
Hey SEC this moron is saying true stuff again you should investigate the true statements that's a great idea.
SEC only interested in collecting money from stock bashers and pump and dump schemes. Rarely does a single person get in trouble, they want money, so go after offices like anson fund and penny player offices. FDA and DOJ would be interested in criminal negligence from Zimmer as stated here by someone anonymous not willing to take it to the next level.

If they are so interested why do they not talk to these "anonymous" people? You think they don't know how to find them? Is it they just don't want to? Maybe they don't have the technology? They do have budget constraints I suppose!

If they are so interested why do they not talk to these "anonymous" people? You think they don't know how to find them? Is it they just don't want to? Maybe they don't have the technology? They do have budget constraints I suppose!
If you knew how SEC works, you would understand. Now for the FDA and DOJ to step in is most logical next step in a case claimed by this poster. It truly isn’t that hard to talk to someone, if you can’t figure that out with this grand knowledge , YOU FULL OF SH!T

Tough talker is back. Capitalize words that's how the best keyboard warriors roll. Make sure you get your finger reps in so the stay big and strong to back up your big tough typing skills!

Seems like a classic case of narcissist to me too. Makes perfect sense why would there be any other reason. Let's just see what happens next. I'm sure everyone is excited to see. Time and distance have an amazing effect on things.

Seems like a classic case of narcissist to me too. Makes perfect sense why would there be any other reason. Let's just see what happens next. I'm sure everyone is excited to see. Time and distance have an amazing effect on things.

SEC only interested in collecting money from stock bashers and pump and dump schemes. Rarely does a single person get in trouble, they want money, so go after offices like anson fund and penny player offices. FDA and DOJ would be interested in criminal negligence from Zimmer as stated here by someone anonymous not willing to take it to the next level.

SEC only interested in collecting money from stock bashers and pump and dump schemes. Rarely does a single person get in trouble, they want money, so go after offices like anson fund and penny player offices. FDA and DOJ would be interested in criminal negligence from Zimmer as stated here by someone anonymous not willing to take it to the next level.
Interesting comment. So just out of curiosity have the FDA and DOJ not been in the facilities of this company on a number of occasions? Have the facilities not had a number of overseer’s across the decades? How many times does this company get to wrestle itself out of accountability? So would the alphabet gang really do anything but take some more money and get some lawyers all fat on litigation fees? Just a curious moron wondering as I see repeat offenders in any other area of society held somewhat accountable. I think even Greenspan had oversight at one time (fact check this for me would you, I wouldn’t want to misrepresent the truth like umm some company I know). Also if the Supreme Court now considers a corporation people or legally “person” or “whoever” why is it that you go to jail for braking the law. While these “person” corporations don’t have the same outcome? Well I have so many more questions but I doubt there are very many brain cells in some of the commenters on here.

Interesting comment. So just out of curiosity have the FDA and DOJ not been in the facilities of this company on a number of occasions? Have the facilities not had a number of overseer’s across the decades? How many times does this company get to wrestle itself out of accountability? So would the alphabet gang really do anything but take some more money and get some lawyers all fat on litigation fees? Just a curious moron wondering as I see repeat offenders in any other area of society held somewhat accountable. I think even Greenspan had oversight at one time (fact check this for me would you, I wouldn’t want to misrepresent the truth like umm some company I know). Also if the Supreme Court now considers a corporation people or legally “person” or “whoever” why is it that you go to jail for braking the law. While these “person” corporations don’t have the same outcome? Well I have so many more questions but I doubt there are very many brain cells in some of the commenters on here.
Still waiting for your proof, so we all can submit to proper outlets and get whatever point you’re trying to make across to those who need to hear it. This is a troll forum, so unless you have so proof so we can help, it’s pointless to be in here asking why won’t anyone listen to me.

That’s great proof! Ok I’ll tell you an exact implant and the exact dimension of out of tolerance approx .125” because not all product lines were metric. Then you tough guy go to the patient and say hey can I remove this implant so I can measure for proof. What a great racket. Or did you mean paperwork which we know has always been on the up and up at these facilities! Move on moron you couldn’t prove me wrong if you tried.

Lol this narcissist is a fun read if nothing else. I'm curious does anybody actually want to unravel this thread with all their "give me proof" or just rattling the cage? Just an inquiring mind.

Poor guy has nothing, now we have to kill patients to get implants to measure them…. He Always was full of it, comes on here with big claims of fraud and negligence and corporate lies by Z, and when confronted and asked for any sort of evidence, as those claims are SERIOUS claims, the poster claims the government doesn’t care about his proof and we should all just trust him. Thanks Cafepharma for another winner.

While reading thru this exchange there doesn't seem to be a denial. Intriguing that these are SERIOUS as stated by the last post and nothing denied just says prove it. Wouldn't it make sense if you found it so, you would prove it is incorrect. Inquiring for a flabbergasted friend!

While reading thru this exchange there doesn't seem to be a denial. Intriguing that these are SERIOUS as stated by the last post and nothing denied just says prove it. Wouldn't it make sense if you found it so, you would prove it is incorrect. Inquiring for a flabbergasted friend!
Why would I deny something I know nothing about? That doesn’t prove anything? Why don’t you try and educate those of us who don’t know what you’re claiming and explain how you know this so we can better understand? Claiming something so serious and expecting everyone to believe you with no explanation or proof on an anonymous website is nothing to write home about. Claims are made all the time here just to stir the pot, especially remaining anonymous. Why should anyone believe a claim that would result in SERIOUS problems for Z when even as you say, the government doesn’t care about enough to even contact you with what you have submitted to them. So seems pointless not to share with us what you have as apparently the government doesn’t care per you.

If you know nothing why so interested in commenting then? Is it you know nothing or you don’t want to know? Why not check everything I’ve said and list me what is incorrect please? Or don’t bother your silly little head. Facts are facts even in this world that is developing wink wink.

If you know nothing why so interested in commenting then? Is it you know nothing or you don’t want to know? Why not check everything I’ve said and list me what is incorrect please? Or don’t bother your silly little head. Facts are facts even in this world that is developing wink wink.
All good points, Karen. Thank you.