Goodbye Quarterly Bonuses!! Hello Mass Exodus!!

Getting ripped off! MIC today shows I'm tracking for a $600 payout from only 1 of my 2 products. Working my butt off, adding volume, bringing in more dollars for Takeda, but not getting paid! Thanks a lot Takeda!! Time to start looking elsewhere.

Well that is the truth! I also think it is crap that Takeda adjust for the Trintellix side and didnt adjust for the Gout side. Therewere equal amount of gout reps not getting any $$$ for gout and Trin, but you adjust for Trin? Time to start sending out the resume! This is their way of cutting back without paying severance!

The majority of Takeda reps are taking it in the shorts with this new IC plan. Anybody that can't see this for what it is (cost reduction), is not paying attention.

Yes, Takeda has essentially lowered everyone's pay.

Wow!You value this hell hole that much?Before 2010,this was a great company!Now,it is a cesspool that continues to treat its reps terribly.Sad that you feel Takeda is worth your efforts when there is so much better out there.Very sad indeed!

What angers me is the lack of HONESTY in senior management's characterization of what's really happening in our business. Oh sure, they've hinted at it, but they fear telling us the grim reality, because we will all stop selling and start looking elsewhere (perhaps different industries) for new career sales opportunities. Right now pharma's profits are shrinking in a big way because the major insurance companies rapid consolidation has given them extreme leverage and economy of scale to dictate price......and here's the scary news if your in pharma......IT'S GOING TO GET FAR WORSE!!! Yes, there will be layoffs and eventually down the road (perhaps sooner than we all think), the entire salesforce will become expendable, as contract efforts become the only affordable option.

Spare yourself the headache of trying to impress your DM with what a great worker you are. What you are is an EXPENSE, and you will be managed accordingly!

Wow!You value this hell hole that much?Before 2010,this was a great company!Now,it is a cesspool that continues to treat its reps terribly.Sad that you feel Takeda is worth your efforts when there is so much better out there.Very sad indeed!

Aaah better out there? REALLY???

Left pharma, tried "better out there" came back and am very thankful...If you think this is a "hell hole" my friend you are terribly, terribly naive.

What angers me is the lack of HONESTY in senior management's characterization of what's really happening in our business. Oh sure, they've hinted at it, but they fear telling us the grim reality, because we will all stop selling and start looking elsewhere (perhaps different industries) for new career sales opportunities. Right now pharma's profits are shrinking in a big way because the major insurance companies rapid consolidation has given them extreme leverage and economy of scale to dictate price......and here's the scary news if your in pharma......IT'S GOING TO GET FAR WORSE!!! Yes, there will be layoffs and eventually down the road (perhaps sooner than we all think), the entire salesforce will become expendable, as contract efforts become the only affordable option.

Spare yourself the headache of trying to impress your DM with what a great worker you are. What you are is an EXPENSE, and you will be managed accordingly!

FOR THIS REASON ALONE VOTE TRUMP and drain the swamp with Obama Care leading the cleanse

Aaah better out there? REALLY???

Left pharma, tried "better out there" came back and am very thankful...If you think this is a "hell hole" my friend you are terribly, terribly naive.
I agree. Pharma reps have over inflated egos and don't appreciate the jobs they have and always think that they could do better. Fact is, there are people lined up to get their jobs, no matter how "crappy" those jobs are. I am so tired of reps feeling sorry for themselves when, due to generic competition and corporate decisions, they don't get the bonuses that they used to get. This is your future. You should have been saving those big bonuses all those years and getting your bills and houses paid off for when this time came so you could still live comfortably. Look at your base salaries people - they are still higher than most people that work a whole lot harder than you do!!

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