Goodbye Xiidra


We made Novartis a pretty good $ deal....but Novartis has to take all the people and unload them as they want and Novartis responsible for any $ owed for severance. The 400 won't last long!

Transfer employees? I guess this is a way Takeda avoids paying “Shire” severance to 400 folks. Unbelievable, as Fleming hosts a party in the Canary Islands. So awful.....

How sad that men like him gain fortunes from destroying the lives of others all in the name of “the stock holders”.

I’d feel sorry for you but I don’t......
You took a RISK going to Shire Ophthalmology. A single product company with nothing immediately coming from the pipeline. Most upper executives had a HISTORY of building companies up just to sell them (Fleming, Perry S., etc...).
When Shire sold to Takeda, that was the “wake -up call” that this was coming. Almost no comments from Takeda about the future of the eye care division was the major red flag.

Like I said, I don’t feel sorry for you. This was the plan from day 1 according to their history. I’m sure in the short-term you enjoyed an increased salary compared to where you came from, free Apple Watch at Shire Ophthalmology launch, and more so you gained as well.

We made Novartis a pretty good $ deal....but Novartis has to take all the people and unload them as they want and Novartis responsible for any $ owed for severance. The 400 won't last long!

This is interesting...does this mean if there is a layoff after everyone becomes a Novartis employee they may not get anything as far as a severance? If new employment contracts are signed then you are now at day one with a new company. We need to dig out the info we were told to refresh my memory on what the severance will be if sold off to another company and laid off within a certain time frame.

This is interesting...does this mean if there is a layoff after everyone becomes a Novartis employee they may not get anything as far as a severance? If new employment contracts are signed then you are now at day one with a new company. We need to dig out the info we were told to refresh my memory on what the severance will be if sold off to another company and laid off within a certain time frame.


This is interesting...does this mean if there is a layoff after everyone becomes a Novartis employee they may not get anything as far as a severance? If new employment contracts are signed then you are now at day one with a new company. We need to dig out the info we were told to refresh my memory on what the severance will be if sold off to another company and laid off within a certain time frame.
wow, concerned more about severance instead of having a real job! Way to rank your priorities!

wow, concerned more about severance instead of having a real job! Way to rank your priorities!
Heck yea!!! it's an awesome package and I don't leave money on the table. Also all my friends who were displaced found jobs already. I'm concerned for my well being just like the company is concerned for theirs.

wow, concerned more about severance instead of having a real job! Way to rank your priorities!

Unlike you, I would be okay getting a severance that pays out what is deserved AND move on to a new career. If you considered this a real “job” you would use the term career. But you are probably an old as balls has been who isn’t marketable and can’t see further than this shitshow.

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