Greedy stupid f'cks. With everything going on right now you're going to raise goals? Kiss half of your Salesforce goodbye. Your arrogance and stupidity is beyond reasoning. It shows why the people at the top running our company got there just by knowing the right people, not by knowing what they are doing. Greatest place to work? Why is there been 75% turnover in your sales force since launch? This should have been a quarter of quarter reduction, and retention bonuses

Roger, Jeff. David. No one trusts you. Believes you. Wants to keep working for you. Nothing but lies for years. A few more whistle blowers were gained by your quota arrogance

A new good qualified CEO would have meant not more Jeff, Roger, Bill, etc. What's the continued strategy? Stupid high rare disease goals to keep forcing people to sell off label so they won't lose their jobs?? Great........

As best as I can tell, everyone I talk to is interviewing for jobs and planning exit strategies. Comp plan has jumped the shark and everyone I know has just thrown up their hands and stopped trying to provide reasonable suggestions for improvement. It’s like what’s the fucking point?

Comp plan has jumped the shark

As best as I can tell, everyone I talk to is interviewing for jobs and planning exit strategies. Comp plan has jumped the shark and everyone I know has just thrown up their hands and stopped trying to provide reasonable suggestions for improvement. It’s like what’s the fucking point?

Sales ops and SLT are now panicking about why so much turnover! It’s called toxicity they created by squashing any feedback!! All feedback is seen as negative! They treat reps like little children that should be seen and not heard!

I feel so sorry for all of the talented sales reps that have recruited and brought in that have been led down a path of Idiocracy. Leadership here is the worst I've ever seen. Now we have a new captain of a ship that actually makes Biden look like an exciting speaker. Some territories that somehow still have good coverage will continue to do okay, but the rest of the country is pretty much done unless they get a reality on check on what a realistic rare disease quota is