Greedy pigs!!!!

What alternative will that be? You think the new medications are going to be cheaper? They'll price higher due to the lack of inter

The next one will be cheaper than you. Their forecast was assuming a premium to you, but whoever thought you'd be soooooo greedy. A lower price than you, but higher than forecast will get someone at least two levels farther than she ever could have gotten without you. The payers will jump in a second and you'll be left like a used rubber.

The next one will be cheaper than you. Their forecast was assuming a premium to you, but whoever thought you'd be soooooo greedy. A lower price than you, but higher than forecast will get someone at least two levels farther than she ever could have gotten without you. The payers will jump in a second and you'll be left like a used rubber.

Well Stated!! Oink! Oink!

The next one will be cheaper than you. Their forecast was assuming a premium to you, but whoever thought you'd be soooooo greedy. A lower price than you, but higher than forecast will get someone at least two levels farther than she ever could have gotten without you. The payers will jump in a second and you'll be left like a used rubber.

Used rubber? Isn't that where you got your start?

I really hope you were this upset when vertex launched. The cost for full treatment was 100k.
Crazy right?

You can try to blow it off...But, you are getting such the reputation aren't you: GREEDY PIGS!

(oh, I hope you guys don't lose the Patent battle - That will cost you your whole company with the 3X penalties - So Sad)

You can try to blow it off...But, you are getting such the reputation aren't you: GREEDY PIGS!

(oh, I hope you guys don't lose the Patent battle - That will cost you your whole company with the 3X penalties - So Sad)

Why are you so outraged? Now talking about patents.... Seems like a well informed patient. While you're on the soap box, don't forget the oncology drugs which require 200k per year or the CF treatment that are 300k. Sounds like you have an issue with just this company or are you spreading your love all over?

Why are you so outraged? Now talking about patents.... Seems like a well informed patient. While you're on the soap box, don't forget the oncology drugs which require 200k per year or the CF treatment that are 300k. Sounds like you have an issue with just this company or are you spreading your love all over?

Oh.....okay so that's your argument. The fact that other disease state cost a certain amount of money justifies your excessive price tag? We're not talking about cancer, CF or any other disease. We're talking about HCV therapy and the fact that a pill (A FREAKING PILL) should never cost $1,000. What do you think the margin is for Sovaldi? We get the fact that your denial justifies your position regarding Gilead's greed......errrr excessive cost!

Oh.....okay so that's your argument. The fact that other disease state cost a certain amount of money justifies your excessive price tag? We're not talking about cancer, CF or any other disease. We're talking about HCV therapy and the fact that a pill (A FREAKING PILL) should never cost $1,000. What do you think the margin is for Sovaldi? We get the fact that your denial justifies your position regarding Gilead's greed......errrr excessive cost!

So you want to talk about margin? Let's see. Gilead bought Pharmasset for 11 billion dollars. Sovaldi has made 2.3 billion so far. So Gilead is 8.7 BILLION in the hole right now. Looks like Gilead's margin isn't so great huh?

So you want to talk about margin? Let's see. Gilead bought Pharmasset for 11 billion dollars. Sovaldi has made 2.3 billion so far. So Gilead is 8.7 BILLION in the hole right now. Looks like Gilead's margin isn't so great huh?

Oh, just $2.3B after being on the market only 6-7 months! You totally prove my point. $2.3B so far when the drug hasn't even been out for a year and doesn't even have all of its parts approved yet. Do you REALLY believe that the $11B number won't be crushed when the final chapter on Sovaldi is written in the history books? At the end of the day, it is pure greed plain and simple but denial won't allow you to be honest with yourself. Sovaldi is on pace to rake in ($9.2B if it just retains its current pace for 2014 alone). You still think that by this time in 2015 Gilead won't have re-couped its investment and substantially more in less than 2 years approved? Please!

Oh.....okay so that's your argument. The fact that other disease state cost a certain amount of money justifies your excessive price tag? We're not talking about cancer, CF or any other disease. We're talking about HCV therapy and the fact that a pill (A FREAKING PILL) should never cost $1,000. What do you think the margin is for Sovaldi? We get the fact that your denial justifies your position regarding Gilead's greed......errrr excessive cost!

You are so smart, the rest of us are not, cost got it, are you going to keep going? I think we all get it gilead is greedy, none of the other companies are in pharmaceutical. The thread is getting redundant and boring.

Just so I know what's coming, another va won't stock it because of cost. Gilead is greedy, you're outraged, we'll be sorry. Check and check

I couldn't give a shit less how high they price it! The market will determine what it will pay. If payers won't play then they will lower the price. If demand goes up, I would raise the price even further. That's capitalism folks. Learn to accept it or bounce. We are at a point now where the insurers and Gov. have drug companies by the balls. Gilead should tell them to pound sand. They know the upfront cost will be less than treatment in the long term.

Get over the pill cost. Future competitions will be priced the same and current therapy which is basically poison costs more and for a long duration and IF it works. This is why this website sucks. Misinformed morons.

So you want to talk about margin? Let's see. Gilead bought Pharmasset for 11 billion dollars. Sovaldi has made 2.3 billion so far. So Gilead is 8.7 BILLION in the hole right now. Looks like Gilead's margin isn't so great huh?

Hey Melvin, another poster here. Gilead has a PR nightmare brewing due to this price gouging (even if it is less expensive than the cost of treating a patient with decompensated disease). Your company, which hired mostly inexperienced GI reps with no HCV experience (because you couldn't afford to hire experienced HCV reps like me who happily turned down the position) who are stumbling around in offices trying to figure out how to handle the negative press (especially in the community practices) and are using the company line "don't shoot the messenger", is trying to recoup the $11 billion this year because once you have real competition, docs will be happy to try other drugs. The days of the Schering and then Roche/Genentech market ownership will be over once you have 2 other competitors. Providers have already said so, that they won't put all of their patients in your basket. Considering your payer team sucks (another reason I walked away because I did my homework) means that BMS and Abbvie will challenge aggressively for preferred status and take lower reimbursement. John Martin may be America's newest billionaire but his legacy will reflect how greed taints the public perception of corporate America. Patients are not commodities but that is how your employer views them.

Hey Melvin, another poster here. Gilead has a PR nightmare brewing due to this price gouging (even if it is less expensive than the cost of treating a patient with decompensated disease). Your company, which hired mostly inexperienced GI reps with no HCV experience (because you couldn't afford to hire experienced HCV reps like me who happily turned down the position) who are stumbling around in offices trying to figure out how to handle the negative press (especially in the community practices) and are using the company line "don't shoot the messenger", is trying to recoup the $11 billion this year because once you have real competition, docs will be happy to try other drugs. The days of the Schering and then Roche/Genentech market ownership will be over once you have 2 other competitors. Providers have already said so, that they won't put all of their patients in your basket. Considering your payer team sucks (another reason I walked away because I did my homework) means that BMS and Abbvie will challenge aggressively for preferred status and take lower reimbursement. John Martin may be America's newest billionaire but his legacy will reflect how greed taints the public perception of corporate America. Patients are not commodities but that is how your employer views them.

Best and most honest post to date! Gilead means greed in Webster's Dictionary!!