CRIMINAL!!! JAMA: Hep C drugs could add $300 to every American's insurance premium
CRIMINAL!!! JAMA: Hep C drugs could add $300 to every American's insurance premium
Let's hear the part about the high cost of developing drugs like this when they only paid $11 million to buy the company that developed it. This gives drug companies bad names.
Let's hear the part about the high cost of developing drugs like this when they only paid $11 million to buy the company that developed it. This gives drug companies bad names.
Problem is, the US cost is 3x the UK cost for the same pill. Rape of US taxpayers. Gonna blow up in someone's face, even if you have bought off congress.
The price for Truvada prophylaxis is OUTRAGEOUS!!! GREED CAPITALIST PIGS!!!!!!!
The price for Truvada prophylaxis is OUTRAGEOUS!!! GREED CAPITALIST PIGS!!!!!!!
I am in awe of how well Gilead has done with this product. That being said, I really don't want to work for Gilead, because I am keenly aware of their culture. But they have a jewel of a drug in sofosbuvir. I think most corporations are greedy - it's always about money, so I am not sure why Gilead is being targeted.
SIMPLE - - - Power to the People!! - - - Not Corporations!!
SHAME! SHAME! How dare you rip off sick people! The President should make Gilead the poster child of pharma greed! How can you work for this rip off company?!! "Gilead to raise price for new hepatitis C drug above $84,000"
SHAME! SHAME! How dare you rip off sick people! The President should make Gilead the poster child of pharma greed! How can you work for this rip off company?!! "Gilead to raise price for new hepatitis C drug above $84,000"
BOYCOTT ALL GILEAD PRODUCTS!! Physicians without Boundaries will make life hell for Gilead's pigs!!! Power to patients not the multi-billion corporations and the crooks that run these firms! Gilead eyes $95K-or-so price for Sovaldi combo pill