You are a complete dumb ass. No one sells off label because no IC credit is paid for off label.

what reps that are gaming the system are doing is telling physicians to label everything as narcolepsy even though they don’t have clinical records to prove it. Reps don’t care since they are mainly paid for the start form. A low proportion of the forms turn into patients getting meds.

[Hey genius, when you ask a doctor to mark someone with a diagnosis that they have no evidence to back up, that's selling off label. That's why it's disgusting that territories are celebrated for getting in so many BS forms and they don't generate one dime in revenue foe the company.

QUOTE="anonymous, post: 6777701"]You are a complete dumb ass. No one sells off label because no IC credit is paid for off label.

what reps that are gaming the system are doing is telling physicians to label everything as narcolepsy even though they don’t have clinical records to prove it. Reps don’t care since they are mainly paid for the start form. A low proportion of the forms turn into patients getting meds.[/QUOTE]

1 out of 200,000 people have narcolepsy. Do the math in your territory based on population to see your potential. Then look at the goals the company has set. Harmony, voted best chance of getting investigated by the FDA. You greedy fcks will get what's coming to you.

1 out of 200,000 people have narcolepsy. Do the math in your territory based on population to see your potential. Then look at the goals the company has set. Harmony, voted best chance of getting investigated by the FDA. You greedy fcks will get what's coming to you.

There are plenty of more patients if you do the math. Problem is, these greedy fucks have no idea how to run a company. 80% turnover, zero communication from SMD’s who are absolutely worthless, they couldn’t find a dynamic CEO interested in leading this sinking ship, revenue is way down despite an unconscionable increase in price, coverage is worse vs better 3 and a half years in. RBD’s are overpaid babysitters who hold zero power and have their lives robbed being forced to travel all week to pretend they are doing anything meaningful - when they all know they are not.

This place is a joke.

By far the worst place to work ever. They don't give a sh-t about anyone else but themselves. They hide our ceo like the White house hides Biden and VP. Complain about so much turnover in the field but don't do a thing to help keep anyone. Churn and burn.

By far the worst place to work ever. They don't give a sh-t about anyone else but themselves. They hide our ceo like the White house hides Biden and VP. Complain about so much turnover in the field but don't do a thing to help keep anyone. Churn and burn.

Wondering what’s going thru the minds of leadership with numbers down and moral even lower?

Leave. If you’re successful at Harmony, you’ll be successful elsewhere. And it’s better to be successful for a company that does meaningful work—not one that engages in predatory pricing and employs a shameful business model to enrich the few morally bankrupt senior leaders. I joined Harmony as a patient focused company trying to make a difference in an under-supported rare disease. My only regret is that it took me so long to see the disease that this company is. Leave. Give the finger to Roger and the Jeffs. I did, and I’m grateful every day. Don’t let them get their stink on you any more. Leave. And have your only regret be that you didn’t do so sooner.

I think this will be a good place to be. Looking forward to moving forward in interview process.

There are some good people that work here. Unfortunately they work for a lot of bad people. Run as fast and far as you can from this place. There is a reason why their turnover is so high and they have so many lawsuits against them.