
Just haters that were fired along the way for being clowns come here. Ever read anyone saying anything nice in this website? Losers.

Just typical Zimmer management to afraid to say anything to your face while riding sales coat-tails. Everyone knows never to ask anyone to come to the OR to help these days, it’s a god damn embarrassment to see people so clueless in front of our surgeons. We got a bunch of paycheck collectors at Zimmer right now, starting with CEO. Company moral at its lowest point ever, shareholders should be worried at the direction Zimmer is headed, not looking good, can only cook the books for so long before it catches up to you imo.

Just typical Zimmer management to afraid to say anything to your face while riding sales coat-tails. Everyone knows never to ask anyone to come to the OR to help these days, it’s a god damn embarrassment to see people so clueless in front of our surgeons. We got a bunch of paycheck collectors at Zimmer right now, starting with CEO. Company moral at its lowest point ever, shareholders should be worried at the direction Zimmer is headed, not looking good, can only cook the books for so long before it catches up to you imo.

Again, your fault that you got fired. YOURS and only YOURS. Im not in management either, Im just not a hater who comes here and makes up shit to discredit good people because “it is easy” and “anonymous”. Put your grown up pants and go look for a job instead of making stuff up on someone and his family. Karma will get you sooner or later.

Holy shit can you imagine?

We would take him 100% over Hanson. He didnt lie, he came to work, he made us money, and he was/is a class act. Maybe not the charismatic car salesman that BH is, but a good person. Oh! And he actually DID know what he was talking about. I know them very well so I know what I’m talking about.

Ivan, is you alright? Winning is all!

And quit promoting Persona IQ on social media. We are just a distributor. Go develop or buy something so that we own it.

Persona IQ is a real piece of shit. Regardless of how much Ivan likes it or not. Dont give a shit. Worthless product. Cant give it for free. Send Persona OTs.

Hope someone does buy it and Ivan stops his shit. Done with his over-selling of this crappy, worthless, breaking all the time, knee. It is the laughing stock of all customers.