Hey pal - Tired of waiting around to get ur 2025 merit letter? If you wanna get a "sneak preview" of ur new salary, check it out in ADP. Just go to ur profile and show ur compensation ;)
Who needs merit reviews, when you’re selling truck loads of stock options on the daily?

Our execs have been dumping millions of shares, while us “support” staff, had our 2025 salary awards retracted & DECREASED!

What a bunch of greedy Ay Holes!

Does anyone know when bonuses will be paid? Asking for a friend that wants to know when they can’t leave.

What is going on with this place? Is HR that incompetent anymore? Do they need to hire a new business partner of employee compensation?
Don’t you mean HR needs a new “turnstile” for the mass exit of well over 90% of our best WORKING employees, lately!

While our Top Tier smarmy execs just laugh all the way to their banks.

Who needs merit reviews, when you’re selling truck loads of stock options on the daily?

Our execs have been dumping millions of shares, while us “support” staff, had our 2025 salary awards retracted & DECREASED!

What a bunch of greedy Ay Holes!
What more do you really expect from a bunch fast talking, Diet Coke drinking, dishonest, money grubbing, hypocritical swindlers?

I mean he’ll, your interim CEO (for the past 3 YEARS) is literally just a bench scientist, with “zero” previous experience in his critical role—

Still have the blind, leading the blind, there at disharmony!!

Good luck pal.