
Whatever credibility Ivan had he's squandered in the first week of meetings. Be bold? Come on, man. We're on travel restrictions tighter than ever, product launches are being reduced in scope, and expansion lines are dying on the vine due to lack of resources. You can keep whipping the solitary burro but it's a lost cause after a point. Good luck to us all while we, and the entire industry, sees us as just another joint company.

Whatever credibility Ivan had he's squandered in the first week of meetings. Be bold? Come on, man. We're on travel restrictions tighter than ever, product launches are being reduced in scope, and expansion lines are dying on the vine due to lack of resources. You can keep whipping the solitary burro but it's a lost cause after a point. Good luck to us all while we, and the entire industry, sees us as just another joint company.

I got nothing but respect for the guy. He is not a quitter. Then again I will not convince you. Let the trashing of Ivan Tornos begin now that Hanson is gone….right?

Im betting on Ivan to fix this mess.

I got nothing but respect for the guy. He is not a quitter. Then again I will not convince you. Let the trashing of Ivan Tornos begin now that Hanson is gone….right?

Im betting on Ivan to fix this mess.

Apparently you haven’t been around for 5 years. The bashing of Ivan hasn’t stopped, both Him and Hanson received their fair share together for the last few years. Plenty of reasons why employees think this was a major mistake, you don’t hear what everyone who doesn’t bitch in CP says…. It’s not good. Since you’re so close to him, tell him to do the exact opposite of what has been done the last few years. Moral lowest in company history, shareholders pissed, he better figure it out fast or he’s gonna take the blame for all of Hanson’s F ups wether he wants to or not.

I got nothing but respect for the guy. He is not a quitter. Then again I will not convince you. Let the trashing of Ivan Tornos begin now that Hanson is gone….right?

Im betting on Ivan to fix this mess.

Me too. And I didnt use to like him. Then again…he has a shit-show to fix. Also, no matter what he does he will be hated by the three trolls on this site…..and there are THREE

HR dept really working overtime here….. if you really believed in Ivan then you wouldn’t be here playing defense. #Facts

yesterday Bryan was the CEO and you hated him. Hence the 500 posts here (most from you!). Now the CEO is Ivan and you still hate the CEO. He is worthless according to your super expertise as a leadership guru. Go find something to do.

yes….Im the HR intern….clever…or Bryan or Ivan’s wife. Therapy is helpful. Seek it. Move on.

yesterday Bryan was the CEO and you hated him. Hence the 500 posts here (most from you!). Now the CEO is Ivan and you still hate the CEO. He is worthless according to your super expertise as a leadership guru. Go find something to do.

yes….Im the HR intern….clever…or Bryan or Ivan’s wife. Therapy is helpful. Seek it. Move on.

nah, your the cuck, cleaning up the snail trail. Can any of the self named “Ivan Bros” come up with an original idea? So far still shooting blanks on that cookie of an idea board, which one of you gonna eat it first is the real question.

Hanson left him with a pile of $hit and all the liability. Ivan has been with ZB for five years and he'll own it all when the inevitable finger pointing happens.

He left with $70 million. He will make far more at MMM. Moved headquarters to CT. Bought a mansion in Miami and left both the CT people and the IN people hanging. Why does anyone think of him as a “team leader”?

He left with $70 million. He will make far more at MMM. Moved headquarters to CT. Bought a mansion in Miami and left both the CT people and the IN people hanging. Why does anyone think of him as a “team leader”?

Dvorak destroyed millions if not billions driving a culture of being defensive. Bryan brought us back

All these CEOs that can’t create and steal market share ( Kevin lobo ) try these tricks. Layoffs, spin-offs, jerk offs …. All the same shit some consulting co. Fed him so he could keep the wife quiet. It’s amazing how aloof, disinterested, and uninvolved these ppl are when given the keys to a multi billion dollar company. I don’t work for stryker but wow - that dude is printing money.

All these CEOs that can’t create and steal market share ( Kevin lobo ) try these tricks. Layoffs, spin-offs, jerk offs …. All the same shit some consulting co. Fed him so he could keep the wife quiet. It’s amazing how aloof, disinterested, and uninvolved these ppl are when given the keys to a multi billion dollar company. I don’t work for stryker but wow - that dude is printing money.

go work there with your daddy