Goodbye To Super Powers.....


Robin was great, wish her the best but I find it hard to believe she would give up the salary to stay home with teenagers! I hope everything is good with her and her family!! When Fox left there were layoffs and I feel the winds of change are among us, not layoffs but big changes!! It's been quiet for way too long!!!

Good Morning ladies and gents. The Captain has turned on the "put your head between your legs and kiss your ass goodbye sign" due to rough weather ahead. please remain in your seats for the remainder of our flight until we're safely stopped at the gate, at which time the back stabbing will start. we thank you for flying the TKD dream liner today. proceed to the baggage area where buses are waiting to take you to your hotel, please be careful don't let your partner through you under the bus while you're boarding, and please have a great day U BEACHES

Good Morning ladies and gents. The Captain has turned on the "put your head between your legs and kiss your ass goodbye sign" due to rough weather ahead. please remain in your seats for the remainder of our flight until we're safely stopped at the gate, at which time the back stabbing will start. we thank you for flying the TKD dream liner today. proceed to the baggage area where buses are waiting to take you to your hotel, please be careful don't let your partner through you under the bus while you're boarding, and please have a great day U BEACHES

Haha that was good!

Robin Powers replaced by Tim Rudolphi, one failure replaced by another.

Another opportunity for change wasted.

A lot of change coming. Lot's of committees already at work led by people with no experience in the areas they are trying to change. Look at recent events across the global organization for a preview of what will be happening here in very near future.Lot's of "efficiencies" being touted.

Smoking gun...she was part of the actos bladder cancer cover up..

It seems likely that Powers penned some unfortunate emails that will emerge as evidence at the upcoming Actos BC litigation. And so it was suggested to her that she should retire to avoid further embarrassment.

Robin Powers never was competent to be in the VP role to begin with, she was an accident of the TAP/TPNA integration. Sadly, she was in way over her head, and now will become a quickly forgotten footnote in the broken organization that TPUSA has become.

And we welcome Tim Rudolphi, who was the brand director for the Rozerem launch and lead the the marketing effort for Ulorich. With a track record like that, we can all be confident that the Sales organization is destined for the same kind of success.

It seems likely that Powers penned some unfortunate emails that will emerge as evidence at the upcoming Actos BC litigation. And so it was suggested to her that she should retire to avoid further embarrassment.

Robin Powers never was competent to be in the VP role to begin with, she was an accident of the TAP/TPNA integration. Sadly, she was in way over her head, and now will become a quickly forgotten footnote in the broken organization that TPUSA has become.

And we welcome Tim Rudolphi, who was the brand director for the Rozerem launch and lead the the marketing effort for Ulorich. With a track record like that, we can all be confident that the Sales organization is destined for the same kind of success.

Now that is some funny shit about Rudolphi- Rozerem was such a block buster drug...spent more on commercials of Abe and the Beaver that's all anyone ever remembered about Rozerem. Success is your sarcasm I suppose...

Wow. Wow. Wowie!!

All the rumors swirling around in Vegas this week. It's amazing we are even launching a drug. Such a lack of focus and nothing but gossip on how Powers we kicked to the curb and all the big changes ahead. If you are here and getting ready for the launch then you have a better chance of keeping your job.

Rumor is that details will be released mid April and the cuts made quickly the following week. Geez, I know it was coming but still sucks that it looks like it is going to happen sooner rather than later.

Oh well, guess I'll drink myself into oblivion again tonite on the Vegas strip!

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