
So how long can this company and government entities cover up their lies? I'm guessing awhile as they have extreme budgets. I am confident they have spent more than most countries GDPs to hide their mistakes.

I wonder if there are other issues attached to this. Maybe some police issues? Federal agency issues? Everyone wants to sit on the sidelines and watch as people get hurt over and over again. Spend how much money to "find the truth" or cover up your lies. Michael Shane Gibson Mascotti. Call me anytime directly.

No no please take your time I wouldn't want anything else to go wrong. By all means you know there is a process and let's just wait and see. I mean if you claim to be raped we should watch and see it they do it again but wait let's wait longer to see if we can add a sodomy charge yeah that makes perfect sense.

If you know nothing why so interested in commenting then? Is it you know nothing or you don’t want to know? Why not check everything I’ve said and list me what is incorrect please? Or don’t bother your silly little head. Facts are facts even in this world that is developing wink wink.

couldn’t find any implants over spec, not sure your facts are correct. Were you use it the right side of the measuring tape? Big tough guy?

Lmao put me in for like 3 weeks coach I bet I can find the truth. It's easy super easy to find the liars pretty sure I've shown that over and over. Seems like a poor business plan but with deep pockets and lawyers I suppose u can do whatever you want.

Well seems like the classic deflector has quited down for a bit. I have had the pleasure at working in a number of facilities across the nation. At every one except one there were quality issues and safety issues. But only one I have ever worked at was I forced to send none conforming product under the threat of termination for insubordination. Only one was Safety used as a weapon against its employees if they spoke up. Only one did they fabricate stories about you if you got out of line and only one did they threaten their employees livelihood on a daily basis. Only one did they intentionally and willfully send orthopedic implants out of spec products of an extreme value that I personally am aware of. I do know that others have sent product but they at least put their name on it and said why or changed the print not send it with false documentation and wait and see if the field says anything. That one implant manufacturer is Zimmer Biomet. Michael Shane Gibson Mascotti

Hahaha my life is coming together great silly fella. I can’t wait to see what you got. Please any day bring me something I’m begging you. Incompetent DOJ is coming along for the ride. Like I said Any Day Any Time!!!

Oops just in case last post was Michael Shane Gibson Mascotti. I don’t need to hide like some silly school kids with badges I know.

If I was you I would have whistleblower protection, not parading around like an idiot. Find yourself an attorney and let them do the work, you’ll get paid out in the end? Why wouldn’t you allready be doing this? It’s whistleblower 101…… good luck on your own, won’t get anything in the end.

Well seems like the classic deflector has quited down for a bit. I have had the pleasure at working in a number of facilities across the nation. At every one except one there were quality issues and safety issues. But only one I have ever worked at was I forced to send none conforming product under the threat of termination for insubordination. Only one was Safety used as a weapon against its employees if they spoke up. Only one did they fabricate stories about you if you got out of line and only one did they threaten their employees livelihood on a daily basis. Only one did they intentionally and willfully send orthopedic implants out of spec products of an extreme value that I personally am aware of. I do know that others have sent product but they at least put their name on it and said why or changed the print not send it with false documentation and wait and see if the field says anything. That one implant manufacturer is Zimmer Biomet. Michael Shane Gibson Mascotti
Who cares about your name, who were your bosses that forced you to send out bad products? Start name dropping people or zero accountability will be had by anyone. Name drop everyone involved that you know of, in every facility where you were part of and or witnessed bad implants being shipped. At least tell us who forced you to ship bad product or you would be terminated at the very least.

Well there’s so much more to the story I think we need to get out in the open!! Also if anyone wanted me to be quiet they could just call me and ask they have my number. As a matter of fact I just emailed another Law Enforcement officer my number. Just sayin. What protection do you think comes with whistleblowing? I’ve seen what the DOJ is capable of and not very impressed in the least. Do you want to talk about that? Also I did send a little note to OIG I think is what it’s called they are probably busy? Dunno. Thanks for the advice!! Michael Shane Gibson Mascotti

Well there’s so much more to the story I think we need to get out in the open!! Also if anyone wanted me to be quiet they could just call me and ask they have my number. As a matter of fact I just emailed another Law Enforcement officer my number. Just sayin. What protection do you think comes with whistleblowing? I’ve seen what the DOJ is capable of and not very impressed in the least. Do you want to talk about that? Also I did send a little note to OIG I think is what it’s called they are probably busy? Dunno. Thanks for the advice!! Michael Shane Gibson Mascotti
Ok, over/under on how many cats and/or tin foil hats this dude has at the house? Let’s start at 25. I’ll take the over.

Who cares about your name, who were your bosses that forced you to send out bad products? Start name dropping people or zero accountability will be had by anyone. Name drop everyone involved that you know of, in every facility where you were part of and or witnessed bad implants being shipped. At least tell us who forced you to ship bad product or you would be terminated at the very least.
This is hilarious!! Oh no you mean people might not be held accountable? This is such a novel approach. I wouldn't ever believe that! How do you think this company has paid all it's fines and lawyers it isn't by accountability!! Any way as you seem to question me all the time why are you still hiding why not give me your name and number I'll call you? Post it here or you just a baby keyboard warrior who doesn't have any backbone? Just curious none of my business if you wanna hide. Michael Shane Gibson Mascotti.....

This is hilarious!! Oh no you mean people might not be held accountable? This is such a novel approach. I wouldn't ever believe that! How do you think this company has paid all its fines and lawyers it isn't by accountability!! Any way as you seem to question me all the time why are you still hiding why not give me your name and number I'll call you? Post it here or you just a baby keyboard warrior who doesn't have any backbone? Just curious none of my business if you wanna hide. Michael Shane Gibson Mascotti.....

Still waiting for names of people who forced you to break the law at Zimmer. Why aren’t you calling them out instead of cafepharma trolls? Makes zero sense why you are arguing with people on cafepharma, when you could just be telling your story, calling out everyone who you know was part of breaking laws at Zimmer. Why can’t you start there? Why do people have to try and let this info from you. You either have it or you don’t, No sense in playing hard to get, when it only hurts your claims….

Still waiting for names of people who forced you to break the law at Zimmer. Why aren’t you calling them out instead of cafepharma trolls? Makes zero sense why you are arguing with people on cafepharma, when you could just be telling your story, calling out everyone who you know was part of breaking laws at Zimmer. Why can’t you start there? Why do people have to try and let this info from you. You either have it or you don’t, No sense in playing hard to get, when it only hurts your claims….
Well you do you and I’ll just go ahead and do me thanks for the advise!