
Investors are happy. Stock is up. He lies and doesnt work….ok. He shut down your gig in Warsaw…..ok. He is here to stay, you arent.
What's the rate of return on ZBH since the Hanson and Tornos circus came to town. You obviously don't receive stock options. If you would you'd realize that their term in office has created zero shareholder value!?!?!? They both need to go!!!

Investors are happy?? If you have shares you have held for 5 years (like employees in the ESPP), they are worth less versus August 2018. One dollar in ZBH from back then is worth $0.97 today. One dollar in SYK (which I do not own) is worth $1.63.

Investors are happy?? If you have shares you have held for 5 years (like employees in the ESPP), they are worth less versus August 2018. One dollar in ZBH from back then is worth $0.97 today. One dollar in SYK (which I do not own) is worth $1.63.
Watch, he will get some giant bonus on departure as well. Guy can’t even spell fiduciary duty I bet.

Hanson chasing bonuses is what he does. 3M will give a nice chunk of change for the “spin-off completion” I bet. One person changed the moral of Zimmer Biomet for the worse, that person is Hanson. Want to make employees hate their job, this the guy you hire….. 3M doesn’t care, they just need their own Biden, someone they can control who has no idea what he’s doing. https://www.prnewswire.com/news-rel...3ms-health-care-business-group-301906778.html