all you want! Your numbers mean nothing without business being brought in, and guess what? You are nothing! Bunch a crunch useless typing loser. Eat Cereal!

Finance hahaha. Once again, it doesn’t generate actual revenue. Crunch numbers all you want! Your numbers mean nothing without business being brought in, and guess what? You are nothing! Bunch a crunch useless typing loser. Eat Cereal!
And are the highest paid, run multiple departments, and manage multiple companies across this sector. I do not remember one recruiter at my MBA seeking pharmaceutical sales professionals. Who are the organizations seeking name tag wearing reps for their leadership teams (you cannot use a MLM)? Plus, find the finance posts whining about the job, on this site, similar to the cries of you idiot reps.

And are the highest paid, run multiple departments, and manage multiple companies across this sector. I do not remember one recruiter at my MBA seeking pharmaceutical sales professionals. Who are the organizations seeking name tag wearing reps for their leadership teams (you cannot use a MLM)? Plus, find the finance posts whining about the job, on this site, similar to the cries of you idiot reps.
run home to hug your plush!

Let’s be real here for a second. How many HCP’s do you actually get to see AND talk to outside of your breakfast or lunch appointments? It’s so bad with all the hospitals buying up primary care offices who implement these no rep or only lunch policies.

AND if we can be REAL REAL even those "catering events" do not garnish HCP's (not even NP's anymore)..Just the staff wanting Free Lunch and taking your device to get signed to show that the Doctor attended).

Access is irrelevant as we are tax deductible and part of a much bigger pyramid scheme. Need justify profits and very lucrative corporate profits on up the food chain. Enjoy the the the ride and play the game.

This is the most real post on CAFE PHARMA. I've been saying this for years; critical thinking tells us all the signs are there to support this fact. When you spend more time checking the boxes and justifying your job to the higher ups then actually selling there is something wrong. Also the management is 1000% cognizant of poor access but again this is money laundering in a very sophisticated manner.

How do you sales reps handle manager ride along days with no access? You can't just see your five Dr. buddies every time your dopey manager is with you.
yea we can and we do. there's been days were we see nobody but she sees me trying. Managers know..then they make up stories and pass them through,

Finance hahaha. Once again, it doesn’t generate actual revenue. Crunch numbers all you want! Your numbers mean nothing without business being brought in, and guess what? You are nothing! Bunch a crunch useless typing loser. Eat Cereal!
What’s the revenue on the agreements that you have fulfilled and the contracts that you have gotten signed? What's your territory NRx sales and YOY gain? How much revenue are you driving through your wholesale agreements? What’s the DOH for your brands within the territory? What’s the offset for the Q1 burn vs the Q4 build in your territory? What was your revenue gain vs LRP? The CAGR?