Greedy pigs!!!!

CRIMINAL!!! JAMA: Hep C drugs could add $300 to every American's insurance premium

And why in a capitalist society would that be Gilead's fault? Healthcare plans made poor forecasting decisions and didn't pay attention to the science nor heed the cry from HC patients that wanted a solution. It's called supply and demand. Plain and simple.

BTW...Gilead gives away their drug patents to 3rd world countries and provides $100's of millions in free product to patients in need.

Next ignorant comment?

Let's hear the part about the high cost of developing drugs like this when they only paid $11 million to buy the company that developed it. This gives drug companies bad names.

Let's hear the part about the high cost of developing drugs like this when they only paid $11 million to buy the company that developed it. This gives drug companies bad names.

The company that developed the drug knew they could not handle the manufacturing and distribution and sold it for a huge profit, so what?

What's the big deal, $84k for an oral CURE with 90's% cure rate in 8-12 weeks with little/no side effects seems cheap to me compared to the shitty interferon treatment that has a low cure rate and a ton of shit side effects for a year.

I think it's incredible that a CURE has been found and people are complaining about the cost. Wait till they figure out how to fix cancer cells, lets see the price of that! I bet you they won't complain about that.

Problem is, the US cost is 3x the UK cost for the same pill. Rape of US taxpayers. Gonna blow up in someone's face, even if you have bought off congress.

You are the typical uniformed American. You are thinking that the British or French or Greek or whoever's type of govt insurance is better because the price of a drug is cheaper. Dive a little deeper in the secrets of British or Canadian health care and see what you don't get. The drugs they don't have access too because the govt has deemed those drugs "not necessary" or won't provide significant life extending benefits compared to the cost.

I truly loath those of you who want one aspect of a country's benefits without looking at the tremendous downside.

Lastly, there is nothing wrong with the price of Sovaldi. NO insurance company is going out of business due to the cost. Maybe profits will be less but I don't care. As for govt services like DOD or VA. I'd rather treat a hero with an expensive med like Sovaldi and cure them than support pornographic art or pay farmers not to produce crops. This is a cure and if it were a cure for cancer or HIV no one would be complaining about the cost

Let's see what happens when BMS's drug daclatasvir is approved and those in the know decide to use it with yours not only for the better results than what ledip will give but to break up your attempt to monopolize HCV like your company tries to do with HIV.

I am in awe of how well Gilead has done with this product. That being said, I really don't want to work for Gilead, because I am keenly aware of their culture. But they have a jewel of a drug in sofosbuvir. I think most corporations are greedy - it's always about money, so I am not sure why Gilead is being targeted.

I am in awe of how well Gilead has done with this product. That being said, I really don't want to work for Gilead, because I am keenly aware of their culture. But they have a jewel of a drug in sofosbuvir. I think most corporations are greedy - it's always about money, so I am not sure why Gilead is being targeted.

SIMPLE - - - Power to the People!! - - - Not Corporations!!

SHAME! SHAME! How dare you rip off sick people! The President should make Gilead the poster child of pharma greed! How can you work for this rip off company?!! "Gilead to raise price for new hepatitis C drug above $84,000"

SHAME! SHAME! How dare you rip off sick people! The President should make Gilead the poster child of pharma greed! How can you work for this rip off company?!! "Gilead to raise price for new hepatitis C drug above $84,000"

Yes yes, here it comes again. It'll be higher, but still lower than standard of care. Keep going with this....blah blah blah

BOYCOTT ALL GILEAD PRODUCTS!! Physicians without Boundaries will make life hell for Gilead's pigs!!! Power to patients not the multi-billion corporations and the crooks that run these firms! Gilead eyes $95K-or-so price for Sovaldi combo pill

BOYCOTT ALL GILEAD PRODUCTS!! Physicians without Boundaries will make life hell for Gilead's pigs!!! Power to patients not the multi-billion corporations and the crooks that run these firms! Gilead eyes $95K-or-so price for Sovaldi combo pill

Woohoo!!! I'll count my cash and options while you cry into the pillow you usually bite. Sorry your lack of personal responsibility left you with an expensive medical bill.