Goodbye to......

this is the funniest but true thread...keep posting!

To reps asking if there will be layoffs
To reps scheduling sick days
To PBR, call priority, HFT and product weighting
To reps making 3 calls during their Field Day to limit the exposure
To stretching true safety of Actos
To reps screwing their partners and DM over for a 4 perf rating (loosers)
To Rsds asking me to help the rep understand the WHY
To the pressure of using speaker budget money
To the reports tracking how many books my team ordered
To the report that lists who has not completed an SOP
To the f'd up list of attendees for Actos LEDs
To the Rsd pain in the ass conf calls and one on one BS calls
And finally GOODBYE to that fucked up expense reporting system

See ya suckers!

To reps asking if there will be layoffs
To reps scheduling sick days
To PBR, call priority, HFT and product weighting
To reps making 3 calls during their Field Day to limit the exposure
To stretching true safety of Actos
To reps screwing their partners and DM over for a 4 perf rating (loosers)
To Rsds asking me to help the rep understand the WHY
To the pressure of using speaker budget money
To the reports tracking how many books my team ordered
To the report that lists who has not completed an SOP
To the f'd up list of attendees for Actos LEDs
To the Rsd pain in the ass conf calls and one on one BS calls
And finally GOODBYE to that fucked up expense reporting system

See ya suckers!


Goodbye to dialing into teleconferences and then sitting your phone aside and letting it run.....why would our leaders ever listen to the field that teleconferences go over like a fart in church

Goodbye to begging Drs to actos programs that contain the same slides for the last eleven years, the first 25 of which are warnings and precautions

Goodbye to all the 39 dollar BOA late fees because it was the expectation my expense report be done every two weeks but my manager's time frame for approval was whenever he got to it

To idiots that troll cafe pharma instead of working, then blame management for their demise...

The folks that took total advantage of a flexible job...

...Said by the guy trolling cafe pharma.

What a self-righteous d-bag. Clearly awarding people do shit all and get carried by formulary NEVER happens. That's why you didn't cut Medicaid scripts by 2/3 during the Rozerem launch so Arizona, Florida and fucking Hawaii would stop winning trips.

The same trips RSDs got to attend regardless of performance. Thanks for the fucking lawn chair - that ranks right up there with overnighting me the fucking Uloric one time play mock iPod - after we laid off 30%. The same intellectual incest that tells us to spend every done of speaker funds so we get them next year.

The economy sucks but dipshits like you took the cuts from 10 to 20%.

Goodbye to the robin powers 'motivating' webcasts. " you're the only one with samples out there, get mad and take that nexium share ". Yeah, that will do it, what a dim bulb.

Having a roommate for a week, I'm a 45 year old at a business meeting, not a 10 year old going to summer camp

How about being assigned a roommate that you do not know? At least with a district member you know a little bit about them, but a random roommate? Has there not been any legal issues regarding this in the past? JEEZ!

Slopping the hogs for lunch ~ Feeding 65 workers and having no seat available to sit and talk with the 1 doctor who managed to come back for 1.5 minutes, and he's the least important target of the group. When it's your turn to eat, the plates are gone because the caterer only left 40 instead of the requested 65, so you eat a few bites of cold leftovers on a napkin with warm (no ice left) iced tea from a cone shaped cup from the water cooler (cups are gone also). Then you find your sign in sheet on the floor with a total of 4 signatures. Nurse informs you that everyone already signed in and that your time is up and you must leave immediately.

Slopping the hogs for lunch ~ Feeding 65 workers and having no seat available to sit and talk with the 1 doctor who managed to come back for 1.5 minutes, and he's the least important target of the group. When it's your turn to eat, the plates are gone because the caterer only left 40 instead of the requested 65, so you eat a few bites of cold leftovers on a napkin with warm (no ice left) iced tea from a cone shaped cup from the water cooler (cups are gone also). Then you find your sign in sheet on the floor with a total of 4 signatures. Nurse informs you that everyone already signed in and that your time is up and you must leave immediately.

LOL.....thx for that one.

Slopping the hogs for lunch ~ Feeding 65 workers and having no seat available to sit and talk with the 1 doctor who managed to come back for 1.5 minutes, and he's the least important target of the group. When it's your turn to eat, the plates are gone because the caterer only left 40 instead of the requested 65, so you eat a few bites of cold leftovers on a napkin with warm (no ice left) iced tea from a cone shaped cup from the water cooler (cups are gone also). Then you find your sign in sheet on the floor with a total of 4 signatures. Nurse informs you that everyone already signed in and that your time is up and you must leave immediately.

Don't forget to add the caterer didn't leave your receipt so now you try and download the receipt exemption form you can never find and print out the charge on your credit card receipt....only problem is you can't remember your password on that website and the charge won't appear for a week and a half at which time your expense report is late and you have yet another late charge on your credit card........................GOODBYE!!!!!

Slopping the hogs for lunch ~ Feeding 65 workers and having no seat available to sit and talk with the 1 doctor who managed to come back for 1.5 minutes, and he's the least important target of the group. When it's your turn to eat, the plates are gone because the caterer only left 40 instead of the requested 65, so you eat a few bites of cold leftovers on a napkin with warm (no ice left) iced tea from a cone shaped cup from the water cooler (cups are gone also). Then you find your sign in sheet on the floor with a total of 4 signatures. Nurse informs you that everyone already signed in and that your time is up and you must leave immediately.

Yes - perfect. And so true too! Hard to set your cone shaped dixie cup down while using your flimsy plastic (very breakable) knife to cut your overcooked rubbery chicken breast from Black-eyed-pea.

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